
HIMANSHU4777 - Feb 14 2017 at 11:20
i find online counselling is a better option, as relationship with a girl is considered as not a good character in my society.hence i think it is the best way to consult online. I don't think love is a crime but it is a fuel for energy. It does the things which you never thought ou can do in your life.
The thing is i never had a relationship in my life before and i don't understand why. Whomever i tried to explain my feelings they already understood what i am going to say and rejected me. i am already 24 years of age and not having relationship sometimes bring me down.many times i pulled myself up from this but never found out root cause of that pain. Sometimes i think t hat my inexperience is coming in my way that other people think i am immature in these things. i got frustrated many times over this but i want a solution.Hope you will give me correct guidance.
I'm afraid that I haven't much experience in relationships. However I know a lot of people have said having a boost in self confidence usually is a plus in a relationship. It takes time to build a relationship trust getting to know each other the chemistry . So it really starts out as a friendship not a relationship.