I'm so confused now >.<
LALA - Jan 21 2017 at 06:20
21 i wake up this morning and feeling so confuse... my heart beat so fast when his name accross in my mind... my emotional so different, i miss him, i want to hug and cuddle with him, i really want... this morning my heart feel blank and what i want just him... i know maybe its so selfish and im to scared to text him first, i dont want to know if maybe he didnt miss me, maybe he found another girl or something like that... thats why i hold on my feeling alone... this morning i text my bff just to said how much i miss that boy and my feeling really dont know how to express it... mf bff havent replay my message, i know they disagree with me cos they said we wont matched and it will make a new drama story in my life... i knew it too but now tell me, how can i erase this feeling >.< we fall in love each other but we cant be together until we get permission from his mother... i know he broke up with his fiancee and i dont want to proud my self about it cos we dont know why they broke up cos he live for 4 month in another country... sometime he call me, text me from there, but now he came back to our town and we never contact and see again with 5 day and i know his activity just from the social media with his friend, i really miss him so much...
First of all, I just want to say that I don't think it's selfish of you to want to be with someone you love, so try not to blame yourself for your feelings.
I think, if you haven't already, you should just text him a simple message, just something like, "Hi, how are you?" Try to start more small conversations, they don't necessarily have to be very meaningful or anything, just so he knows that you're still thinking about him.
(Also, I don't know why your bff doesn't approve, but whatever the reason, just try to keep it in mind as something to be wary of)
Good luck!