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7 year itch

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Me and my ex girlfriend were together for 7 years. We were doing fine and were happy. My ex was dumped every 2 years by her girl group but I never asked her to tell me the story so that she wouldnt have to deal with the trauma again. Then last 2014 she met another group of girls (which i didnt like since they were kind of immature and likes to flirt with a lot of men despite being in a relationship..) but didnt ask my ex to leave them anyway since she seemed happy to belong to a group once again. On the same year she met them, for the first time we broke up with no communication and all (and just the 2nd wk i found out she already entertained lots og f guys which her friends also gave)... so we got back, i pursued her and became a better boyfriend and loved her more. 2 years after (just this year 2016) we broke up again and within the first month or second month she already has someone new AGAIN coming from her group of friends. It's been 3 months now and i am still in pain on how can she get to replace a 7 years relationship that easily. Not to mention that she is already going on trips with the new guy, introduced him to the family right away.. And she has been posting pictures of him BUT making the face blur and such which makes the people wonder why his face is always blurred. But cut the chase short, give me advices and opinions please and thank you!

7 year itch

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Time to find another girlfriend and don't look back.

7 year itch

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easier said and done bro. its not a pair of shoe where its easy to replace. ive been trying though.

7 year itch

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Easier said than done, yes. But still do-able. And let's face it, that whole relationship must have felt very insulting and invalidating for you, certainly for the last two, whole years-plus. What sorts of things have you been trying in your bid to wash her out of your hair? Also, do I take it that this time round you *didn't* do your usual chasing?

7 year itch

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I hang out more with friends and family to keep myself busy. Also i found myself a work so that i'd be preoccupied on my spare time if i didnt have classes. Ive been doing what I can and what is within my reach for now. Last 2 years were okay just that I hate it everytime her friends interrupt. Like why can some people get their own life rather than meddling with someone elses life. Yes I have stopped pursuing her this time. It's been a while since I stopped talking to her. Like I know that it isnt good if we get back out of the damage and commotion she has done (also her friends are still there).. So I think the best thing is to forget about her, which im still struggling for now.

7 year itch

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I know the hurt that digs deep down in your soul. And it will take time to heal from it but time does heal. Isn't there some girl out there that you know that could help distract your attention from her?

7 year itch

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Nah im not interested in using someone else to cope up. It will only hurt me or that girl.

7 year itch

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Truth is, she is hurting and she is trying to replace the good part of you with someone new. It might help her cope and it may even be fun on the surface, but she is hurting. Grieve, mourn, and do what you have to do, but you have to come to grips with your feelings. DO NOT turn to drugs or alcohol to cope with the pain. Drop that stuff now and let it burn. DO NOT contact her under any circumstances and I'd probably remove her from any social media as well. I'm right there with you bro. I'm dealing with a very similar situation with a 2 year relationship. It sucks right now, but I know it only gets better. You learn so much from relationships.

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