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My relationship of 1/half year just ended

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i am totally in pain right as my boyfriend of almost 2 years decides to hangout with my best friend behind my back. i mean how can you be in love with someone and go about sleeping with their friend does that even make any sense at all? now i lost a boyfriend and a friend all to greed i don't even know how people live with such. i just feel so alone right now and don't know what else life has to offer.

My relationship of 1/half year just ended

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I can absolutely sympathise with you, I'm going through the same. My partner of nearly (8yrs) has ran off with another woman. I'm also heartbroken, angry so many different emotions. But you know what girl don't ever let them see your pain, move on with your life. Them two will never work, believe me it'll all fizzle out and they'll get bored and try run back to you. By then you'll be stronger and wiser to let them back in. I only found out 4 days ago about my partner. It's such a raw feeling of betrayal. But take a lesson from this, never trust anyone, never put anyone infront of your own needs. Be selfish, you come first before anyone at all times, just smile and let them see it doesn't bother you that your best friend wanted your leftovers like a dog on a bone, let her have him. Now girl you can grieve to yourself for a day or two that's it, you need to pick yourself up. I understand it's shock flows of emotions. But are they really worth your tears??? I don't believe so. I want you to go to your nearest mirror and take a long look at yourself and say. "You seriously wanted to take the biggest hand outta me, get your anger out to yourself. When you feel you've said enough you wipe them tears. Move on start a gym or something to motivate you and let off steam. We can do this, we can get through this, we're worth so much more than we've been taken for granted by people we trusted. I'm thinking of you and counting on you to be the bigger brighter person out of this situation. A few months or year from now, you'll be his loss but someone else's gain. They always come back at some point with their tail behind their legs. Be ready to turn them away. You'll be stronger 💪

My relationship of 1/half year just ended

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The evidence proves you've lost two lumps of *deadwood*, not 'a boyfriend and a friend'. A boyfriend and a friend wouldn't do that to you (or themselves) (or each other) (or society/culture) (the world)... *People* CAN'T behave like that and live with themselves/look themselves in the eye. But these aren't people. They're Feral...had the Humanity half, knocked out of them, growing-up...which is why they act more like animals than people, including, lacking in morals as well as empathy or even sympathy, etc., let ALONE being able to put themselves in your shoes or think ahead enough to realise the stupidity and futility and SELF-HARM in their choice of action. Just selfish, self-interest, and inappropriate competitiveness, envy, vindictiveness (over nothing but said envy and their ucked-up programme and applications), and sod who/what gets hurt. See it, want it, shove or punch everyone out of the way, get it, lie and make excuses when you catch up with them.... They know right from wrong but what they CAN'T do is Give A Sh*t. They.Don't.Care. As long as THEY'RE happy. Only, they're not. Save for jubilance and feeling cleverer than impressive-you that lasts all of 5 minutes. 'Happy people are Nice People/Nice Peple are Happy people -v- Miserable people are Nasty People/Nasty People are Miserable people.' Because they're NOT. FULLY-FORMED. PEOPLE. At best - perpetually angry, bitter, twisted, uncivilised, and/or spoilt rotten, feral kids in Adult suits.) Well...depending on ages. How old are you all? PS: Nobody here would dream of doing such a low-down, dirty, nasty, inhumane thing, either. For starters, we're none of us stupid enough. I mean, it's bad enough to be betrayed by your boyfriend. Let alone adding another betrayal on top! Double-Whammy. Stick around and hang out with us nice Giant Empaths until you feel better. And good on ya for being so self-disciplined and knowing your worth that you DUMPED THEIR TOXIC ARSES! TWO dumping the duds. What are you - a champion weightlifter? You must need a lie-down! And your trust muscle needs a rest as well. With a slight tweaking, I agree you should cease trusting people automatically or too soon or overly. Trust is supposed to be *earned* with the accruel, via every single interaction, of Consistency into Predictability (in any known or imagined/calculable situation). Unpredictable people are the definition of insane. *Obviously* you didn't see it coming (or the signs weren't clear enough, or in code). So what does THAT make the pair of them? There ya go. :) But again - depends on their ages/immaturity. (Obviously years under yourself, despite similar on-paper ages, because - LOOK - *YOU'RE* PROGRAMMED RIGHT? Hence not just know it's Not On, but by How Much and that it's an instant Dealbreaker (x 2), hence dumped the duds.) You're going to be fine, once you've allowed yourself to grieve over what you thought you had (or thought would transfer into adulthood WITH you). THEY'RE NOT. They're never going to be fine. Someone(s) f***ed them up instead of tucked them up. Keep chatting and comparing notes with Curly and any other posters in your boat, if you like?

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