Has anyone ever been in a controlling relationship or lovebombed?

MYKL1152 - Jan 19 2025 at 13:31
Hi. I met someone one day off a gay dating site. A day after chatting, we arranged to meet 2 days later, but ended up meeting up a day later for a few hours, then they wanted to see me everyday, so went saw each other 12 days in a row.
They stopped overnight here, about 4 /5 times. I stopped there once and net his mother/ sister, he's lived up here for 2 years, apparently escaped an abusive ex who made him dress a certain way, not allowed friends/ used to hit him.
It was going quite, well. Really quick, he texted constantly when he was a work, and at home when we weren't together, then suddenly 1 night he got screenshots off his ex, apparently of me meeting/ caherinngon another lad called Danny, I'd never met a Danny in my life,! Let alone with a red Corsa car! Anyway he was adamant I've cheated and called a weekend away in Blackpool which we'd paid for. And one of these screennshots had this ex and Danny saying where I lived/ worked, all my hobbies and what I did in my life.
I got the police as Inwas really creeper out. And they reconnned the lad I was seeing had made all this up, to go.back to his ex. I also saw my doctor, as the whole thing made my anxiety go through the roof. The Dr reckoned he'd made it all up. I was like whaaaat! He said I've had a really really lucky escape!
He had also shown me this 3 page love letter in his book he'd written all about what he'd mapped out for the rest of out lives and getting married! And also a big list of places where we were gping to.visit. I don't know what anyone else makes of all this? Or had some very weird similar dating experience?
Any guy who maps out your life together with him along with marriage after just a dozen or so days & nights together is something that you run away from very fast. Your Dr & the cops are spot on with their analysis of the whole thing. Guess you'll be wary of dating sites now as there's heaps of trolls & retards all over the internet just hanging out for their next victim. Yes, there are 'normal' people who are controllers & 'normal' people who use others for their own ends. Listen to your gut in the future, particularly when it comes to relationships, as it's rarely wrong.
"The Dr reckoned he'd made it all up. I was like whaaaat! He said I've had a really really lucky escape!"
Damn right.
You had been "Love-Bombed". I mean - who normally is willing to show they're THAT incredibly leech-like in the first, delicate flush of a relationship where putting the other off with overkeenness is a consideration, eh? Come oonnnn. Talk about, trying to get his hooks into you in record time!
And then, yes, used as a tool for getting his (poor, abused) Ex back based on the boo-hoos. Google "Martha Stout - The Pity Play".
He then accused you of cheating SO THAT he could dodge the trip and work on his Ex.
As you now can see - he was "Projecting": HE was the one who was cheating. You were a pawn in his quick-quick Hoovering by Triangulation campaign. He's the abuser, hence strangely wanted 'his abuser' back, whereas 'his abuser' had to be emotionally manipulated into pitying him in order to respond.
PS: "He had also shown me this 3 page love letter in his book he'd written all about what he'd mapped out for the rest of out lives and getting married! And also a big list of places where we were gping to.visit. I don't know what anyone else makes of all this? Or had some very weird similar dating experience?"
Whom but The Shameless would even WANT their new beau to see that!?! He didn't give a stuff for shame/embarrassment (in front of Temporary You) because his other agenda took greater priority.
Google "Narcissist - Future Faking".
Still, it must be very validating to realise HE was the abuser, the one who controlled his partner to point to denying his god-given rights to dress as he pleased, have friends, and NOT BE HIT (EVER), eh.
PPS: Leechboy probably only arranged the weekend trip to Blackpool to provoke his ex-not-ex into jealousy and competitiveness, and chasing Leechboy to get him back/make the pain stop (they always leave them in pain and confusion and making getting-over-them as impossible as possible).
Danny-the-pranny sounds like the (google) "Flying Monkey".
Wow, thank you for all that information. I have sunnies caught up with said ex, and he said he was like that with him. The ex wasn't out as gay back then. When they met. And it was all rushed through, my ex had said he lived him after day 3. And they had moved in after 2 weeks! The ex then daud they did fight. But he only hit him , after nine fmgit first, and despite me telling him my doctor and the police saying he isnvery unwell and a liar. He says they ate trying again and hopefully he has turned over. A new leaf....rather him that me,.although he says he us ok and just needs steered in the right direction,!
You've sunnies caught-up, have you? Hahah - Autocorrupt (as I call it): doncha love it? Or do I mean live it? Or maybe, dove it? Hahaha.
On behalf of Manalone and myself, you're very welcome. :)
How did you manage to catch up with said ex?
Moved-in after 2 weeks. That'd be right. It never fails to shock me, though. THEY never fail to shock me! And IT (Narcissism).
I mean, who the eff wants you to move in with them after 2 weeks!
Well-known meme: Nobody falls in-love faster than a Narcissist needing a place to stay.
(Uhhh-huh. Plus - '...needing a personal punchbag and slave' (because the last one spat them out again).)
They are never single. Not even when you first meet them.
"and despite me telling him my doctor and the police saying he is very unwell and a liar. He says they are trying again and hopefully he has turned over a new leaf"
Yeah, well. Not everyone is as healthy and strong-minded thus hard to brainwash - or as proactive - as you.
He'll learn ...the hard way.
Bet you anything, though, that now that you've approached him - the minute the Devalue and (Fake) Discard kicks in again, ex will be ringing you for support. What do you think you'll do?
Sorry - HIS ex, I mean, just to be clear.
(Your ex is "the Nex".)
PS: Have you read Rehman10!'s latest thread - "Am I worthless because..." yet?
some people are so cruel it boggles my mind.
now that you've felt lovebombing next time run like a rabbit when your gut says so.
i'm sorry this happened to you
and i've lovebombed my dog every time i get a new one.
any time i adopt it's a rescue. i know damage and so we get over the sad 'new home, bad thing yesterday' very quickly to establish the new normal of schedule and expectation. lovebombing over rides the neural pathways previously set
from there my buddy is my best friend and i spend the most time with him. he comforts, and entertains.
I remember the name of his ex on.instagram, so I just started asking him stuff about it all last weekend! Was the person I've been with someone who possibly had bipolar, or a narcissistic disorder or borderline personality disorder? The lies, the rush at relationships, the just as fast to discard me etc etc....
I remember the name of his ex on.instagram, so I just started asking him stuff about it all last weekend! Was the person I've been with someone who possibly had bipolar, or a narcissistic disorder or borderline personality disorder? The lies, the rush at relationships, the just as fast to discard me etc etc....