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Inherited potential gas well, but aunt says that I can't keep it

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I was contacted by a landman saying that I inherited a small amount of oil and gas rights to be leased. I signed the lease and gave my aunt and uncle's new addresses to the landman so they could claim their portion. My problem is that I later found two other wells that were sold to another oil company that are in legal suspense. This means that the money is just waiting to be claimed. Back story: one holiday, my aunt stood up and screamed out that she was "taking everything in the house of my grandparents and selling it to pay themselves back." That was before 2017 when my grandparents were alive. We never said anything and just thought that something would happen after they died. When I contacted my aunt about the funds being held in legal suspense and requested the required paperwork so that everyone could claim the funds, my aunt told me that their accountant was looking into it and that there were no heirs because my grandparents had signed promissory notes my aunt and uncle. Unfortunately, over a 30 year period, my aunt and uncle took such great care of my grandparents that they weren't able to pay them back and their estate couldn't cover the millions owed to my aunt and uncle. Here's the deal: I signed months ago with the oil company. After hearing from my aunt, I decided that I didn't want to upset anyone even though yesterday the landman thinks that the lease is legally mine, my aunts, and my uncles. So, I asked her by text if I could gift deed them to her and then have them revert to me after her death. I am on social security disability and my mother takes care of me. Today my aunt did not say: yes, I would like you to gift deed back the lease, but instead wrote some really odd thing about me being careful to insinuate that she is "screwing me somehow" Now I don't know what to do. I feel like I don't want to know her anymore but she is family. She doesn't want me talking to the landman....odd?

Inherited potential gas well, but aunt says that I can't keep it

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Your best advice? go legal full stop. Forget about your Aunty & do what's best for you.

Inherited potential gas well, but aunt says that I can't keep it

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Hi Worried, Not sure I can reliably advise on the legal bit, especially as it's US Law, but I'll give it a bash. Presuming a landman is the same as a landowner in whose estate your parents' tract of land containing these wells are situated - Either she doesn't want you talking to him because (a) she's the one trying to screw you, purely out of greed (and I hear resentment, too), OR because your grandparents did indeed owe them millions (which you seem neither to deny or contradict). But first - 1. Define 'taking care of' for 30 years? 2. Why 30 years? From what ages to what ages (both parties)? 3. And why - and more to the point, HOW, did that end up as a figure in the MILLIONS-plural? 4. How many Millions. Exact figure, please? 5. So these suspended titles are in your grandparents' name but can't be released until this paperwork that your Aunt's guarding is sent to you? Similar to when an inheritance goes through probate? 6. And by the same token, that same presently-'kidnapped' paperwork presumably needs your own signature on it? 7. If, jointly with you, your Aunt & Uncle are legally entitled to have their portion each, released to them, then, why on earth would you suggest GIFT Deeding it to them, whereby it goes back to YOU instead of their own heirs (e.g. children or friends)? 8. How come Aunt and Uncle even HAVE this paperwork on their person? Presumably it should have been still in Granny's possession or Bank Security Box? So how did they get their paws on it? Surely they can only have got it if your Granny had given it to them?....or had they had to have stolen it from her bureau or whatever whilst she was in their 'care'? I might just moot this whole mystery, though, because... Close your (mental) eyes and imagine...You're them and long-owed millions, and, along the way, demonstrably coming to the end of your tether (HolidayHystericsGate)...However long after that, you manage to persuade Granny to - or Granny suggests to you that she just hand over the lease title deeds of these two other oil wells, presumably (whether in part or full settlement) In Lieu Of cash-readies (which aren't available). In other words, hand over the title deeds to a liquifiable asset... (Pause for a sec: ALREADY, I thought you said, all Aunty had was a Promisory Note? 9. ...Why would you need to have a written promise to be bequeathed these Titles that you right there-and-then simultaneously are being physically handed/gifted?) But anyway..... So,.... You're owed so incredibly much, and have 'had enough' of having to wait so long, that you would want and need to ensure that this payment in-lieu would definitely pay out. Correct? Just natural? 10.... SALIENT QUESTION: So would you therefore accept merely an informal, scrawled note from the geriatric whose presumably non-compus-mentis (hence needs not one but TWO (live-in?) carers), when, just because you have POSSESSION of certain deeds, doesn't mean they're legally rightfully yours? ANSWER: LIKE HELL.... YOU'D TAKE IT TO A LAWYER AND HAVE THAT PROMISE SIGNED AND WITNESSED, thereby rendered cast-in-stone/untouchable! ...unless I've gathered certain things incorrectly? ...Note, my arse. (And Millions, my arse, as well.) 11. Why haven't you sought a Lawyer that specialises in land/property rights and title deeds, yet?

Inherited potential gas well, but aunt says that I can't keep it

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Sorry, Mannie - that was a crossover; you only appeared when I submitted! But there you go, Worried: he and I both independently agree this is a job for a firm of lawyers. I also agree on - forget about your Aunt. After all, look at the actions: she seems totally un-concerned about you, doesn't she just (...UNjust).

Inherited potential gas well, but aunt says that I can't keep it

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Oh, look at this, guys...I did a Freudian slipipoos... "Either she doesn't want you talking to him because (a) she's the one trying to screw you, purely out of greed (and I hear resentment, too), OR because your grandparents did indeed owe them millions (which you seem neither to deny or contradict)." I didn't type (b). Deeper down, I suspect too strongly, that B is not even an option. Yeah.... It's her behaviour. She's not behaving right. She sounds Out-Of-Order and manipulative.

Inherited potential gas well, but aunt says that I can't keep it

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Thank you for your advice. I know there just has to be more involving paperwork, but the oil company thus far has said that it is mine from my deceased father so, I am going to wait and just see what happens. Just because it is an oil lease doesn't mean there is oil or much of it so I'm trying to not hire an attorny at this moment. Yes, she claims they spent millions on them that they can't recoup. However, it was their choice. So I see that you agree with me that my aunt might be being bulldogish.

Inherited potential gas well, but aunt says that I can't keep it

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Bulldoggish is the word is it? I can think of a few others. What you need to understand is that it doesn't matter what your Aunt says, it's her actions that you have to look at & that's why it's best to get legal advice. It doesn't matter if your Aunty etc spent millions on parents & grandparents; what does matter is that the lease was willed to you & no one has the right to take it from you or coerce you to do something with it which won't benefit you...& that includes your Aunty & other family members as well anyone else.

Inherited potential gas well, but aunt says that I can't keep it

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"Bulldoggish is the word is it? I can think of a few others." HA-HAH! Hwell, hof COOOURSE you cairn, Quentin - hyou're Oar-stralian...blardy FAMOUS for eart, hwhat-hwaht! HAHAHAHAH. PS: What about Bullsh*ttish? PPS: 'Auntie For Sale'

Inherited potential gas well, but aunt says that I can't keep it

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(Sorry, Worried, but - really...! The woman's ridiculous. Anyone would think she were on some giant drugs trip or had watched too many episodes of Dallas/Dynasty.)

Inherited potential gas well, but aunt says that I can't keep it

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Yes, she is actually a horrid person in my mind. I won't interface with her as a result of her treatment. Thanks for the help.

Inherited potential gas well, but aunt says that I can't keep it

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Yes, I agree she is - she's right now, busy proving it. Her behaviour's too characteristic, anyway. No normal, healthy-minded person would DARE behave in all the ways she's doing (and has done)! They wouldn't DREAM of lowering themselves forevermore like that. Wouldn't want to, anyway...just wouldn't occur to them/us. Definitely no need to take it personally. The type of person who could let herself behave that atrociously, and to their own nephew, can't GET personal, that's their whole problem - can't bond properly or at all...hence don't work right...BIZAREER behaviour, compared to normal people and/or the norm for whatever relational role. And if they smell money - that's when they seem to go COMPLETELY off their rocker and tripping over themselves to get their mucky paws on it. It's them, showing they care FAR more about greed and money than to worry about showing you their true colours as they go about things the WRONG way (like you'd see on a cheap TV drama series). She's probably too child-minded, either by default or whenever emotionally over-aroused/fired-up, to consider that those wells might not even lead to any oil and that she risks losing a member of her extended family FOR NOTHING. She already has. Anyway, it's HER problem because if your mother really HAD owed her any money, "Aren'ty" would simply be quietly and dignifiedly seeking legal advice or representation, not all this childishly ignorant and naiive, amateur "petty gangster" nonsense. She can't come after what your mother allegedly owed her, FROM YOU. It's not your debt. She missed her chance, then, didn't she. Doh! That's kids in grown-up suits for ya. Keep this thread open if you need more feedback on any updates?

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