Boyfriend secretly talks to other girls

TAEROSAUR - Aug 10 2024 at 23:23
So me (F19) and my boyfriend (M18) have been dating for a month now... All of this happened today at my house.
I'm home alone for 2 weeks and I hadn't seen my boyfriend in a month, so we decided he would come and spend the night. he lives about 60 kilometers from here. he came all the way here this morning and we were upstairs in my bedroom chilling and watching a movie. We were fooling around and stuff until he suddenly got a message on Snapchat from a girl. I asked who it was and he said it was a 21 year old girl from abroad... and that they only did snap streaks, which is weird because he doesn't even do streaks with me... He never told me about that girl and I thought that it was strange, so I decided to take his phone and read all his chats, but he started panicking so then I grabbed his phone and quickly ran into the bathroom and quickly locked the door. he came running after me... then he went downstairs and asked if I wanted any juice... strange... I look at his list of chats and it was mainly girls... most of them from America and one from the Netherlands... with one he even talked about me in English... which I thought was super strange because you have a girlfriend and then you talk about your girlfriend with another girl... I didn't know what I had to do so I grabbed my bike and left. I sat down on a bench a little further away and called a good friend of mine. he said it is indeed strange. A week ago or so he already suspected that my boyfriend was cheating... but then I thought no, he doesn't... apparently he does... after the conversation with a friend I cycled back and I went back inside. I went upstairs and told him to leave. he literally did that too, he said okay without showing any emotion or asking what was wrong... not even sorry, nothing at all. then he left and walked to the nearest bus station which took an hour. he didn't get home until three hours later because I saw it on snap... since I sent him away I haven't said anything to him or called him anymore... neither has he. I'm hopeless and I don't know what to do anymore... Right now I'm really thinking about breaking up with him because this just really gives me the ick.
His actions have spoken & to be frank, you've actually dodged a bullet.
He's no loss because he's playing the field & you happened to find out early what he's like.
Just block him & move on with your life as they'll be plenty of other guys out there who will treat you well & respect you for who you are.
Understand that yes indeed, your 'BF' is a cheat full stop, no ifs or buts about it young lady.
Utterly-Butterly agree!
Yeah you're right...
Believe me when I tell you, you definitely had a very lucky escape.
Imagine if you found this out years down the line with kids being married.
It's lucky you found out now in the early stages.
You're young, you've got a long life ahead of you.
You'll know when you meet the right person but always hold a bit of a guard up until you know you can fully trust him.
I thought I knew my partner after 8 beautiful years together I trusted him with my life.
UNTIL 2 weeks ago.
I found out he ran off with another woman he hadn't the decency or courage to tell me!!!
(He still hasn't)
Little does he know I found out.
My point is always go with your gut feeling.
You knew something was off and you were right.
Don't forget to hold your guard up until you fully trust him, it could take years!!!
Remember you're worth it and he's not worth the hassle!!
Goodluck to you 🍀