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It feels nice to share your problems and have someone take time to read it and answer them...feels like humanity isnt lost....people still care for may God bless you...:)


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Kindness begets kindness. The effect of kindness may not be seen immediately, but it's there... <3


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That's what we're here for to share problems and help others with their problems. And to some of us ahem it's a former of therapy.


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Lovely.its a great platform and great ppl out here


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I agree with milky-way It's nice to feel like someone cares enough to listen ( Its sometimes good to let go or get advice from someone outside your own circle for a fresh perspective.


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Nice thread. Here's my own two-penneth-worth... and feel to keep adding your own (anyone). It's going back to basics, mounting a silent revolt against all that exists in today's modern world that can and does threaten important senses of strong community spirit and equilibrium on whatever micro-to-macro level. The internet too often gets misused for (think door-wedge, starting at the thin end) selfishness all the way to self-obsession and downright evil, thereby encouraging it out in others, whereby it can get set as a habit. This is us - whether one's gracious and humble enough to be an advice-recipient or -dispenser - redressing that ongoing battle for ensuring that evil/anti-productiveness can't ever out-perform good/productiveness whereby it gains a foothold enough to take over (yikes!) as the hard-to-shift status quo. I'm not religious but neither am I closed-minded whereby I can't appreciate the bible's many associated nuggets of wisdom, to wit, Romans 12:21: 'Be not overcome of [i.e. by] evil, but overcome evil with [i.e. by doing] good'. It suggests it's not a battle that can ever be *won*, per se. The 'winning' is merely in participating in the endeavour to hold back that negative tide by encouraging the good one to be strongest during one's lifetime and beyond. The tides are comprised of opposing sets of ripples. Indeed, you feel that constant battle at the micro level as an individual living and operating with and alongside yourself or, next (more usually), within the second most up-close and personal relationship, namely, the romantic-sexual, whereby if the 'dark to light ratio' is allowed to remain more than a minimum of c. 30/70 overall, when standing back, you feel your relationship doesn't sufficiently 'do it for you', let alone leave you happy enough and spreading that joy. And god forbid if it's 50/50 or more - THEN what do you have inside you to infect others with? Now put that onto a larger scale comprising god knows how many sets of twosomes (yikes!). Once, it happened naturally. We all lived and operated in smallish packs of roughly 100 individuals or less...had less distractions from what and who really mattered in terms of how to survive and prosper and thereby automatically, via procreation, produce upgrades (the next generation). Camp elders, early developers, old souls on young-ish shoulders and gung-ho, intrepid types, were revered for their greater experience, knowledge and wisdom and for the fact they used it to forewarn, advise and guide those less experienced or fortunate than themselves that were facing whatever personal or societal obstacles and challenges. Some did it because they'd been more fortunate than most or had been helped like that themselves and wished to express their gratitude to the world by paying it forward; others had been through tough times and wished to make that particular path smoother for the next lot of walkers or even go as far as to save others (within reason) from replicating their same mistakes and meeting with the same negative outcome(s); others simply understood that no member can be truly contented unless so is their environment (everything and everyone in it). As the famous Chinese proverb says, 'To know the path ahead, ask those coming back'. In other words, elders offered youngsters and experiential newbies a useful *leg-up*, a favour that was never forgotten thus got anywhere between naturally, automatically and mindfully, concertedly reciprocated, both in 'down and sideways' fashion (i.e. how they treated one another) and 'up' (i.e. once the elders became too frail to take care of themselves or each other independently). So in those days the newbies used to listen/interact appreciatively (- who but the stupid/stubborn/procrastinatory/self-harming *wouldn't* want a free 'crystal ball'?) thus treated the elders as precious cargo, same as the elders had treated them. So when you come here for advice and, afterwards, take the time to say thanks or give closure via providing news of a happier outcome, you're encouraging yet more passers-by to do likewise, find the means to attain anywhere between neutrality, contentedness and happiness and spread *that* vibe around, rather than the opposite. Look at how youngsters and newbies treat elders today (think nursing homes + 'creating rods for our own backs') and - nuff said about how happy, appreciative and grateful they are when you consider the basic, simple principle of, Happy people are nice people/Nice people are happy people / Miserable people are nasty people/Nasty people are miserable people. ('Liable to be', it should say. Some are obviously strong enough to handle their own woes without detrimenting others (good); others still, hoard their good fortune to themselves (not good).) ******** Here's a simplified illustration of how the human Mexican wave works on the negative side: Someone p*sses you off to whatever degree.....Even unwittingly, you take it out on the postman ("good morning!" / "pff, whatever" [slam]).... He'd been just managing to 'keep his pecker up' prior to off he goes, now primed to be deliberately or inadvertently rude or unkind to the next person he meets.... that next person possibly having been primed for a 'final straw', inches from taking the decision to 'f**k it all, f**k everyone!' by committing whatever nature and level of crime or doing him/herself in and creating yet more negative 'pond ripples' nauseum. Imagine if instead you'd LIFTED that postman's 'pecker'... imagine the wave that could have improved a whole community's day (on and on from there, incrementally, lastingly) and might have saved however many lives or their calibres? No matter our statuses, we're all equally as powerful as each other. Without a country as his (negative/unhappy) power tool, Hitler would have just been a sh*t romantic partner, etc. THAT SIMPLE. A ripple is DEEP and only STARTS small. Do something every day to ensure the ripples you send out and generate in others are good and positive ones as encourage others to do likewise, to make the overall TIDE stronger, and THEN you'll be less likely to find yourselves sat on your helpless a*ses, bemoaning the state of the world/man's inhumanity towards man as a whole and believing there's eff-all you, one, lone individual, can do about it. And if you're incapable then start with the wo/man in the mirror until you're 'good to go'. ******** Back to um camp set-up... Every interpersonal interaction inside this pack featured an exchange of 'goods', therefore. Its members appreciated that...that it's us against the rough/tough/bad side of life, not against each another. Only groups of whatever sizes (1-1, 100-100....) that operate as a symbiotic TEAM tend to win at or against anything... 'United we stand, divided we fall'. They can be a particularly sociable, chatty team or (cough!) they can be so focused and determined as to each do their stuff mainly just alongside one another, cooperatively and supportively. What matters is the end product. That resultant next set of ripples into tide. If you come to Camp PP, you're testing yourself and your problem/dilemma out as to whether, causally, it's [1] within (your power to change) or without (not yours) or not, and, thereby, [2] too quick and simple for 'formal' counselling or not (see on-site list of therapists), or [3] creating for yourself, the apprehensive, unfamiliar and unready, a baby-step or springboard toward such. Towards being a source of good ripples adding to the overall good tide as then outweighs the bad tide as then produces more happy/nice people than not. I could go on (and on and onzzz....), but suffice it to say - on behalf of the owner, thank-you for that recognition and approbation. :-) (Bit heavy for a Tuesdee afternoon? Well, let's face it - so is life. ;-))


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:D :D


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:-) :D


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- .... .- -. .-. -.-- --- ..- ...- . .-. -.-- -- ..- -.-. .... --..-- -.-- --- ..- ...- . -... . . -. .- .-- --- -. -.. . .-. ..-. ..- .-.. .- ..- -.. .. . -. -.-. . ---. Morse Code (...smirk, snigger, chortle).

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