Grades are taking over my life
KATIE0908 - Feb 1 2017 at 03:13
Hello! I'm a sophomore in highschool. I have a very high GPA. It's gotten to the point where I have a full blown anxiety attack if I get a bad grade. My grade in trigonometry is an 85, I lost it when I found out. It's getting to the point where I come home with migraines everyday and I sleep the majority of the time. I'm constantly worried about college acceptance. Heck, I'm even worried about my grades in college in order to get into grad school! I'm only a tenth grader! I don't know how to relax. I can't keep living with this much anxiety and worry, is there anything I can do? I know this isn't healthy, and school/college/grades is all I think about. Thank you.
I've been teaching 23 years. It sounds like you are doing well in school. You need to first realize that there are always people better than you in something. you just need to work your hardest and do your best. You will get into a good school - just maybe not "the one" you think you want. However, with very, very few exceptions, the school that you attend for college is not as important to your career as you might think. What is more important is to just earn the degree, get your experience, and do the best job possible.
Relax. Give yourself a break. Straight A's are not even viewed as important as a well-rounded student. You are already years ahead of your peers in your planning. Seriously, you're going to do great. Just give yourself a break. It will all work out.