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No sex

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We've been married for 28 1/2 years for the last 3 years there's been no sex. He says he has no drive at all. Won't seek help and expects me to be ok with it. Well I'm not don't know what to do.

No sex

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No sex

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Well... congratulations that you have lasted 28.5 years in a marriage that alone is commendable.

No sex

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Scroll down to the thread (sexual Dysfunction) there are alot of responses. Have either of you ever talked about something to spice up your sex life?

No sex

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(Thanks for that helpful suggestion, Scopesie, I appreciate it. I did note yesterday, you see, that CPR123 had received inadequate response (not that the thought itself doesn't count, but...), and, hands being completely tied at that point, had intended to suggest and provide said link to said same thread today. So - 'great minds think alike' and you saved me a task, muchas gracias, Senor! :-) PS: How's your mam doing? Want to find the Xmas/regulars chat thread and tell me in there? I'll be able to do more posting come this weekend (have scheduled some Me Time) so can respond then. If next time you want to know how to provide the OP with the actual link, do this: open the thread concerned and then block-highlight then copy the link in your address bar ( https://www.peoples problems...etc., which you do by pressing Control C together with the addy highlighted) and then, after pressing Reply To Post, paste it into your message box (Control V together) - voila! - the OP can just click on it and get taken there directly.) *********** CPR123, Have the direct link (just click it): Please tell us when you've had a read and what your thoughts are and we'll take it from there. Apologies you were left hanging for a while with only crumbs. Don't worry - we'll make a concerted effort to make it up to you. :-)

No sex

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Actually I had my learning curve with posting links here,trial and error thanks for the tip Soulmate. Mum is status quo, no news is good news.

No sex

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(Good, excellent! Keep me posted. But on the Xmas thread (if you haven't already).)

No sex

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Wholly molly! Almost forgot about this here thread Soulmate.

This thread has expired - why not start your own?
