Overthinking/Over reacting
OVERWHEMEDSOMEWHAT - Jan 7 2025 at 11:28
For the last 2 years, my husband’s sister and her husband have decided to not acknowledge me. I am unaware of any wrong doings or offences for this. We were never especially close family members but seemed to get along for the last 35 years.
However, a campaign of terror started has started in the last 6 months, such as shouting vile language at me, driving past me extremely slowly and growling! I finally told my husband what has been happening and he really couldn’t care! Am I being over sensitive because I feel let down by the lack of compassion shown by husband. Unfortunately, they live in the same street, I do try to avoid them but it’s difficult and I am wary of what will happen next. Any advice would be great. Thank you x
Hi Overwhelmed,
Are you being sensitive? What a telling question - and NO, you are NOT.
They're acting like raging delinquents in adult suits ....shocking behaviour; adults do NOT behave like that...like something out of a cheap (AND outdated!) daytime soap-opera - and he's acting like he's the one behind it all. Sorry, but he is. And they're acting like they think you KNOW what you've done (said). He's said something to 'release the hounds' on you and now is sitting back, watching you get strips torn off you, whether for revenge or a free show (so what's mentally wrong with HIM then!).
Give us more details please? Be as lengthy as you like - the more info you can give us, the better.
This is more than "a domestic". They're clearly malignant Narcissists. You'd be well within rights to call the Police on them for serious harrassment and stalking!
And this is your SISTER-IN-LAW?? Where did you get her - the zoo?
Just telling it like it is.
Too sensitive? If anything, you're not being 'sensitive' enough.
You have mine (and everyone's here, I'm sure) deepest sympathies, but this needs to be slammed-down and asap. You must feel like SH*T.
Even ruined your Christmas did they?
RsVP. And tell me everything your 'husband's' been saying and give me his rap-sheet. And PS: husbands are supposed to be provider-protectors, first and foremost. Not exactly a husband, then, is he. So what is he.
Thank you. I will give you more details shortly, just needed ( desperately) someone to give me a moment. I feel pathetic and very small but again Thank you X
A moment of validation, you mean. We get it. And you're welcome.
And you take as much time as you need, because, YES, they do make their victim-targets feel like that.
However, regardless of anything, it is her brother's/your husband's job to take her to task.
Meantime, try to act your socks off and, when they go past you like that, give them a look-mixture of disgustedness, perplexed-ness, and try to incorporate an eye-roll at the end. The worst thing you can do is - Boo-hoo, why you being so mean to meee. It's this: UGH, YUCK, WEIRDOS ("MATRON...?!"). Or as Lee Evans said in one of his sketches - recoiling and yelling: "Sheeeeeeeeeeeee's a MENTAL!".
You can't reason with these people, otherwise I'd be advising you approach their car and way, 'Obviously you've a problem, but nobody's told ME about it - care to explain?'. In fact, there wouldn't BE any issue and any approaching necessary!
But clearly they're too scared of you to approach you, and, not to outnumber you.