Mother in Law is intentionally sabotaging our lives

ALWAYSALONE94 - Jan 13 2025 at 20:06
I'll do my best to break this down but it may be slightly long. Please read it and help. I don't know what to do..
My husband & I have been together for almost 7 years. We moved into his grandmother's house in 2019 so I could take care of her due to her diagnosis of SCLC. We bought her home from her and have a receipt to prove it. The title was misplaced at that point, which is why we have a receipt. She declined rapidly, but we never left her side. She wanted so badly to change her executor in her will from my husband's mother to my husband, but she became too weak to hold a pen. Because of her decline, it left MIL responsible when the day came. So that means grandmother's will had MIL as Executor and my husband as the beneficiary.
And the day came(08/2021)... My husband & I spent the 3 days she was in the hospital sleeping in shifts on the floor because we refused to let her be alone. No one else came to see her. MIL likes to use the reasoning of "I was home watching YOUR kid so I didn't get a chance to go." Let me not add in, she did have the chance to go. She declined because "she was tired."
2 hours after grandmother was pronounced, MIL drove straight to the bank and emptied grandmother's account. (Because she was an authorized user. Grandmother wasn't able to change it quick enough.) MIL also withdrew money from grandmother's account the following month as well. She only paid the minimum amount to the funeral home. She didn't file grandmother's taxes or pay any debts that needed to be paid. MIL also hasn't probated the will either. All the money she received from grandmother's account was used for her own personal gain.
Any duties that an Executor typically has, she has done NONE of them. We have had 2 separate Estate checks get mailed here but we are unable to cash them to try to pay dues MIL should've paid because MIL never created an Estate account. Husband has personally drove MIL to the court house and forced her to work out a payment plan for the funeral bill and the fees she incurred but they always allow her to walk out without paying any money and never hold her accountable.
My husband and I are now being threatened with the state taking our home due to my mother in law lying about who is supposed to be in charge, why she's been unable to pay, where she lives, etc. We are low income as it is due to severe spinal injuries I endured having our daughter. My husband is the sole provider making less than $500 a week. Both of our children have medical needs so this house is truly NEEDED. It's not the fanciest thing, but it's supposed to be ours.
What can we do? What are our options since this is family we're dealing with? We've tried talking with her. We've tried begging. She thinks its comical and sees it as some power she has over us. If we lose our home, we don't have anywhere else to go, so we will be homeless. I've reached out to every single person, organization, non-profit, charity, you name it, in my area, and I can't get any answers or help. I live in Eastern NC.
Hi Alwaysalone94. Sorry you're waiting while respondents are thin-on-the-ground. Please bear with us a little longer.
Hi again,
I've read your opening post but need greater detail/clarification, please:
1. Recount the day the whole idea of transferring the house to yourselves was first mentioned?
2. Whose idea was it that you make-do with a signed 'receipt'? Again, describe it and what was said, by whom, for me?
3. How had the property's Title Deeds become displaced then misplaced?
4. Why was it that she wanted so badly to transfer them from her own daughter to your husband/her grandson? What did she say?
5. If "Toxic Tootsie", there, is Executor, then why on earth are the unpaid bills coming to you and your husband, as if your husband (and you) are liable?
6. When you say 'threatening to take away our home' - do you mean, originally Grandmother-in-Law's house which you've remained living in since her passing?
i'm going to provide resources...
To get a copy of a personal deed in North Carolina, you can contact the county recorder's office in the county where the land is located. You can request a copy by mail, in person, or electronically. There is usually a small fee to get a physical copy, but there is usually no fee to view and print a deed online. if you have trouble figuring this step out reply back with your county.
The register of deeds is a local government official or office that keeps and provides access to real estate documents. The register of deeds is responsible for recording and maintaining documents such as deeds, mortgages, liens, and leases. and this link has a clickable map to select your county. just contact this person to request a replacement copy of the deed.
next i think you should ask professionals: free-reduced cost legal offices serving your state:
Legal Aid of North Carolina (LANC) provides free legal assistance in civil matters to children, the elderly, the working poor, the disabled, battered women, ... 866-219-5262
Legal Aid of North Carolina's Senior Law Project provides free civil legal help to North Carolinians who are 60 years of age or older. There are no income... 877-579-7562
Disability Rights North Carolina is composed of attorneys, advocates, paralegals and support staff provide advocacy and legal services at no charge for people... 919-856-2195
[e-mail address removed] to get more info
wow what horrible people some are. i'm sorry this stress is piled on you. speaking more towards 'my' coping skills, i wouldn't relax until steps were made to be ok.
i think others are addressing the finer points before making an assessment and providing their feedback. mine aims to tackle the other half of the equasion.
patience is the best way to get a diversity of opinion and i may reply further after giving the emotional aspects more thought. best regards