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I don't trust

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My boyfriend broke my trust by telling me that he had sex with my best friend the day after he came out of the hospital after he had his motorcycle acc. eversins I havent trusted him again I still love him, but how do I start trusting him again please help me I want to trust my man

I don't trust

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You deserve to be loved and respected. Get a new man who WILL NOT sleep with your best friend. Trust is earned. He does not deserve you. MOVE ON GIRL.

I don't trust

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I'd suggest first of questioning him why he did it. It seems strange for him to do this, unless your relationship is not all that healthy? If there are a lot of arguments, or maybe you're really clingy, restricting him from doing things? That could be a reason he went and did this? If you're doing that sort of thing anyway. Questioning both people should be a first course of action. Find out why they both did it. Your BF did not have to tell you, therefore there is some faith there in him telling you the truth. If this hurts you to a great degree, and you've expressed this to him, then he shouldn't do it again. If he does do it again and it hurts you, then consider breaking it off. As he should learn from previous mistakes. To actually trust him again completely, see as that incident as it's own separate circumstance. Sometimes people do strange things and do not consider the potential consequences. But the consequences should have hit him hard enough not to do this again. So just basically see it as a mistake on his part, see him as he has changed from making that mistake and won't make it again. Therefore he can be trust. Although be prepared as this is a risk, he could do it again and if he does it'll hurt you. If you feel like he's worth taking that risk for then do it. However if he does do it again, as I stated before, consider breaking it off. I hope that helped, good luck with your relationship and have a wonderful day :)

I don't trust

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Everyone who hears what he has done will give you the same advice-leave him BUT who hasnt made a mistake in life!? No one is perfect!!! We all make mistakes and he has made his but he seems to have realised his mistake otherwise he wouldnt have told you and could have continued sleeping with your bf behind your back. In my opinion? I Would try and forgive and forget. If he does it again then yes, hes bad news and you should leave but for the interim, try and let it go. What he did was totally wrong and it will take time for you to gain that trust back. HE will have to work hard to make YOU trust him again. If hes a good guy, then you wont have to do anything. Make him do the hard work.

I don't trust

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Does he want to work on the relationship to the same degree as you do? Did the near death experience with the accident prompt him to act out his innermost desires that were there for a long time? What does this say about the relationship to begin with? I sense a lack of respect and future commitment on his part, every one deserves to be with a partner who is authentic, respectful and faithful to the other. Separating can be scary and hard, but if it means you'll grow as a person and find the right match, its can be a positive choice.

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