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Forbidden attraction

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I am a happily married woman who is very physically attracted to a male co-worker who is also married. I subconciously started making eye contact with him. I am pretty sure the attraction is mutual, but not 100% sure. We only see each other a couple of times a day in passing, but it is very uncomfortable: awkward for both of us. I feel I am to blame for this awkward situation by starting the eye contact and am wanting to

Forbidden attraction

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Wanting to? Talk to him on the side and tell him that your a happily married woman and sorry about the misunderstanding discontinue all eye contact. Yep that'd be the right thing to do

Forbidden attraction

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Would it be best to send him an instant message that I want to talk or pull him aside next time I see him in the hallway? I don't want any of my coworkers to hear.

Forbidden attraction

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Oooooo that's kind of a curve ball. This is a tricky question because if you contact him with a Instagram then you might secretly stay in touch with each other no? The whole idea is to confront him and tell him that you're a happily married woman and you didn't mean to deceive him with the eye contact like you trying to hit on him. Course that all might backfire and he might become more attracted to you. You're going to have to use your own imagination using creative conversation as far as being tactful with this coworker.

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