I want to see someone because I think I have a disorganization problem?
STAYFOCUSED1 - Oct 24 2016 at 16:52
As long as I can remember I have always been the "forgetful", "messy", and "clumsy" one amongst my friends. I am 23 years old now, and this has been something that I felt has been a problem since I was at least 11 years old, or even earlier than that. Things got worse in high school, when I started working and going to school at the same time. My mom has never made me do any chores, so I know that this may account for some of my lazy tendencies, but it's something that I try to fix all the time and sometimes I just feel like I simply cannot do it. When I say "it", I mean a lot of things. The main one is clean. My room is constantly a mess, my car is a mess, I cycle through the same clothes because not only do I not really fit into most of my clothes, but I also just don't feel like washing the dirty clothes. I have a lot of clothes lying around my room and I usually just wear those same outfits each week until they smell bad or I stain them. My car is full of clothes, cups, bags, etc. Just things I accumulate over time. My trunk is also bad.
I'm also disorganized with school. My backpack and binder are a mess, I have trouble finding things that I need to study for school so I just either print/do them again or ask if I can borrow notes from my friends. When I get behind on deadlines I find it very difficult to bounce back. I had a driving ticket to payoff and the deadline passed about 2 weeks ago and I kept reminding myself to go up until the day it was due, and from then on it just constantly goes to the back of my mind or I feel like I don't have time to go and make a payment somewhere. I have post-its on my door and I have notes on my laptop, but I still just overlook it. Especially when I have exams and other things to think about, I feel like I "prioritize" by simply not thinking about anything else besides what's in front of me. I thought that becoming more involved with school would help me to be able to have less time to waste, because on top of not doing a lot of these important things, I find myself to be very tired all the time. When I finally have a day off or time off in general, the last thing I want to do is catch up with it all. I frequently find myself spending hours sleeping, waking up and realizing its already kind of late, then just going back to sleep for the rest of the night. So joining more things with school hasn't really helped me, it's just given me more things to worry about (and realistically speaking, push to the back of my mind). I have a bunch of texts that I haven't responded to, a lot of e-mails (over 4,000), and I guess I could go on and on about my issues.
In summary, I feel that I'm just very messy, disorganized, lazy, and easily overwhelmed. When I start to feel overwhelmed, I give up by just going to sleep or goofing off all day (playing games on my phone or just being on the internet). I'm currently a student full-time and I work maybe 2-3 weekends of the month, no week days. The reason I am starting to get concerned is because it's finally getting to a point where it affects my grades. I have recently not had any desire to study, and I have gone from being an all A student to a mostly B student, and I am afraid that this may be a downward cycle as I continue to get older. I just want to feel like I know what's going on with my life and like I am in control. At the moment, I forget frequently the things that I have committed to, deadlines, and many other things. I know that if I am able to start getting my life together and organized I will be able to get back to having good grades, and maybe even be able to schedule in time to work out and lose weight, but most importantly relieve myself of so much unnecessary stress that I've brought upon myself by letting problems build up and stay there.
Dear one,
I am a 23 year old female. Maybe from a different country but i can just give you one piece of advice.
I am facing the same problems like you (Excluding the messy part). All you need to do is make a to do list or write it down on a sticky note..i guess you get the point. There are some must do things that you just can't ignore.
Call me crazy but here in India it is beleived that when you keep yourself and your surroundings clean you attract positive vibes which in turn helps heal you and bring your mind some peace. When you stay disorganised it results in clutter and negative energy and that's why you have a mental block and feel tired and lazy.
Just give my method a try..what do u have to lose right? Try staying clean and organized for a week and see the effect?
what say?
Sounds like you might be dyspraxic, often people who are dyslexic have dyslexia too, they usually come together. Dispraxic isn't very well known but its causes co ordinations problems, balance, clumsiness, messiness like you discribe and not very good organisation skills, messy house or bedroom! I only think this because i have a sister who is the same but also has dyslexia which got missed at school and really she should of got extra help and extra time in exams. Might be worth looking up and see if you can get tested for this, I don't know what country you live in but she did have to pay quite a bit to have some one come and test her and she says it was well worth doing. Now she knows, shes not so hard on herself, she can handle it well sh write herself notes, has a white board so she divides house work up over the week. Once you know you can helph your self.
Dispraxic people are often very creative or have a hidden creative side too :)
Mia x