School is causing me to have panic attacks. Please help

KATIE0908 - Feb 8 2017 at 17:48
I'm a sophomore in highschool. I've always been pressed into having straight "As". Now that I've moved to a new state, my grades have dropped. I have one B and one C. All I think about is my grades, I actually just had a full blown panic attack in my algebra class. That's b and c grade and literally all I think about. I'm stressed 100% of the time. How can I make this stop? I can't even try to ignore it, I constantly feel sick and worried, it's getting ridiculous. PLEASE HELP. Any tips can help(besides "get your grades up" because I stress about my good grades too) Thank you.
Hey, grades dont complete you. Dont give it more area in your life than it deserves. you are more amazing than a thousand birds put together. know that life is more than school. Run free! Find new things to do, good and new like a new hobbies..something that sets you free. I would suggest reading good books, cycling, sports, the aim of which IS TO DO SOMETHING THAT MAKES YOU FEEL WORTHWHILE AND ACCOMPLISHED. Keep going strong in prayer. Christ Bless!
I also have had panic attacks and u need to see doctor... find something u love to do and make some down time for yourselfree each day. Take one day at time and remember to breath...u can do this. Try not to look or ponder on each and every task at once... step at time. It's not easy but achievable. I do suggest seeing doctor thou ..describe your systems and how feels... sometime doctor perscribed medication help is good. Helps to slow your racing mind enough for u to be able to think and process thing better. Hope this has helped in some way.
I unfortunately understand this way too well, I've been having panic attacks since 7th grade and I'm now a Junior. Eventually you learn ways to cope and deal with it, but I think you should see a therapist and if it gets worse and leads to depression, go see a doctor and continue with a therapist.take deep breaths, distract yourself, ask to excuse yourself to calm down and try to find a hobby or something to do in your free time so you're not just going to school, doing homework,and sleeping. Oh, make sure you get your sleep.
Another thing, grades do not define you. I know it's pressured in our society and the education system to have perfect grades and take all advanced classes, I'm guessing your parents may push you as well but you have to remember that your health should come before grades. Talk to your school counselor or teachers, make them listen, mine don't listen, you may have to repeat yourself. That was a problem for me bc I don't like expressing myself or seeming pushy but I eventually got over it bc I realized the effects of my panic attacks.
Just know you are not alone and there's nothing abnormally wrong with you but just give yourself some credit, I'm sure you do your best.