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(Opinion) sharing thoughts about empathics and narcissists

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we have empaths beyond what's normal per capita posting for help on our forums. i've been giving the empathic genre extra thought and i have an insight i'd share which may help to understand thus helping the healing process. empaths are thoughtful and caring and forever looking out for other people. our ability to sense and adapt to complex emotional situations sets us apart from others. narcissists think only of themselves and are forever looking for strong people to capture and destroy. how are we related and why do they attract us? (choosing the target, investigating for ammunition, luring us like a fisherman chooses the lake and the depth and the rod and the bait) our histories can very easily share the same stressors and stimuli. what sets us from them and why do they seek to destroy us specifically? that would be the result of introspection into our situation yielding healthier coping skills and habits. and their coping instead looking outwardly to see our victory and feelings of jealousy and contempt. and they see our strength and their admiration sets them on a path to us. then narcs may look at the average person and realize their needs can be met by these rubes. and at this, they hone and use the dark forces of psychology: emotional blackmail, threats, coersion, which then switches to their outward persona which most likely mimics nearly perfectly their target. know that some of their toolkit also matches our own. for our stimuli and stressors may have been the same and only the means of coping and meetings needs differ. (and drastically) we're both damaged and both sought to fill the hole left. the reason we care is that we've been hurt and seek to salve that in others. the reason we care for a narc is they're damaged just like we were and that's instinctual. the reason we're drawn to stay is their ability to lie congruently and the breaking down techniques commonly understood. the realization here that the same energies from the empathics are fueling the narcs from the spectrum. the reason we care is because we looked for answers and came back that helping others through this is best. we looked to ourselves and they looked to others and only one of those is healty and at all sustainable. i hope this is helpful and that through it in some small way you're encouraged to press on and love yourselves like nature intended.

(Opinion) sharing thoughts about empathics and narcissists

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Hi again Ricky, I was about to tackle your thread when I noticed you'd started this secondary one. You weren't to know this, but, as it's not the done thing, for reasons such as - (1) threads are for problems and all and any things connected/related (which this side-topic definitely is), rather than, discussions regarding thoughts/theories, and (2) because any missing, relateable data can affect the efficacy of posters' responses - I'm therefore going to have to copy your opening post here over into your first thread before closing this thread down. (No worries, though. People are welcome to just as easily respond to it there.) Put more simply: one cannot complete a jigsaw if any pieces are missing or if the reader isn't aware there are extra pieces that lay elsewhere. Everyone click here:
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