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Smoking canabis during pregnancy

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Hi, I have just found out that I am 7 weeks pregnant, great news for me and my partner. I have quite a serious problem which is I smoke canabis, about 5/6 aday. I know this is harmful to the baby but is their any major factors that I should know about. Please helpwhat . Thanks

Smoking canabis during pregnancy

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Congratulations on your pregnancy... In terms of smoking cannabis, it is believed that the risks are the same as smoking tobacco during pregnancy. The risks associated with smoking, which you probably already know, are that the baby is more likely to have low birth weight, breathing problems and higher risk of cot death. There is also a greater chance of your baby being born premature, and risks of miscarriage and bleeding are also increased. The best advice anyone will be able to give you, is to quit smoking all together. There are many people who can help you if you haven't got the willpower to kick this habit on your own. With a new life on the horizon, you'll never encounter a better reason to quit right now... Good luck Hun!

Smoking canabis during pregnancy

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i think u should try and cut down doing canibis because when the baby is born it will get taken away from you

Smoking canabis during pregnancy

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please can you let me know how it went (your pregnancy) and if you carried on smoking as i am also pregnant and surrounded by cannabis smokers.

Smoking canabis during pregnancy

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dont be so stupid!these sort of coments are not helpfull!do you have any proof that this will happen?No i very much dout it.I smoked through my pregnancy,although i wouldnt recomend it,i can asure you there was never any talk of my child being taken away!ps i never hid this from the midwife or doc's so they were aware what i smoked from day one!!!

Smoking canabis during pregnancy

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i understand your worries about smoking canabis while being pregnant,i am 8 months and have smoked it all the way through,i have worries about my baby being taken away when shes i have not received any help to give it up,do you no if its possible to happen?

Smoking canabis during pregnancy

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you're stupid if you smoke dope cuz your baby will get taken off you, it is illigal because its child abuse to smoke it while your pregnant & it's not caring about anyone but yourself.

Smoking canabis during pregnancy

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Hiya, I very much doubt that your child would be taken away from you!! I have a friend who smoked dope throughout her prgnancy. Her baby was born fine and is a happy healthy boy now 2 years old. Of course there are increased risks associated with smoking whilst pregnant but at the same time terrible things can go wrong without smoking, let alone smoking dope. While I certainly reccomend it and would advise that you stop, I wouldn't worry too much about having done damage already or about having the child taken away from you.

Smoking canabis during pregnancy

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sorry - that meant to say 'wouldn't reccomend it'.

Smoking canabis during pregnancy

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i smoke canabis and have two children that i make sure are in bed are in bed wen i am smokin!does that make me a bad parent!theres ppl out there that do alot worse and get let off scott free.why not go judge them!my kids are very loved and well lookd after.

Smoking canabis during pregnancy

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i am in the same boat im 34 wks pregnant before i was pregnant i smoked a hell of alot it never really sank in that i was havin a bby but as the tym went on and i got bigger it made me realise dat it aint far on my bby 2 go threw da trauma ov not bein able to escape being around smoke in a small space it is cruel i will give it to all the mums yeah ppl who dont do it can critisise and be horrible with there comments and they can throw at u oh u wanted this bby and look wot u do etc etc but try be in the shoes wen u know wot ur doin is wrong but u jus cant seem to bang it on the head all i said from the start is that i will have to face the concequence of my actions ""touch wood"" if anything was to happen it is hard and it aint a case of bein week its an addiction in its self dont care that these doctors say it aint coz it is i have smoked since bein 11 and this bein my first yes it is hard but i have cut down alot and expesially during the last couple of months wen the bbys lungs are fully developing it has made me think twice its never to late well obviously a week away or so is no point but da last month of developing the lungs is vital and for me a person while not pregnant could smoke an 8 ball a day now only takin a few pulls i feel in my self it is for my childs sake but i know 4 sure to save stress on my head and my unborns the next bby i ever hav i will never smoke weed with and i hope i will qiut to do so becoz if i could turn back the hand i wuud ov not smoked gone into rehab or summit in my pregnancy i know its wromg i feel cruel but i know im goin to be the best mum in the world im not a junkie im not a low lyf im jus a gonna be the best mum i can be to my daughter if she ever asks me if i smoked will carring her i will tell her the truth im not ashamed i jus wish i had more will piwer and support but the love for my daughter is there whether i hav put her lyf at risk or not coz deep down gals that is the facts but u hav to take that risk hope for the best and go easy just think after ur bby is ere u can smoke as much weed as u want wen u hav dun doin the mum thing first obviously but after all really i wish i cud of told my self b4 its only nine months ur pregas 4 is it really worth the risk xxx

Smoking canabis during pregnancy

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OMG are you people insane!!!!! I am 35 yrs old and 40wks pregnant with my 3rd child. I had my first child at 21 and stopped smoking fullstop. Had her a wk late she weighed 7lb12, had my 2nd child at 33, smoked (both) heavily for 1st few wks before i knew and cut down when i found out and quit a six months, she is now 22 months old she is the most beautiful bright intelligent little girl. She does jigsaws for 3-5 yr olds, she was born full term weighing 7lb5 but her dad is about 6 inch's shorter than my older daughters dad, she is a little on the small side for her age but that is just genetic, she is mentally and physically advanced. ( So you see cannabis has done her no harm what so ever) in this pregnancy i have smoked very early on heavily,and a couple at wkends for last month, and i'm sure he'll be fine!!!!!!! I would like to add that we are working professionals who live in our everyday home with our everyday cars and our everyday lifestyles, not that that should matter but it does. And as for having the child taken away, as long as you look after your child make sure there loved, fed warm, happy thats all that matters and i personally wont smoke it in the house EVER. I do quit when babies are born for atleast six months.

Smoking canabis during pregnancy

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Well I av found this site very interesting. I am talking about stopping my contraception to have another child. I am really worried as I do smoke cannabis (not infront of my daughter I have to say) and I did wonder if it could cause any problems with the development of the baby in the early stages. I hope I have the will power to stop totally as I would prefer that, but I do like a gud smoke to relax me after a day at work!!

Smoking canabis during pregnancy

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my gf smoked before she was pregnant and probably will after she gives birth, but if you can give it up for 9 months to ensure the well being of your newborn you pretty fuckin selfish.

Smoking canabis during pregnancy

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I smoked weed for the first 6 wks of pregnancy and gave up as soon as i found out. now I have a happy healthy 8 month old and I have started smoking again but I dont allow any smoking anywhere in the house which keeps my intake down to 5 a day sometimes less as I cant always be bothered to treck out to the garage to have a puff. Also I have an 11 year old who thinks I gave up a couple of years ago so hiding it from him (smell etc..) is always a task. It may sound daft but I have a smoking jacket in the garage and I wear a surgical glove so my fingers dont go yellow and I thoroughly brush my teeth and wash hands after every ciggie. My hubby,a non smoker laughs at me but I smoke very little especially school hols when my older kid can see me all day. Maybe any wannabe quitters out there should do as I do and make it as difficult for yourselves as poss. Kids should never be exposed to cigarettes. I do plan to give up but I,m doing it gradually.

Smoking canabis during pregnancy

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i am currently 17wks pregnant i am a constant user of hash i also have a 5yr old daughter whos advanced mentally & physically. the only thing in a joint thats harming 2 u & ur baby is the tobacco so the solution is find a different way 2 consume it! social workers have bigger things 2 deal with than taking a baby off of a dope-smokin-mum unless ur baby is at risk in any other way!!!

Smoking canabis during pregnancy

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I am making a documentary about cannabis and would like to speak to people who have or are smoking it during pregnancy or to relieve post natal depression. If you would like to speak to me about the documentary for an informal chat to find out more then please give me a call on 0117 974 6861 or e-mail me on [e-mail address removed] I look forward to hearing from anyone who might be interested to know more. Bart

Smoking canabis during pregnancy

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Me and my partner have been trying for a baby we have been trying 4 5months but my boyfriends mom keeps telling me I wont get pregnant whilst smoking dope and that my baby would turn out DUMB, I dont want that 4 my baby but im not even pregnant yet and its making me think I cant get pregnant because im smoking it has any1 had the same problem because im beginning to think im the only person whos tryed 4 1 4 5months im getting quite scared that I will never get pregnant.

Smoking canabis during pregnancy

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To all the mothers who were smoking cannabis, are "just" smoking cigarettes or are taking drugs - please stop it! It's not only because your baby can be taken away from you - it's also damn unhealthy for the baby itself AND for yourself. You know that your baby can die because of that? Just wanna let you know, that stopping would be the best. Course, it can also be that nothing happens - my mom was smoking while she's been pregnant with me and I'm alive. But I've got some problems with concetrating, I see damn bad that's why I actually have glasses and so on. Yes, doesn't have to be because of the smoking but even though it could be, right? So please just stop it.

Smoking canabis during pregnancy

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hey..i am so glad to have found this blog!i just found out yesterday that i am 6 weeks pregnant:))i am very happy and extremely grateful..but i am a daily hash smoker and now i am scared that it will affect my baby,specially that it is still very critical.can anyone give me any detail if at 6 weeks smoking hash will get me to have a miscarriage?thank you for any tip:) zee

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