Please help I'm so lost with this woman

JOHNNYB - Mar 16 2017 at 21:41
So it turns out we was toghter 3 years a lovely fun carrying realtionship from the start until what seemed up until about 6 months ago. This lady works at sea in America and in here in the uk we are both British and from the same villiage shes 27 I’m 35 ok so last year she goes away to sea as normal in the April for 5 months during this time she cheats on me with a co worker on the ship to which I don’t find out about until Jan this year some 5 months later.when she arrives home late augest last year something felt different with her but she came around as normal and things were fine and at this point allowed me to put a promise ring on her finger which made me very happy.ok so come sept she’s due to be in Spain for dry dock to which I meet her there fans stay and holiday with her for 4 weeks.during this period she is attacked and raped on the ship by a co worker .which then after 5 weeks of looking into things turns out according to sources that she had started a relationship with this person and had gone back to a cabin after a party to have sex with him. Then refused sex in the morning with him and he raped I’m getting to my point I forgive her for cheating in augest and stood by and supported her every day from her ordeal brought her home comforted her looked after her etc etc then 3 weeks after the attack she then goes back to sea ?? Odd right so xmas told round new year etc etc then less then 4 weeks ago I say to her I might come visit you how amazing would that be to which she replys if you come and visit me in my last 6 weeks I’ll be annoyed ?? To which I say why I thought it would be nice and she responds forget it you don’t understand I say why sweet what’s up she replys f*** off so my instant feeling given the past was to say your cheating on me and your a lier to which she just outright tells me I’m a ass and ends us there and then after waiting 5 months for her return. This I found odd because she also knew that I’d bought a 2000 pound dimond engement ring and had made plans to propose booked hotels meals etc etc all which I had to disclose to her a few weeks earlier when she first told me about her cheating.anyway in a nut shell she has cut me off for 4 week now had me begging and pleading which stopped a week ago from me then says I won’t talk to you for 4 weeks now until I’m home but says we can meet for coffee when I’m home but doesn’t mean we are sorting things out and then doesn’t text me doesnt talk makes no effort tells me she doesn’t want to hurt me diorsnt want to be with me etc etc and then finally 4 days ago complete blocks me. I ask her before she blocks me can we fix this go slow tells me no I don’t want to be with you etc etc I say what about your ring she says it’s not mine it’s yours which really hurt me … what can be going on guys ?? What advice and thoughts do you have please ???
Walk away and hold your head up high while you do it. Find yourself a woman who respects you as a person, and a woman who comes home to you every night. Your whole post is one big red flag about a woman who has used you and then spat you out. She has told you in the most direct way where stand with her and a 4.5k ring, let alone a 3 year relationship mean nothing to her. Going by your post, she never was yours and you are better off, whether you realize it now or not, of being rid of her.
You call her a lady?..I think not.