Concerned spouse

ANDOR - Apr 11 2017 at 03:55
I recently moved an hour away for a job making good money. My husband wouldn't move and refuses to look for a job to live with me. When I first moved and my husband was moving to a smaller place and his ex gf emailed him to ask him to teach a class for her, he agreed and told her that his holidays were blah because I moved and he stayed there. He then drove 2 hours to teach her the class but never told me, I found out a week later ( not by him). He thinks I am being weird because I continue to bring it up, this isn't the first time he met her and never told me. He continues to email her but lies that he does this. Am I being weird and should I just move on?
Did you say you moved out away from your husband? Put your foot down. That is infidellity. Adultry. Get in touch with his girlfriend. Let her know how you feel and to stay away from your husband or it will become nasty. I would look for a lawyer . He is cheating on you. I think you should ask him how much he loves you. Men think with their dicks. Sorry for that. But it is the truth. Jen