Feel so hopeless
ZOOLANDERXXX - Feb 8 2017 at 19:17
Im a 46 year old married woman. Our 3 kids are all at uni.one as been there five months the other two one and a half years. Been a housewife for as long as i can remember. I havent worked for years and when i did it was in childcare on and off when the kids where young. I feel so empty alone and a complete failer because i havent done much with my life and dont have any skills, i dont even have 1 friend. On top of this we are looking to move out to a new area but its been 5 months and even thou we have looked at quite afew properties nothing as really took our fancy even thou we are both desperate to move mire me then my husband and i really want to because the house is to big now with the kids gone and i feel i need a fresh start somewhere new. I really feel that my life will begin when we move because it will be a new place and a fresh start for me and my husband but more for me because with the kids gone i need to find who i am and try and get a life.
e and a failure.
Your children are your crowning success! You have done much to raise them into such wonderful young people. I am sure God is pleased with what you have done so far. Being a mother may feel so unappreciated but i tell you i wouldnt be even alive were it not for my mother, who took care of me and refused to let me go despite all my rebellion and i did rebel a lot, rebel enough to destroy my life. But now, i am safe and happy because of my mom's work. So will your children bear witness to all these you have put in.
Now as to the future, praise Him because He has great plans you just need to avail of it. Spend time with your husband and think of what you can do and i tell you this, age is no bar to what you can do. Jesus bless you and your family!
I would like to start by saying well done for all the hard work you did over the years as a mother and a homemaker. Please do not underestimate how much work that was or think in any way that you didn't accomplish much during that period. I am sure that your children and family are proof of what you have accomplished so far.
What are your interests? During the period you were raising your children, what did you do with ease that other women struggled with? Do you have a hobby that you could potentially turn into a business? The key is to look into yourself as a person and identify your strengths, likes, hobbies, personal interests etc are and then see how you can use those skills and talent to benefit others. What do you believe is your purpose in life? Identify it and then get paid whilst helping others. If you need to get a certificate then this is the time to invest in yourself. You have so many different options.
Try and start making friends with other women, even if it is two other females you can banter with and share your emotions with from time to time. Talk to your husband also about how you are feeling and he may surprise you. Find some time in your day to answer these questions and you may surprise yourself.
I wish you and your family all the best in the future.