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Married to a girl with chronic Hep B

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I met my wife 5 years back, then started a long distance relationship due to my work nature. She was then diagnose with chronic hep b. She felt helpless and I struggle a lot in between because she will kill herself if i leave her. Finally, i going to get married with her on this coming december. I dunno what to as she want to have kids and i will be taking risk on my future kids. I dunno what kind of decision i had made. I am completely screw up.

Married to a girl with chronic Hep B

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The question is do you really love her? Because if you do then her heath situation shouldn't matter.

Married to a girl with chronic Hep B

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ask some doctors about her condition. Could she be cured? Can this possibly be passed on to your future kids? if it is its a very very big problem. think about your kids in the future. before breaking up to her, share with her many bible verses about loving oneself. this will help her a lot in coping up her health condition, giving her hope, and loving herself, thus preventing her to commit suicide

Married to a girl with chronic Hep B

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Do some research on Hepatitis B Google it i did. Might not be as bad as you think. :-D

Married to a girl with chronic Hep B

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No worry. I have chronic hepatitis B too. I have been seeing doctors for routine checkups. My doctor said I can live a normal life , like having kids. You should get immunization shot for HBV. You don't need to worry about having unhealthy kids. If she gets pregnant, talk to the doctors. They will put a filter to filter out the virus.

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