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First sex, need some advice

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Ladies I need some advice. I will be honest.I'm 25 years old girl and I haven't had classic sex yet. I normally act as a sexy, confident, attractive woman who has many men around me and they want me so bad ,but none of those men or friends around me know that I haven't had proper sex yet.( because of one negative experience when I was a teenager) But other sexual acts yes. Every time It should happen , I made up that I have my period and it went on like this for years, even when I was meeting someone, I was just flirting,kissing with him and didn't sleep with him at all even he waited like months. Now a very good boy is interested in me and he also thinks that I am sexually capable and experienced maybe more than him because he doesnt have many girls and I don't want to deprive him of that idea of me and I don't want him to find out that I am inexperienced. I'm not a virgin anymore because I lost it when I tried it with an artificial penis. I only have experiences with artificial penis that I practiced at home. I always knew how to move well, sexy dance and kiss, lots of boys told me I am a good kisser, and I was always charming and knew how to seduce a man. Ladies, advise me Please! What should I do when it comes down to it? I'm afraid that I won't know what to do and I dont want that he would noticing it and I never want to tell him the truth. When we will start sex should I start make him orally firstly before sex ? and then go to sex? Do you think he will know that he should finger me firstly before penetrate me? or should I tell him what to do?And I am afraid it will hurt me and I dont want to show him. I would want short sex firstly. And do you think should I have an orgasm ?or not to show it firstly that i will cum for him. If he wont cum me classically should I rub me during he will f- - k me to make myself? Should I wait for him to have orgasm firstly rather than me? I need to look like I had sex before, I was always good at pretending and acting so I hope it will be possible here.

First sex, need some advice

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Hi Simmi, I'll dive straight in. Note I'm not reading ahead as I go: "Ladies I need some advice." (', and Gentlemen'. ;)) " I will be honest.I'm 25 years old girl" Haha. Nooo, you're not being honest, there? To be a Girl, you'd have to be aged 12 or under. Yes, it's amusing, but isn't that interestink....? "Hmmmm", haha. Had you noticed that yourself when you read back before Submitting? "and I haven't had classic sex yet." Is that a problem these days? Aren't all young adult females waiting longer before they go 'all the way' (or even so much as dabble)? I thought so? My son's your age and certainly the women in his social circle are very choosy and wish to wait for The One? Or is your social circle different? Tell me about them? "I normally act as a sexy, confident, attractive woman who has many men around me and they want me so bad ,but none of those men or friends around me know that I haven't had proper sex yet." Okay. Well, this is, sort-of, telling me about them a bit, I suppose. So can I presume they're all sexually active already? And do you know that for a fact or might you ALL be merely posturing at this early point? (LOL, listen - I know my generation were all sluts, but that doesn't mean you guys are all late...think about it.) Anyway, have a little thinkipoos in terms of what EVIDENCE you have. The young men aren't being pushy and lascivious, are they? Describe what actions and noises they've been making as has you knowing they're 'after you'? Or did you mean, you ACT like you 'know' they all fancy you, as part of your posturing and bluffing? (Do you SAY or DO anything or just merely act confident in yourself and your sexuality?) (Wish I'd bloody waited - I'll tell ya that for nothing, and I'll bet I'm not the only one, here!) "( because of one negative experience when I was a teenager)" Wait a min - what's this?? Details, please. "But other sexual acts yes. Every time It should happen , I made up that I have my period and it went on like this for years, even when I was meeting someone, I was just flirting,kissing with him and didn't sleep with him at all even he waited like months." My female friend from school used to do that! Where did you get 'should' from? Do they in any way ASK for that transition from Petting to having full sex? "Now a very good boy is interested in me and he also thinks that I am sexually capable and experienced maybe more than him because he doesnt have many girls and I don't want to deprive him of that idea of me and I don't want him to find out that I am inexperienced." What are you talking about - he'd undoubtedly be OVERJOYED! I mean - the pressure of thinking you're more experience and thereby fit to judge and might well do, is ENORMOUS! I'd be surprised if he'd be able to get it up! Simmi, where are you getting your ideas from? Where is your Mum in all of this? Where was she - AND your dad, when you were ...can I presume, raped or in some way sexually assaulted? "I'm not a virgin anymore because I lost it when I tried it with an artificial penis. I only have experiences with artificial penis that I practiced at home." Nope, you're still a virgin. Are you parentless?? And siblingless? Friendless, even (as in Bestie) at the mo? "I always knew how to move well, sexy dance and kiss, lots of boys told me I am a good kisser, and I was always charming and knew how to seduce a man. Ladies, advise me Please!" Yeah, no wozzies - I will! Just need more depth and details. "What should I do when it comes down to it? I'm afraid that I won't know what to do and I dont want that he would noticing it and I never want to tell him the truth. When we will start sex should I start make him orally firstly before sex ? and then go to sex? Do you think he will know that he should finger me firstly before penetrate me? or should I tell him what to do?And I am afraid it will hurt me and I dont want to show him. I would want short sex firstly. And do you think should I have an orgasm ?or not to show it firstly that i will cum for him. If he wont cum me classically should I rub me during he will f- - k me to make myself? Should I wait for him to have orgasm firstly rather than me? I need to look like I had sex before, I was always good at pretending and acting so I hope it will be possible here." We'll get to this. First things first. :) Over to you!....

First sex, need some advice

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(Sorry, that should have been - 'HADN'T' you noticed when you read back) PS: "My female friend from school used to do that!" It bloody worked well for her, though, haha. Nah, truth is, that's very common. And blokes aren't going to argue with that one, are they, heheh. Anyway, don't worry about it cos blokes your agegroup have their own lies. Like, 'Yeah, dunnit LOADSA times!'. ;D

First sex, need some advice

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Yes, everything I wrote is true, no, I'm not 12 years old, but I'm 25, I know it's often not seen and I don't understand why no one wants to believe me about my problem. I didn't communicate this block with my besties or parents.In front of my friends, I always lied that I had sex with men because I didn't want to be a poor person at home and I was always good in pretending , maybe because of my acting skills. They saw me more than once at a party with a man and in bed, but only he and I knew what happened next, that I always made something up to prevent sex. Yes, I have a block from the past, my cousin tried to rape me, who later moved to another country anyway, and no one knows what he wanted to do to me. I tried to forget about it and put it out of my mind. It's just that I have some experience with men and at first glance it looks like I've had a lot of them in bed and I also have the same looks, behavior, style of dressing, etc. If someone were to judge me, they would say: this girl looks like she's had many men in bed. I look like a "femme fatale" so it’s rare that I don't have that kind of experience. In short, I tried something at home so that I wouldn't be so inexperienced, and a gynecological examination confirmed that I am no longer a virgin. I just wanted some advice on what to do when it comes down to it, so that I know what to try or what not to try, in short, to make it look at least a little like I know what I'm doing, so that I can show him that I know something, so that it's not all just up to him,I know that men don't like it when a woman doesn't make an effort. He is not “casanova” boy who had lot of girls but he had 2 very short term relationships. I want he would fall for me and not to tell himself that sex with me is worthless.

First sex, need some advice

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Hi again!! "I know it's often not seen and I don't understand why no one wants to believe me about my problem." WHAT is not often seen? "Yes, I have a block from the past, my cousin tried to rape me, who later moved to another country anyway, and no one knows what he wanted to do to me." Well, here's where your block stems from, perfectly understandably. "that I always made something up to prevent sex. " But that's your RIGHT if you're not wanting to go all the way. PS: "I tried to forget about it and put it out of my mind. " Not possible, I'm afraid. Are these young men pushing for that level of intimacy too soon for you - is that it? Would you rather they earned and built up the level of trust you, based on your negative experience, as an individual, NEED? So what if it is? Even if you hadn't been attempted-raped you're within rights to say No. AT ANY POINT (as long as you're not foolish enough to lead them on because a Wrong'un won't let you back out). Or do you just 'lose your bottle' at the crucial point? Leaving aside the fact you (presumably) were underage - did this cousin want to do pervy or disrespectful things? How old were you both at the time, anyway? Had he been watching porn, do you think, looking back on it? ""I look like a "femme fatale" so it’s rare that I don't have that kind of experience." Femme Fatal denotes the power of the woman's allure, simply for her femininity and gift-of-the-gab. Doesn't have to mean Sexually Active. So if they judge a book by its cover because can't be arsed to actually open your book and READ, i.e. want YOU rather than (their first) "score", then that's their problem, not yours. You're entitled to look - and take pride in it - how you want. "In short, I tried something at home so that I wouldn't be so inexperienced, and a gynecological examination confirmed that I am no longer a virgin." No longer being a virgin medically, as in, PHYSICALLY, as in, broken Hymen, does not add up to No Longer A Virgin, because there are TWO HALVES to that state, meaning, one is missing: the real-McCoy, the *mental-emotional* side of the experience too. I.e. WITH A PARTNER/LOVER.ÇÇ Understand? You haven't answered my question, about where's your mother, father or sibling(s)? "I just wanted some advice on what to do when it comes down to it, so that I know what to try or what not to try, in short, to make it look at least a little like I know what I'm doing," But WHY??? Why, when being a virgin sends a VERY strong message that you have enormous self-regard and high standards thus expectations of a lover. I mean, for all YOU know, a part of your allure in the eyes of this (nicer) sounding chap is the fact he strongly suspects you're not and can see through your act. "so that I can show him that I know something, so that it's not all just up to him,I know that men don't like it when a woman doesn't make an effort." What's being a virgin and not knowing the moves, got to do with not making an effort? I'll tell you the truth and blow your misconceptions right out of the water: when you're into it - because you're really into the bloke - things just happen instinctually. Your inner animal knows what to do/how to respond because YOU'RE PROGRAMMED TO. It's worrying and whittling and believing that it's some sort of acting job...conscious (now I'll do this and now he'll do that, etc) that spoils it. And frankly, if you don't float off with the well-Randy fairies then that's your sign you're not into it - or not into the bloke (enough). Men like being in-charge and nurturing (they have a paternal instinct just as you have a maternal one). I don't know what crowd you hang-out with but - generally, if they're healthy, they're as nervous and worried as you - UNTIL you start cuddling and snogging and then next thing you know - you've just done the most natural thing in the world and weren't worried or self-conscious AT ALL. It's like you have a light-switch inside you. He makes moves, you make moves - CLICK. Neither of you are Surface-You any more and you both just get carried away. You're worrying about nothing. And all because your cousin was an entitled little git. Tell me more about him. Let's exorcise his ghost from your love-life. Seriously. I would make a very big bet with you that, it'll turn out, this chap was relieved and overjoyed (AND impressed) to find, come the moment, that you were NOT as experienced as you at-first seemed. I'll bet that'd make him feel really special. :) Like he's good enough for you to open that door, finally. How much do you want to bet? (wiggles eyebrows challengingly) "He is not “casanova” boy who had lot of girls but he had 2 very short term relationships. (Perfect!) " I want he would fall for me and not to tell himself that sex with me is worthless." Well, he's ALREADY falling for you, but - Can you give me that in longhand, please, because I'm not quite sure why sex with a virgin would make any HEALTHY-minded, WELL-REARED young man consider her WORTHLESS when in fact, the distinct opposite is usually the case. If it were me, I'd DEFINITELY tell him. Well, once it was time to, anyway. It'll make him feel all protective and gentle, ahhhhhhh.... :) I wish you'd believe me. It's like you've got a rare and very desired quality to you... I mean - seriously - sod feminism in this case. Your inner animal doesn't even register it when it comes to mating, and is still back in caveman times where ensuring one had a virgin was a crucial that the man wouldn't end up wasting his genes as well as his time and effort in rearing offspring that weren't even his - fact!). So, unbeknownst to you, you have a deeply primitively-affecting, rare quality, i.e. are in Mint condition with no previous owners haha, and are seeing it as some huge and off-putting negative. Again, it's not something that's under the bloke's conscious control, but, still - it puts your value UP-UP-UP. Listen, any bloke is put-off by that isn't right in the bloody head. Roger - Over?

First sex, need some advice

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PS: If you want tips then you want to seek out Couples 'Porn'. Have a google... There's a German director-producer - female...she was the first, and her porn is educational, healthy arousing and very mutually respectful. LOVING Couples Porn. That's what YOU - AND he - want. But trust me - come "the night" - you'll forget you ever watched it and will just do (i.e. FIND yourself doing) your own, natural, involuntary thing, all the moves included. And you don't have to climax, either. Sometimes it's so OVER-good, you can't! Whether the two of you want to do it all over again PLUS feel even more 'glowingly' into each other/closer afterwards, i.e. are fond-of and fancy each other MORE, is the only legitimate test over whether you both 'performed' well. This is a case of where neither of you can be considered good or not in bed. It's a tango. You're a team. Fifty Percent responsible, each. Like Torville & Dene. So the pair of you could be "meh" in bed or fantastico (fantastic together). PPS: This used to be my reply when I was in my 20s, to this stupid question: Them: You good in bed? Me: Yup! I go STRAIGHT to sleep and never drop biscuit crumbs! Them: Tsk, haha...don't be stupid Me: You started it?

First sex, need some advice

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"I look like a "femme fatale" so it’s rare that I don't have that kind of experience." That's another myth. MOST of you are just acting like 'women of the world' at your ages. Want to know the nicest thing about sex (to healthy lovers)? It's when you're in-love (or falling)....because, then, just getting to cuddle naked, skin-to-skin is the loveliest bit. Really, REALLY lovely. :) (Megaphone) WHERE'S YOUR MOTHER?

First sex, need some advice

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this is such a normal fear and we've all equated disruption to our temporary social hierarchy to life or death. the advice is fantastic and i don't really _need to reply. i'm 46 male and i agree. virginity is a gift and if the boy knew he'd grab you tightly and never let you go. he'd turn patience up to 1000 and dwell in the cuddles and boundaries you'll easily (by animalistic automation, trust) impose. adjust for 2025 inflation the 10 being both available and approachable and in mint contitions, that's a trifecta. men are so disillusioned with the know nothing barbies and their huge body counts. they feel entitled when as cougars come rushing for commitment like family is important. it's gross, and we fund it giving half our stuff in divorce. (i'm north american) ok, i found advice to give. lol. communicate and bring him in the loop. it's obvious what'll happen next.

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