Does my sexuality matter?
FANGISMYHAMSTER - Dec 26 2024 at 22:51
I’m a girl and I think I like other girls.
I’m also Muslim but I don’t practice (working on it). I was raised by my loving, immigrant mother who’s extremely homophobic but I don’t care because she’ll never know; it’ll hurt her if she find out and I love her too much for that. I love God and I do believe in Him and, contrary to most people, I don’t believe God hates me because I like women - I just won’t be considered a believer.
It’s weird. I feel that if I accept that I like women I will go against everything that I’ve been taught and everything I believe, but I love my beliefs and my religion. My heart can’t choose one, and I think it’s leaning towards God even though I’m not even a good Muslim. Maybe I’m just a coward and can’t fully accept the thought of loving a woman wholeheartedly. I wanna know if it’s worth it. To give up who you love for what you love.
There’s much more to my identity than my sexuality, I guess that’s why I disregard it so much, I don’t understand the significance of it. Maybe I’m too young or whatever but that’s why I’m asking. Any advice?
This sounds waaaaaaay too brooding, it’s not that deep I’m just curious lmao
You have one life to live, and it's up to you how you want to choose to live it.
You can decide to let other people to tell you how to live your life, or live it in the way that feels right to you.