Is what I plan on doing reasonable?

DYLAN63 - Nov 26 2016 at 16:48
I am 53. I never considered myself a father before, I have wanted my kids gone for 15 years. They've been in online school for 11 years they're 17 and 18. I have never gotten them a learners permit, license or a car. I refuse to teach them to drive. My parents taught me when I was 16. I just don't believe I should have to do the same for my son and daughter. Since I don't like them at all and don't care for their safety and welbeing. In your opinion would it be ok if I bought them a $100 or $200 dollar used junky car that has problems on Craigslist so they constantly have to worry if they motor will go wrong while they're driving on the interstate(we live on an interstate) with other cars? I am not willing to get them anything safe. And if I got them $200 car I am not teaching them how to use it or get them a license or insurance, I do not care of they get hurt or fined, it is not my problem. Should I do that, since these spolied rotten entitled kids REFUSE to walk in the street behind cars with cars as there are no walk areas on the interstate/highway? What would you do?
My other idea, which I have been really wanting to do, take my son and daughter somewhere an hour away to the city, and leave them with nothing.
Why do you not like your kids or care for their safety and wellbeing? Say their spoilt, what have you and if you have a wife done to spoil them?
If I ever become a parent, I wouldn't do any of those things you are thinking about doing or not care, you're kinda meant to care! So no, I don't think you're being very reasonable in what you're thinking about doing.
You could encourage them to learn to do things for them selves like cooking, washing and cleaning so when they do leave home they have some idea. I got taught from a young and its not rocket science but If you're not shown properly, you'll never know.
I recently passed my driving test and I have a second hand car, that probably didn't cost my parents too much money but they made sure it was safe and insured and taxed it for me and I pay for petrol, and break down cover, which is fair enough! Their is a balance.
RICHIRO I do believe you are spot on.
(He was (kudos to him!). The OP posted the same topic again in a new thread, which Susie picked him up over.)