22 year old virgin gone wild

BLANCA1213 - Jun 25 2013 at 00:45
Ok Im a 24 year old virgin (I know it's rare) but anyways I started seeing this guy, got caught up in the moment and decided to have sex. However I'm still a virgin because he couldnt go any further than a quarter of his penis! ..: And when he couldn't go any further and he realize I was a virgin. Idk why I wasn't relaxed about it... I shouldve told him but I had NO idea it was going to be so freaking hard to get in! He was really cool at first and hug me and said calm down. It's ok blah blah but after that he shut down and now I feel like he's not interested in me anymore :(
He didn't want to cuddle any more and didn't give me a kiss when I left. What should I do??? I also left my charger over his house!
Go get your charger back!!! And tell him you were waiting for the right guy and he was it he should be happy tell him if that bothers him? Tell him it's ok that you care and want him.
Tell him it was your first time and if he doesn't understand maybe he's not right. It sounds like he only wanted sex from you. Its not bad to be a virgin. He doesnt seem like a good guy and go get that charger if not replace it
Don't waste your special moment on him. save it for someone you truly love and want to make love to not just fu★k and never talk to you again.