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Has anyone ever transformed themselves from introvert to extrovert?

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Im 24 male from Africa (Please excuse my english), and a first year medical student. I've never really felt like i belonged anywhere and I always seem to be the odd one out and believe me, I have tried to fit in. It's literally been this since I could remember. I do have friends but I take much longer to make them and my social circle is miniscule. I live at a boarding house, everyone gets along. Everyone there is just a natural when it comes to interacting (Instant chemistry)...... except for me. I do try to interact and i get some good feedback but no one ever tries to make conversation with me like the others. There's a guy i smoke weed with there and we workout (I thought looking less skinny might help me get a little bit more attention, it's day 3 now). I've read articles on how to be a good conversationalist (Doesn't work), mostly they tell you to just say anything (great advice). I stopped "saying anything that comes into your head" a few years back, when I would turn into the weirdo that talks about science crap. The only person I have ever told my real thoughts was a friend from a few years back. We would talk about scientific facts and alot of made up theoretical discussion about science. We shared thoughts and ideas on anything and everything and never judged eachother. I haven't seen him in a long time, now I just put all my thoughts and ideas on a notepad in my phone. I realised that the world won't adjust itself for me but I have to adjust to fit into the world. Not easy! WTF am i doing wrong. Marijuana is my closest friend and it stops me thinking about depressing shit, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this (Im not high at the moment). I don't want to kill myself or anything but if were to die I wouldn't really care and my absence would be so insignificant to the people around me. My family thinks im mentally challenged. They don't say it but I can tell. I have a bad habit to wonder off into my own thoughts and i become completely oblivious to everything around me. Does that mean they it could be true, im mentally challenged? Sometimes I'd rather just scroll on quora to pass the time that to be in a world that wants nothing to do with me.

Has anyone ever transformed themselves from introvert to extrovert?

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Hi! I'm 19 a girl and a student as well. I've always felt the way you described so you're definitely not alone in this. "Everyone there is just a natural when it comes to interacting (Instant chemistry)...... except for me." Well I don't believe that... The odds of you going to a school that only has socially gifted extroverts is pretty low isn't it? But i definitely understand what you mean. "I've read articles on how to be a good conversationalist (Doesn't work), mostly they tell you to just say anything (great advice)" I think the best way to do that is to really listen to people when they talk and remember as much as possible about them. That way, the next time you talk you can bring up something from last time. Also, when you remember details about someone it really makes them feel special doesn't it? The more you talk to people, the easier it gets. You'll have to put a lot of effort in it though. If you have someone specific in mind that you want to come closer to, you should try. "I haven't seen him in a long time, now I just put all my thoughts and ideas on a notepad in my phone." Why not? Did something happen between you? If you want, you can share anything here and i promise I'll respond "I don't want to kill myself or anything but if were to die I wouldn't really care and my absence would be so insignificant to the people around me. My family thinks im mentally challenged. They don't say it but I can tell. I have a bad habit to wonder off into my own thoughts and i become completely oblivious to everything around me. Does that mean they it could be true, im mentally challenged? Sometimes I'd rather just scroll on quora to pass the time that to be in a world that wants nothing to do with me." I feel like this too. I relate to everything you've shared. And what if you're mentally challenged? There's nothing wrong with that. But I don't think you are. From what i know, you sound pretty 'normal' whatever that means haha. I understand your thoughts something are a lot more interesting than everything around you. I do this too, all the time.

Has anyone ever transformed themselves from introvert to extrovert?

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Hey, I totally get how you're feeling. Fitting in can be really tough, especially when it seems like everyone else connects so easily. First off, your English is great, so no worries there. It's important to embrace who you are, including your unique interests in science. Try to find like-minded people, maybe through clubs or online communities, where you can share your passions. Building social skills takes time, so be patient with yourself and celebrate small victories. If you're feeling really down, talking to a mental health professional might help. Lastly, try to limit marijuana use, as it can sometimes make things harder in the long run. Remember, it's okay to have a small circle of friends; quality is more important than quantity. Stay strong!

Has anyone ever transformed themselves from introvert to extrovert?

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Hi Avocado, Sorry I'm late to the 'party' but - You sound perfectly nice, intelligent and friendly to ME, too! Maybe it's simply that certain moody or narcissistic people are picking on you because you look like an easy target (beaten-down, unlikely to hit back, including because you're too nice)? Just reading that one opening post of yours: I HEAVILY suspect you have Asperger's....Think, 'in the middle of the scale between Neurotypicals and full-blown Autistics' (best of both worlds, in fact!). Try the aQ Test - a pretty reliable precursive diagnosis questionnaire. Here's the link: (Only takes 7 minutes) PS: it is *not*, in fact, 'a neurodevelopmental disorder' ("aaaargh!"), but, *neurodevelopmental difference* (different wiring in certain places, e.g. a however-muchmissing Caudate Nucleus in your Striatum...albeit with time, you get around it by creating your own, substitute wiring - often better than the original. Also check out Jae's thread wherein I pasted-in plus posted a link to a website by an Higher Functioning (HF) Aspie man who's been working with various sympathetic and enlightened business associates on (and succeeding in) to help PROMOTE this neurological difference and all its SUPERIOR benefits, including, specifically, within the working environment. You're just Different. But there are loads of you now. Check out website "Wrong Planet" (albeit that, you might be more advanced and sophisticated than the average poster on there). I suggest you take the above aQ test TWICE (with a good break in-between, preferably doing something "left-brained - e.g. a Crossword Puzzle - to re-settle any even subtle emotional arousal from having done the test (getting triggered). The first time, responding as you were/thought/felt as a kiddie, before the Teen social pressuring of secondary school then college hit. And then again as you feel/think today. Reason being: having gone for so many years without a diagnosis (anchor and map), you (your mind, in reaction to an environment not set up to suit you) will have both encouraged-out and repressed/masked certain aspects of yourself in order to fit in. PS: Do read the intro thoroughly - it's important/helpful. Also have a surf at the related articles and info (bottom of the opening page). Hope that makes everything/yourself suddenly make more sense? Think of this as an early Birthday pressie. PPS: Here - what part of Africa are you from? Don't think we've had anyone from Africa before??

Has anyone ever transformed themselves from introvert to extrovert?

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PS Avocado: Did you miss 'our' WT51's lovely, very generous offer?... She said: "If you want, you can share anything here and i promise I'll respond " She's offering you a pen-palship, a long-haul thread. :) She's never done *that* before, you know. See? You're perfectly likeable. Right Qualities (yours) - WRONG RECIPIENTS! Be yourself, and people like yourself will like you as well as for yourself ( haha)... you've just. now. evidenced. for. yourself. (*owned* ;D): You came here, were yourself (to the hilt and from the heart)....attracted two, potential, new, online-(diamond)-friends who think and feel similarly/compatibly and therefore (subconsciously) 'recognised' you (genetic history in-common, I imagine). Ta-daaaaaaa! ("Magic!") :D Dr Seuss said: "Be who you are and say how you feel because those that mind, don't matter, and those that matter, don't mind." It's true. :)

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