I'm gay and my bisexual boyfriend prefers women
JH2420 - May 28 2024 at 06:36
About 3 months ago I started dating a bisexual man who says he prefers women. (I am a gay man.) He didn't tell me he preferred women until after I had been dating him for about a month. He also told me he has intimacy issues and that he is embarrassed to express the fact that he is bisexual. So I stayed with him thinking maybe is equally attracted to both men and women but was maybe too embarrassed to tell me. But since then he has said more than once that he prefers women. And he is constantly pointing out women and telling me how hot he thinks they are but he never tells me about any guys that he thinks are hot and has never complimented my physical appearance other than telling 2 or 3 times that he likes my muscles. He has only let me try to penetrate once. When he performs oral on me or masturbates me he doesn't seem passionate about it. And he doesn't like to kiss. We I was trying to penetrate him anally I had trouble staying erect because he was playing poker on his phone and it made me feel like he didn't really want it. Is there any chance at all that he may be more attracted to me than he seems to be?
Going by your post, the guy's not attracted to you. Move on with your life & let him get on with his...simple as.
Hi JH2420,
I agree 100% with Manalone.
Reckon the guy is using you as a live prop with which to attract women who have ego problems, themselves, and something to prove. So he comes over as as if he's genuinely, establishedly gay, but - oh, what's this? - he's finding himself attracted to her and torn - oh, no, he's so confuuuuused... Now he's a Challenge....Like when they grab any woman as a girlfriend prop, just to make themselves "Stolen Fruit" so that the woman they're targetting has the over-competitive urge prove to herself that her attractiveness and allure is so much more powerful than other women's that she can actually lure the guy out of an ensconced relationship.
You may as well be Catnip. Which is no reflection on you, just the fact they're sick, self-interested, users and exploiters.
Or, as such, he could just be desperate for a warm body because he can't tolerate being alone for 5 minutes.
Or maybe both/all of it.
Just a heads-up: In future, however - or if you reply - please make your post less pornographic because obviously, being the internet, kids could be reading.