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Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryMeeting Him on Saturday! Please Help! URGENT
[5 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 15 2024 at 09:21 by Rehman10! RESPONDENTS: manalone / Soulmate LAST POST: Jul 16 2024 at 16:18

Hello! I am here after my friend told me about this forum. I want to share my story and ask for genuine opinion. I am almost 29 and was looking for a guy on online marriage app (Just like my friend). So I found an amazing guy. We are from the same ethnic background. He is well-settled, has a great job, is in middle east. His father died 10 years ago. Has 1 brother who has been married for 8 ye...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categorySad about ex
[6 POSTS] CREATED: Jun 5 2024 at 16:06 by icanbuymyselfflowers RESPONDENTS: alexleee / Soulmate LAST POST: Jun 14 2024 at 05:06

How do i get my ex back? Hes married to someone else now and the girl he married was bullying me. Do i just give up and get over it? i feel like leaving this town because i dont want to be the butt end of the world anymore to people....

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryHavent heard from him in days
[6 POSTS] CREATED: May 14 2024 at 13:24 by romanblock RESPONDENTS: Fkeduplil / Soulmate LAST POST: May 25 2024 at 01:29

Hi all, im going to provide some context before actually delving into the issue. I met this guy last summer on a dating app we really hit it off but he was only in my city for the summer and ended up going back home. Since then we have texted everyday, we call, ive spoken to his family members, essentially our communication is really good. We arent “boyfriend girlfriend” but im so happy with w...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI can't sort my feelings about our relationship
[13 POSTS] CREATED: Dec 22 2023 at 08:08 by Flo_mel RESPONDENTS: manalone / Soulmate LAST POST: Jan 12 2024 at 00:39

I've been in ldr for yrs now. It's not easy, there are times I don't know where to stand. I've been arguing with myself. When I first met him, he's a cool guy but mean and don't trust people easily. I didn't have much expectations about him and I just wanted to have new friends. After some times, we grew closer and decided to date. Honestly, it wasn't the ki...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryPaying dating websites
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Aug 19 2023 at 12:37 by farid757 RESPONDENTS: Soulmate / Constant Gardener LAST POST: Aug 21 2023 at 22:17

What would a divorced mom, 43 years old be looking in me, a 66 year old divorced emergency medicine specialist. She is Ukrainian living in Sweden and I am in Kuwait. She is authentic, has a Facebook and instagram pages. Facebook page does not show friends or allows me to send a friend request. The pictures she posts on Facebook are the same that she sends to me. She declines to give her contact in...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryFrance to the US - long distance problems
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Feb 6 2023 at 00:56 by blackberrymojito RESPONDENTS: oldmainer / Amie Masque LAST POST: Feb 19 2023 at 17:34

I'm having real struggles with my relationship. I've been with my partner for a year now, and we've been long-distance the whole time. He lives in France and I in the United States. He's visited here twice, for a total of about a month and a half, and I've visited him twice, for a total of a month, with plans to visit him again for a month this April. Since the beginning, ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryNew boyfriend not respecting boundaries
[5 POSTS] CREATED: Oct 10 2022 at 18:24 by Cuteusrattus RESPONDENTS: oldmainer / Soulmate LAST POST: Oct 14 2022 at 21:19

I haven't dated much at all..In fact I've seen a counselor who diagnosed this as an actual phobia. I also have a diagnosed anxiety disorder and doing pretty well with therapy and meds except for the dating part. I'm older to have these fears, in my 30s, and as a result haven't moved on past kissing, not even so much as making out. I did have a relationship earlier this year whe...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryRough patch in relationship, and not knowing what to do
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Mar 21 2022 at 12:16 by candlelover RESPONDENTS: Aka / manalone / oldmainer LAST POST: Mar 24 2022 at 01:08

It’s been almost a whole year now since my partner and I entered into a relationship, even though months prior to that we were already talking and considered each other really good friends. Long story short, I was single for about 8 months before my current partner and I made things official, and I knew going into this relationship that I still wasn’t 100% ready to commit to anything serious (...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance advice?
[10 POSTS] CREATED: Mar 5 2022 at 00:22 by ventelatte87 RESPONDENTS: manalone / Smthanonymous / minsungisreal1 / life partner 1 / saru / Sweet girl 123 / xfam1 LAST POST: Mar 13 2022 at 14:18

Hi all Really hoping for some advice here, as I’m emotionally exhausted. I met someone online 6 years ago, but I wasn’t ready for a relationship, nevertheless, he has always stayed in contact, and, not in a pushy way, made his feelings very clear, that he would like a relationship, etc. 3 months ago, I got back in touch with him, and we started chatting again. Very quickly, old pat...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryTrying not to be the asshole about their pain
[1 POST] CREATED: Feb 20 2022 at 02:55 by Figuring541T.out RESPONDENTS: manalone LAST POST: Feb 20 2022 at 15:43

My partner and I have been together for about 8 months and things have been truly amazing. I can see myself spending the rest of my life with them. Lately, though, its not really been amazing. She developed an issue we're still trying to get figured out but it puts her in a lot of pain day to day. Sometimes its super mild and other times she can't get out of bed. The problem is sometimes...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryBroken hearted and backstabbed by best friend
[1 POST] CREATED: Jan 19 2022 at 18:29 by Wolf71284 RESPONDENTS: oldmainer LAST POST: Jan 19 2022 at 22:04

Hello almost 5 years ago i met a 23 year old woman online playing video games. I soo. Learned she had a emotionally and physically abusive bf. And had 3 young kids. I was 33 years old when we met and became good friends. Over the course of that year we started to grow feelings for each other. And talked and played every day. And was witness to a lot of the emotional abuse. And heard the thre...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryMy boyfriend and I started sexting and I have some safety concerns?
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Dec 13 2021 at 12:46 by blank RESPONDENTS: Aka / Crazy_Wife / TheColorPink LAST POST: Dec 17 2021 at 10:24

okay so . i'm fifteen and my boyfriend is seventeen, we met on twitter and have never met in person before. we started to sext a few days ago and it is consensual and i dont feel uncomfortable at all. and the age gap has never been a problem for us. but my friends keep warning me against talking to him because of said age gap, and though i am being careful, i do trust him. just wondering if s...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryIs my girlfriend trying to control me?
[1 POST] CREATED: Dec 7 2021 at 16:22 by Osty2543 RESPONDENTS: theanonadviser LAST POST: Dec 8 2021 at 22:45

Me and my partner are in a long distance relationship. I want to preface this by saying she is sweet and loving most of the time. However, we both have mental health issues, she has bipolar, I have clinical depression and depersonalization disorder, we both have anxiety issues as well, for extra measure. When we got together we spent everyday together for about 4 months, some days were me and h...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryRecently reverted to Islam and I'm worried about my relationship CREATED: Nov 25 2021 at 03:44 by anonrevert LAST POST: Nov 25 2021 at 14:18

(for some context, I'm 16 and can't tell anyone i'm muslim. my boyfriend only knows as we've been dating for 2 years now <3) I recently just converted to Islam. My previous life as a Christian was empty and had no meaning. I feel so happy with my new found relationship with Allah alhamdulilah <3 BUT. I feel as if my boyfriend isn't supportive. I told him a fe...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryMy girlfriend lie to me or don't be honest
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Nov 22 2021 at 19:05 by Peanutpancakes RESPONDENTS: blank LAST POST: Dec 13 2021 at 12:48

So i am in a long distance relationship since 9 months so few days ago late at night 12 we said good night to each other on text and i closed my texting application and just was going through other apps for any notifications or messages like insta and discord so their is this discord sver ver of mu friend its big me and my gf we both are in it so yeah that day i was checking the server before goin...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryAm I being unreasonable to think behaviour by 39yo was inappropriate CREATED: Aug 12 2021 at 17:55 by ThereActually LAST POST: Aug 13 2021 at 13:02

I met someone (a 39yo man) online through discord and we got to know eachother, he is a discord mod, and he seemed decent. We were in an LDR but it broke down, LDR isn't for me. We had spats and the period between the relationship ending and just getting back to normal lasted about ten days. Everyone in my server (not for age regressors) apart from me is a tween or early teen and they se...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryRough waters in the new relationship
[1 POST] CREATED: Jun 24 2021 at 01:34 by Robbs08 RESPONDENTS: Aka LAST POST: Jun 30 2021 at 08:21

Hey! I just started a new and exciting relationship with a man that is not my general type. We met through my coworker as it is her brother. She over heard me saying that I was single. So then she was eager for me to meet him. He does not live in Canada so we have been doing all the video chats and messaging thing. After about 10 days of talking, he asked me to be his girlfriend. ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI need help handling my girlfriend problems on my head
[6 POSTS] CREATED: Apr 21 2021 at 02:47 by McCartney12 RESPONDENTS: 786 / Katieholmes LAST POST: Jun 15 2021 at 14:26

Hello everyone, I´m here because I don´t have anyone to talk this without telling me "You should break up!, you will know better girls!" . So first thing first, I don´t want to break-up. However, sometime i´ve got the sensation that it would be better... but I still don´t want to. This is a long story, so grab yourselfs! (There are somethings that I don´t remember, but still I...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryMy boyfriend is jealous
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Jan 28 2021 at 22:08 by swainssnuggy RESPONDENTS: 555824761 / MamaBear LAST POST: Feb 2 2021 at 19:45

my boyfriend has a close female best friend that lives near to him. I have been jealous of for a long time because they are close and I told him I didnt want them talking anymore because I didn't like that she was loading her personal problems onto him as if he doesn't have enough on his plate and I didnt like that he was telling her his problems and not coming to me with them instead. H...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI think my online boyfriend is lying to me and not being open
[1 POST] CREATED: Jan 23 2021 at 17:39 by justanonpan RESPONDENTS: moon-and-stars LAST POST: Jan 24 2021 at 05:14

my boyfriend and i have been dating for five months through discord. he lives about 3h away by plane. recently we've been having a lot of ups and downs in our relationship but we manage to talk them out. last night, he said he didn't want to look something up for me because he couldn't trust me. i know when he's being sarcastic or if he's joking but he sounded really s...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryAccidentally falling in love in very unfavorable circumstances
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Jan 10 2021 at 14:31 by justceoproblems RESPONDENTS: Chloests / Aka LAST POST: Jan 10 2021 at 16:56

Hi everyone, I wanted at first to address this in the live chat, but there is too much background information so a post here was more appropriate, I hope you like a long story :) So, myself I'm a 31 years old engineer who found himself CEO of his own tech company after inventing something crazy 3 years ago. Before that I was someone who's fun to be around, I travelled a lot, very s...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryMirror mirror on the wall, who's the sexiest of them all
[6 POSTS] CREATED: Jan 10 2021 at 02:36 by Chloests RESPONDENTS: Aka LAST POST: Jan 10 2021 at 19:24

My girlfriend used to say that to me before I dumped her for being an immature spoiled brat. I know she regrets it and knows I'm worth waiting for. ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryPartners undecided on relationship
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Dec 11 2020 at 05:28 by FruityDrink60 RESPONDENTS: Aka LAST POST: Dec 12 2020 at 11:33

My partner and I have been in a relationship for a year and a half with the last year being long distance because he had moved to be closer to his 2 children whom he has since gotten custody of. 9 months ago we decided to move in together but were waiting for my children to finish school for the year so their education wasn't disrupted. We took turns traveling to see each other every mont...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryWhy is she so cold
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Nov 8 2020 at 14:02 by Flash41 RESPONDENTS: luvbirdsoldier LAST POST: Dec 8 2020 at 18:51

Hi I’m in relationship with over 3 years with a lady. And she lives abroad so different cultures etc. She always says things to hurt me and I keep telling her to stop. It’s like she don’t care. Now I do everything for this lady Financial support Holidays etc. If I say to her your words are hurting me she always says I’m not hurting you. Now we had o huge argument the other night and I hung...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLDR - not sure if he is still interested
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Oct 22 2020 at 02:07 by lakestaurus RESPONDENTS: MISSSY2 / RollandV LAST POST: Oct 22 2020 at 15:49

So a little bit of background information - I met someone online through a mutual friend in March, we started out just chatting every now and then but as timed passed it became all day every day. At the start of September we admitted we had developed feelings for each other and then a week or so later made it official and became 'boyfriend and girlfriend'. Now he lives in the States and ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance relationship
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Oct 1 2020 at 14:19 by Lime222 RESPONDENTS: MISSSY2 LAST POST: Oct 10 2020 at 14:12

Hello, so I know it is weird, but I have never met my boyfriend in real life. We met in a game and been friends for a year and after he asked me to be his girlfriend. So before Corona I had a trip to his country, but it got canceled. When I ask him if hes going to come he cant say any specifit time like in how many years we will see eachother because hes 18 and doesnt have his own money yet to fly...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLost
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Sep 25 2020 at 11:49 by Kipper RESPONDENTS: MISSSY2 / luvbirdsoldier LAST POST: Oct 25 2020 at 15:07

Hi my husband has been working away now for 6 years it was only suppose to be short term but 6 years has passed and he is still working away. We have two kids and I work a full time job. I have ask him a year ago to please try and get something closer to home as I am struggling to do it all. With the kids getting older and they are wanting to do a lot more activities I feel like I’m forever on t...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryMaking excuses to discard partner?
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Sep 16 2020 at 08:50 by SadCypress RESPONDENTS: manalone / MISSSY2 LAST POST: Sep 20 2020 at 02:55

Please I need advice: I have been 6 years with X. The last 3 years we were long distance. X discarded me several times the last couple of years, then would come back, discard me again and the pattern would repeat. About 10 days ago X hoovered again and claimed to have realized that I am the one etc. So I agreed to renew our relationship . We currently live in different countries. On Friday we tal...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categorySelf pleasure in long distance relationship CREATED: Aug 4 2020 at 00:14 by LoveRookie LAST POST: Aug 4 2020 at 04:01

Hello everyone So I am currently in a long distance relationship with the most amazing woman but I am in dilemma. I used to masterbate to porn a lot but she has expressed her dislike towards me doing it by stating once “that it feels like cheating”. Ever since then I have stopped watching porn because it made me feel guilty. However I have found myself recently looking for some sort of visu...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryMale help needed, what should I do? CREATED: Jul 21 2020 at 12:00 by thethingsshesaid LAST POST: Aug 25 2020 at 10:04

so I met this guy online approx. 2008, he was really into me and very keen, but we live about 100 miles apart and I got nervous and put things on hold. we have always remained friends and I've spoke to him about problems in relationships that I've had and he has also confided in me. I was on holiday with my children in 2014 and actually bumped into him and his children we all spe...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryIs my three year relationship doomed?
[1 POST] CREATED: Jul 1 2020 at 16:55 by futurelawmama RESPONDENTS: manalone LAST POST: Jul 4 2020 at 00:01

I am 22 and my boyfriend is 24. I am applying to law school, and this has been clear in my relationship since the beginning. My boyfriend has had a stable job for two years. We have been dating for three, all of which have been long distance (summers and school breaks have been spent together) My boyfriend recently pitched that he didn't want to do long distance anymore once I graduated. ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryNew to long distance relationship big age gap help
[1 POST] CREATED: Jun 18 2020 at 13:43 by Bluebells RESPONDENTS: manalone LAST POST: Jun 21 2020 at 00:52

I'm 43 and my new boyfriend is 28. I'm really looking for help and none judgemental advice. I've never been in a long distance relationship before nor have I ever dated anyone younger than myself. I'm in scary territory. What are the chances of us making this work. Three months in and we are in love already. We can't meet in person yet though. I'm also getting anx...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance relationship at university
[1 POST] CREATED: Jun 16 2020 at 23:29 by AdamB RESPONDENTS: Silvarion LAST POST: Jun 17 2020 at 10:10

I’ve been talking to this girl for a few months and things have been going really well. We’ve met a few times and things are starting to get serious. In September I will be moving to Bristol to do my masters whilst she will be moving to Exeter to do a placement year. The distance thing isn’t bothering me all that much as it’s only an hour drive, she has a car and I’m happy to take pu...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryOver 40 help please Indian man British woman
[1 POST] CREATED: Jun 13 2020 at 12:22 by Bluebells RESPONDENTS: Silvarion LAST POST: Jun 17 2020 at 11:54

Hi. I'm looking for nonejudgemental help and advice from people around my age. I'm 42 and my partner is 28. We've been in an LDR for two months. He's Indian studying to be a Doctor. I'm in the U.K. Yesterday I had a problem arise. I found him ' liking' and putting a Wow emoji on a female friend's photos. He knows this upsets me, as we have had a ta...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance dilemma. I care for him and don’t know what to do. Help!
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Jun 6 2020 at 12:12 by Cara34 RESPONDENTS: manalone LAST POST: Jun 7 2020 at 06:38

I’ve known R for about a year we met on a dating site (cringe I know but hasn’t everyone done this?) We got on so well we had an instant connection. We spoke about everything nothing was off limits it would even get sexual some night. Here’s the thing he lived about 250 mile away from me, he would always say come down and see me but I had been hurt in the past and felt like traveling 250 mil...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryJealous girlfriend?
[3 POSTS] CREATED: May 16 2020 at 16:32 by rmlssk10 RESPONDENTS: lily31 / January / laflamme LAST POST: Jun 2 2020 at 11:47

So, recently my ldr boyfriend has started talking to a girl again who he used to talk to but it’s making me really jealous and feel like I’m being replaced. They’ve talked about hanging out and stuff they’re going to do together once quarantine has ended but some things to me seem more like flirting than just being friends but he doesn’t agree. Some things for example are her askin...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryThey say phoenixes always rise from the ashes unscathed, until they know better
[1 POST] CREATED: Apr 3 2020 at 04:27 by sen-mithrarin RESPONDENTS: ZEDEBEE LAST POST: Apr 22 2020 at 13:03

I don't remember the exact moment nor date when I met him. But since then, he's been such a constant in my life and such a beautiful thing that I couldn't possibly live without him around. I've known him, however, since I was in kindergarten. Five years old, one and the same. He'd moved from Kentucky, away from a terrible mother and home life. I chased him around the pl...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryAm I being childish for needing my boyfriend to comfort me?
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Mar 20 2020 at 18:02 by UmeSakura RESPONDENTS: manalone LAST POST: Mar 22 2020 at 17:39

Hi Everyone, I've just been in a car accident that could have been fatal, on Saturday March 7 recently. My car is still in the workshop because the crash was pretty bad. I told my boyfriend about it, but he didn't even call me to check on me. He just wrote a couple of emails to express his shock over learning about the accident. I feel hurt and let down, that he didn't ma...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryWanting a polyamorous relationship
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Feb 1 2020 at 20:38 by PolyPocket RESPONDENTS: manalone LAST POST: Feb 3 2020 at 05:30

My boyfriend and I have been together for over 2 years. I am extremely happy with him and can see myself building a life with him. We have always been very open and honest with each other. From the beginning I expressed my views on having relations with people outside of our relationship. I feel that if we are honest and communicate our feelings with each other, we should be able to interact with...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance low income CREATED: Oct 3 2019 at 14:37 by HopelessOptimist LAST POST: Oct 5 2019 at 13:47

Will try to keep this as short as possible to save time. I'm almost 40 years old, the girl I love is in her 30's. I fell in love with a girl who lives in a poor country. We started off as friends, and as I'm a bit of a loser I never expected more. After knowing this girl a few years and experiencing a certain life event I decided to tell her how I felt about her. It turned out s...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryMy boyfriend doesn't seem to understand that I want more from our long distance
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Aug 24 2019 at 00:24 by Yasminaesia RESPONDENTS: Skinnygirl2 LAST POST: Sep 4 2019 at 07:28

Hi, I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend since two years. It is mostly a long distance thing. Previously, like every relationship it used to be very romantic, but now it seems the spark is gone. He is no longer romantic, he no longer sings to me like he used to previously (as music is one of his hobbies) , he does not take interest in my likings or those things which make me happy, ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryQuestion of my own CREATED: Jul 13 2019 at 11:18 by Mickey LAST POST: Jul 23 2019 at 11:13

I want to know if my guy loves me back or not? We met when we were in the same class .. Unfortunately one have to come to another city .. We learnt about each other perfectly when we are apart . I expressed to him that I love him but he is not moved on from his past relationship.. I know him past from almost two years If I describe my (now) relation with him's on a smooth w...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryNarcissistic ex girlfriend
[15 POSTS] CREATED: Jun 28 2019 at 13:32 by Tiredoflife RESPONDENTS: lily31 / Soulmate LAST POST: Aug 5 2019 at 23:15

Well, it's been suggested to me in other threads on this forum that my ex girlfriend may have had narcissistic personality disorder. I finally realised it for myself now xD. All along I knew she had an inflated and fragile ego. But I initially didn't recognise there being a 'love bombing' phase, as it was only just beginning to fade out when things went wrong for u...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI messed up
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Jun 8 2019 at 02:47 by Fox94 RESPONDENTS: mdwvnbcn LAST POST: Jun 8 2019 at 03:19

I have unknowingly been acting cold and distant towards someone that means very much to me. He has been talking to me less because of this and I noticed. Instead of taking myself into account I got upset with him and completely blew up, saying that he didn't like me anymore and that I was going to leave. I instantly regretted it. He, justly so, is very upset with me. I accept that it is my fa...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryHe trusted me and now I'm heartbroken CREATED: Apr 21 2019 at 12:24 by Bella LAST POST: May 28 2019 at 00:33

Hi there, I'm looking for some advice on my relationship.we are in a long distance one,he's America and I'm UK we are in the middle of applying for a visa so I can be with him. I am also 11 years older than him,this has never been an issue. until his last visit when I felt something was different. I stupidly went through his phone ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryBlackmailed and betrayed!
[1 POST] CREATED: Apr 14 2019 at 10:05 by DVS_LBN RESPONDENTS: JB1988 LAST POST: Apr 14 2019 at 15:43

I got to know my girlfriend in a club. I was in another country and those were 3 amazing weeks. After 5 month she came at my home, and we went on summer vacation. After 6 months I went at her home and we started to live together. After 2 weeks of living with her she got sms at 2 at night. I got up and couldn't understand all, only lovely words (Cyrillic letters as she is from east Europe) b...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryReviving my complex long distance romantic relationship (part 3) myself
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Apr 12 2019 at 21:22 by Fer RESPONDENTS: Hooo! / Tiredoflife LAST POST: Jun 5 2019 at 14:02

Hello Everyone. I will continue telling you about this "adventure of mine". I have taken your advice: I have been working more in myself rather than on the "dead" relationship with girl H. My relationship with her hasn't died yet. We still talk everyday. And sometimes, we can even have cute and funny moments. Sometimes, I have done little images for her with a cute message...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryMy partner is moving away, should I end the relationship now?
[1 POST] CREATED: Apr 12 2019 at 10:30 by Rosa RESPONDENTS: Supersarah LAST POST: Apr 28 2019 at 19:24

My boyfriend and I are coming from different countries but we both live in England. We have been together for a year and we are in our mid thirties. I’d like to settle down and have kids and he knew this from the beginning. A few months ago he found a great job in his home country and he decided to move after 10 years of living in England and he will be moving within a month. Initially I was ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryRelationship advice: We were on a break kind of thing CREATED: Apr 6 2019 at 01:22 by MrAnonymous LAST POST: Apr 6 2019 at 14:19

Dear all, I would greatly appreciate you oppinion on my situation. Not sure if I am totally in the wrong here or my girls’ reaction is unjust. Apologies for the long rant. I hope some of you want to lend you honest opinion.. I live in Europe and 2 years ago moved to another country fairly close by. Shortly after I started dating this nice and sweet girl who live in my home country. After a...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLDR bf (26 yo) hanging out with a new girl friend: boundaries?
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Mar 30 2019 at 20:36 by Callongan RESPONDENTS: lily31 LAST POST: Apr 1 2019 at 16:40

I'm (25f) in a Long Distance relationship and my bf (26) started to work at a company where he met this girl. After a week the girl moved to another company but they went out twice as coworkers(technically ex-coworkers) in two weeks. When I asked him, he said they had been texting every day, and the girl suggested to go to his house to cook dinner together. I said "I'm not comfortab...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryReviving my complex long distance romantic relationship (part 2) follow up
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Mar 26 2019 at 19:08 by Fer RESPONDENTS: Tiredoflife LAST POST: Mar 30 2019 at 15:23

In my first post, I exposed that I had a complex long distance relationship that was falling apart. Nonetheless, I was given one last chance to win her heart back. There are some lessons I learned during that period. I must state that the No-Contact rule doesn't apply for all relationships. In my situation, the break-up happened because I wasn't giving her enough attention. Sometimes, I ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryReviving my complex long distance romantic relationship
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Mar 10 2019 at 19:48 by Fer RESPONDENTS: Tiredoflife LAST POST: Mar 11 2019 at 19:39

Hello. My name is Fer. I need your advice. I really need advice. Background story: Two years ago, Maria rejected me. She was a friend of a friend. I was genuinely in love with her. What attracted me the most was that we had deep political and philosophical conversations. We would share very poetic experiences and I genuinely liked her. However, after confessing, she rejected me and blocked...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong relationship problems...
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Mar 3 2019 at 15:27 by Marixttt RESPONDENTS: attilahelp LAST POST: Mar 11 2019 at 09:07

Hello! I have some problems in my relationship, and I would love some advice! Me and my boyfriend have been together for more than a year, and we’ve been talking for 2 years now. We live in different cities but we still see eachother every weekend as we both make an effort for this. This summer I will be going to Spain for 6 months for an internship and he will be leaving for his internship ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLove? CREATED: Feb 11 2019 at 07:32 by RoadBug LAST POST: Feb 16 2019 at 09:01

So ive had an interesting relationship with this girl over the 5 years or so and mind you her and i were our firsts for each other we had a very intimate relationship for about 6-7 months but before that we were great friends for a year and have been still be day. This was during high school and after that amazing 6 months she left and went off to college we probably saw each other 2 maybe 3 time...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryWhat should I do? Am I ruining her life? CREATED: Jan 26 2019 at 12:48 by Sz LAST POST: Jan 30 2019 at 00:34

So, its been more than a year since me and my gf ended up having a Long Distance Relationship, as she had to move to a different state for a college. Coming to the point, She made this guy friend, of whom i became extremely jealous, but kept it in untill yesterday. I was jealous as, she spent all her time with him, not that she had choice, he was her only friend in the whole damn university. I kne...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryShould I pursue a crush if I am going to leave the country soon CREATED: Jan 17 2019 at 18:12 by Reverse _Flash LAST POST: Jan 18 2019 at 16:08

I am currently a student. I really really really like a friend of mine. We are good friends right now. We haven known each other for only 6 months or so but we have become really close. This girl looks like the perfect fit for me. We have so many similarities and everyone (mutual friends) thinks we would be a good couple. I am not sure if she has feelings for me but there is a really high chance t...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryA guy faked his name, life and existence to get me in a relationship
[5 POSTS] CREATED: Dec 31 2018 at 20:43 by Jennyveev RESPONDENTS: Altreal / Skinnygirl2 LAST POST: Jan 4 2019 at 11:26

Hi everyone, this is my first post here because i really needed some help. Okay so I started talking to a random guy, he was the one to text me first on social media. I never usually reply to random people but I did to him even though he didn't had a single picture of him there. We talked a lot, almost all the time and here is what happened He said to me he has fallen in love with me and ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryWhat should I do CREATED: Dec 11 2018 at 09:11 by Valentine LAST POST: Dec 12 2018 at 17:39

Hi everyone,I need some opinions here. So my bf is off to grad school but,our relationship has been rocky this couple of months cause of distance. There is no effort on his part because he is super stress and I understand but on the hand I want this relationship to be equal. So when I told him that he said I will give it to you after I am done with finals but I told him he can do that but he can a...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryDoes this relationship sound like it could work?
[1 POST] CREATED: Oct 15 2018 at 13:33 by SundayThe26th RESPONDENTS: Altreal LAST POST: Oct 16 2018 at 19:04

We are best friends, and have known each other online for over two years. We have quite a large age gap, but it hasn't been a problem as I haven't had much life experience compared to my peers and he is wise for his age, so it feels like we are much closer in age than we are. We are very close, and we text everyday for anywhere from two to five hours altogether. It has always been like t...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryIs chemistry necessary to a relationship?
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Oct 14 2018 at 18:12 by tresmarias RESPONDENTS: Karen LAST POST: Oct 18 2018 at 20:44

Greetings... Im in a long distance relationship right now for a month. Im a filipina, he is german. We are both on our early 50's. This guy is very kind. Very calm, patient, honest, starightforward, responsible. I can say 70% of what im looking for a guy is with him. I know he is serious about marriage and i know he loves me. The problem is with me. As the days goes by i already find it bo...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryCan it be possible
[1 POST] CREATED: Sep 19 2018 at 00:25 by DiiverJhincy RESPONDENTS: Lea.r LAST POST: Sep 30 2018 at 02:15

hey everyone. i wanna talk about long distance relationship can it be possible and how it can be im talking about relationship different countries i really need help and wanna talk about it cause i read from forums lot of people been used for that especially girls ..... i wanna hear from people they success and people they didnt ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryNeed advice to accept ex
[1 POST] CREATED: Sep 18 2018 at 21:17 by luckyjohn89 RESPONDENTS: 70sgirl LAST POST: Oct 15 2018 at 11:52

Hello everyone, Greetings. I am in a long distance relationship with my girlfriend for more than 3 years. We are happy till now. I already know that she suffers from OCD. Recently she confessed that she shared her bed with more or less 5-6 guys including my friends in the last 2 years. She is also in a serious relationship with one guy. But she is in dilemma whom to choose. I understand that...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryComplicated crush situation, advice please CREATED: Aug 19 2018 at 03:33 by Zensen LAST POST: Aug 19 2018 at 07:20

Hello, So I don't really know where to start with all of this but I thought I'd give this forum a try and see what your thoughts are on this situation that I'm in currently. So let me start at the beginning. On holiday, I developed a crush on this boy during my last week or so there. Initially I didn't think anything of him as he was wearing an under 18 wrist band, and I do...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI love him, but I'm not in love? CREATED: Aug 17 2018 at 10:33 by Findusine LAST POST: Aug 17 2018 at 11:49

Hello, I need advice for my long distance relationship. I live in Europe and he lives in America. We've been dating for 4 months and he visited me for 17 days about 3 months into the relationship. I care about him so much. My problem is that I dont know if I'm in love, and that thought is almost killing me. I can't stop thinking about how much I love him, but I'm not in l...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryMy ex doesn’t want to get back with me after leading me on
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Aug 16 2018 at 18:07 by nonstoppoppin RESPONDENTS: MamaBear LAST POST: Aug 20 2018 at 19:54

So I recently started talking to my ex again 2 months ago. Everything was going fine. She would flirt and just be her old self. Recently, something has changed. She stopped showing lots of attention and doesn’t speak to me as often. Is she leading me on? ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryIs a long break harmful for a relationship?
[1 POST] CREATED: Aug 16 2018 at 00:18 by Whipped4ty RESPONDENTS: IcarusWings LAST POST: Aug 16 2018 at 02:07

So I've been dating this guy for over a year now and I really think I love him, but he had to go overseas for work and I have been unable to contact him. This however is not the problem as I knew I would not be able to talk to him during this trip. My problem is that I am worried about the long term affects this will have on our relationship. The work trip is 6 weeks long, and he has ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryHow to get over someone you've only texted with fast
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Aug 6 2018 at 22:26 by reallyconfused RESPONDENTS: LoriMcDaniel LAST POST: Aug 14 2018 at 21:50

So, to not make the back story way too long and boring, there's a guy I met online around 2 years ago and texted with A LOT since we met. We have not met since we live in different countries really far away from each other, but still we became really close really fast. In the beginning we were sort of dating, or at least I'm pretty sure we both had feelings for each other. Anyway, obviou...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI need help to know if this guy likes me...
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Aug 6 2018 at 05:15 by LittleMissStrange RESPONDENTS: Altreal LAST POST: Aug 7 2018 at 12:11

There's this guy who is kind of a play boy and he's really far from me so we only text and talk from apps right now. I really like him bit I don't know if he feels the same. We sleep in voice calls sometimes and he teases me and says things like "<my name> is very beautiful" (we have seen each other) and I would laugh and say "no I'm a potato" then he ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categorySilence after fight: is it over?
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 29 2018 at 16:14 by Amms RESPONDENTS: Skinnygirl2 LAST POST: Jul 30 2018 at 19:20

I and my bf of 4 yrs (in a serious relation-heading towards marriage and from last 2 years we are in LDR ) had a fight about two months back.I used v bad abusive words for his family in texts to him. He said ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryHaving 'a right' over someone? CREATED: Jul 13 2018 at 13:30 by Yenilav LAST POST: Jul 14 2018 at 13:59

Hello, I'm new here and just looking for advice in my relationship. I have a long-distance relationship with a young man my age. He's turkey, currently living there, and I'm swedish. We sometimes clash over values that are very different in our different cultures, seeing as my culture is very "western", independent and open. His culture can sometimes lean more to the ea...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryBeing dumb
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 5 2018 at 19:33 by urgirl RESPONDENTS: lily31 / Tulowitz / Royal baby LAST POST: Jul 13 2018 at 19:22

I started chatting to this boy a lot online, for the past 5 or so months. I’ve never met him, have no idea what he looks like, he lives in America (I live in the UK), and he’s 23 years old (I’m only 16). I know I’ve been dumb by doing this and continuing to do this, because I am just setting myself up to be hurt. I don’t understand why I seem to like him so much, but I do and it’s ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryProm or no prom CREATED: Apr 11 2018 at 15:11 by TrvpPrincess18 LAST POST: Apr 11 2018 at 15:59

Let’s start off with me telling y’all how we met. I’m 21 and he’s 18 and we met on a app over winter break. We live in two different states he lives on the East and I live in the Midwest. I never did a long distance relationship before so this was all new to me. We talked everyday for the first couple months then it slowly became less and less to where we would go 4...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryAfter 4 years of distace relationship we could be together, but...
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Mar 11 2018 at 18:49 by Ullij RESPONDENTS: MamaBear / Cuisine228 LAST POST: Mar 29 2018 at 16:01

Hello, I'll try to explain all the best I can. I'm in a distance relationship for more than 4 years now, she is a beautiful girl and, the most important, she is honest. We've had no problems because of that: we both tell everything. No matter if it's good or bad, if it's going to hurt the other person, we say everything. We see each other sometimes, in holidays I go ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance love
[10 POSTS] CREATED: Mar 10 2018 at 13:33 by FarhadD RESPONDENTS: MamaBear LAST POST: Mar 14 2018 at 07:19

I've fallen in love with a British girl since about 2 months ago. I made friendship with her and now we are best friends. But about 2 weeks ago I knew that she has a boyfriend. I got very upset about it. But she doesn't believe in love and has never loved anybody in relationship way. There's a long distance between us as we are in 2 different continents. We are BFFs and we don'...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryScandalous story, is my relationship toxic? Please help
[1 POST] CREATED: Feb 6 2018 at 16:15 by Ylyam RESPONDENTS: Mysti LAST POST: Feb 6 2018 at 16:53

Before I get into anything here’s a little background. My ex broke up with me I spiralled and decided I wanted a no string relationship. I started fucking this new guy from work I had no feelings for, but then ended up hooking up with a long time friend from work (I know terrible) on a Vegas trip. As soon as we hooked up I ended things with the other guy. Well I told him maybe when this guy ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryProblem with a (literally) distant girl, just need time but would like advice
[7 POSTS] CREATED: Feb 1 2018 at 15:23 by Kurokatana RESPONDENTS: Merci LAST POST: Feb 6 2018 at 00:05

Hello people, I signed up because I wanted to hear what people had to say about by little problem, which is making me very nervous right now. The setting is gonna be a bit long but please keep reading, it's necessary to understand it all. I am a man from Spain (mid 20s), and the girl I want to talk to you about is about the same age, but lives in one of our islands (the Canary Islands). Th...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryTalking to a guy & I’m very confused
[1 POST] CREATED: Dec 19 2017 at 17:21 by Janeeb RESPONDENTS: broost LAST POST: Dec 23 2017 at 15:00

So basically my sister was dating this guy, he hooked me and his brother up who so happen to be my age. We talked DAILY since the first day we talked. Well they live about 2 hours away so my sisters boyfriend would travel to take her on dates. 4 months into me and his brother talking they decided to double date us with them. It was soooo bad like he was very shy and quiet & I had to hug him fi...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryMy girlfriend is depressed and we both don’t know what to do with our relationship CREATED: Dec 10 2017 at 23:18 by Harper.s LAST POST: Dec 11 2017 at 20:44

My girlfriend and I have been together for over a year now. A few weeks ago she told me she was depressed, and all I want is to help her get better. The only problem here is our relationship. Indeed, I love her more than everything in this world, but she’s constantly telling me that she is feeling overwhelmed because of any kind of relationship and I honestly get it. But we are in a long dist...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI need to talk once
[9 POSTS] CREATED: Nov 5 2017 at 16:55 by Abcd RESPONDENTS: manalone / Soulmate LAST POST: Nov 11 2017 at 15:26

Hi, I recently had a break up with my boyfriend of more than 3 years. We met in college during his last semester, spent 4 months together in the same place. After that he went to US for his higher studies while I stayed back to complete mine. We were going good with occasional fights like every relationship. We were very seriously looking at a future since I too want to move to US for PhD. Our fam...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI love and care deeply for someone but they won't let me in anymore
[1 POST] CREATED: Oct 25 2017 at 22:36 by KaidenKnight RESPONDENTS: Silvarion LAST POST: Oct 27 2017 at 16:29

Once upon a time, I was in a long distance relationship for 8 months with a girl living in America. Before me, she had been in a long string of abusive and manipulative relationships, one leading in sexual abuse, that had left her filled with a lot of fears, insecurities and anxieties. She couldn't trust anyone's high opinions or love for her and was filled with self hate. I had promised...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryShould I officially break up with him?
[1 POST] CREATED: Oct 10 2017 at 17:03 by TrainwreckNot RESPONDENTS: champagne LAST POST: Oct 10 2017 at 19:41

I've been dating a guy for almost 2 years, we met in uni so we saw each other almost everyday. When I went back home in the summer he didn't bother texting much or even calling. When I text it takes him over a week to reply and the excuse is he's busy. He does have a job but no one is THAT busy. He also got caught cheating in an exam so he got a year's deferral which means I...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryShould I let go or not?
[1 POST] CREATED: Sep 9 2017 at 05:14 by Stuckinthemiddle RESPONDENTS: natasha06 LAST POST: Sep 9 2017 at 11:54

So I have this guy (I'm not so sure if we're still together), he is 18 and I'm 21. However, that doesn't bother. We had an argument about a girl that I feel uncomfortable with. She says I miss you and I love you. Yes, she has a boyfriend. But how she talks with my boyfriend is just really so uncomfortable. My boyfriend finds it wrong at some point. I am not a jealous type. I ju...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryBad long distance relationship
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Aug 17 2017 at 16:32 by Lostpoet RESPONDENTS: Silvarion / manalone / Helena24 LAST POST: Aug 18 2017 at 07:20

I have been dating a 30 year old lady and am a 31 year old male. We started off as friends as we met online on a dating zone and she said she was single then i later found out she had someone. That made me take caution and decided to be friends. After 6 years as friends and after she told me she ended thing with her ex we decided to go out only to find out she was still with the guy. The guy found...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryWhat's wrong with me?
[16 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 17 2017 at 23:22 by KhiaraLee RESPONDENTS: Jason4263 / harry888 / Silvarion LAST POST: Jul 20 2017 at 14:21

I'm not really sure where to start because we have such history but I don't want this to be extremely long... I met a guy in late 2011 on dating app. Things seemed great but our relationship ended up turning into a giant disaster and after it ended I didn't hear from him again until I got a message on Facebook in April/May of this year. We started talking again and honestly i...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryFalling out of love 1 year relationship 7 years friendship
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Apr 22 2017 at 10:02 by Lostpoet RESPONDENTS: Altreal LAST POST: Apr 30 2017 at 22:05

I have known this gal for 7 years now. We met via online site and met face to face. My gut said to me don't go for it. Only to find out later when she told me she had someone in her life she went out with me cause she looking for someone new. She used to be a heavy partying person. The lifestyle i never liked. So i decided best we just be friends. Through the 6 years of friendship she had mul...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryMilitary divorce / deployment
[1 POST] CREATED: Apr 12 2017 at 18:15 by Bruno555 RESPONDENTS: manalone LAST POST: Apr 12 2017 at 23:50

Me and my wife have been married for 2 years. We do not have any kids together but I have 2 kids with a past gf. There is a whole story in itself on this situation but long story short I don't pay child support and I don't see them. They aren't involved in me and my wife's life. Me and my wife are extremely happy obviously the occasional argument but nothing serious. She ha...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryWidowed and dating problem CREATED: Mar 29 2017 at 19:02 by Sunnygal1325 LAST POST: Mar 30 2017 at 05:20

I am a senior person dating a 70 year old man. We are both widowed and knew each other before spouses died. Have been dating for a year off and on. Relationship was platonic until two weeks ago when he came to visit me. For six months of the year we live in different states I am now falling in love and he dates two other woman but is not intimate with them. He is very open and honest with me We...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong-distance relationship troubles
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Mar 27 2017 at 19:39 by hermioneron RESPONDENTS: Kashudo LAST POST: Mar 28 2017 at 13:14

Hello I am 30, I met a boy on Tinder in September, he is 27, we started texting immediately on Facebook and after two weeks we met. I live in a big city and he lives in a village 80 km away so he came to my city. We liked each other a lot, talked for six hours, we had a really strong connection from the very beginning. The next three months up until Christmas he came to my city nearly every week a...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryVirginity test before marriage
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Mar 15 2017 at 07:12 by Sandhya RESPONDENTS: SilviaGirl / Soulmate LAST POST: Mar 30 2017 at 01:46

Dear Sir, I am Female, 26 years, We both are in 5 years distance relationship & we meet each other once before 4 years. Now we are going to marry soon. But He is asking for virginity test before that ( me & he also will give the test). Will u tell me pls, is it correct to give this type of test??...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryGirlfriend's mom forces breakup
[6 POSTS] CREATED: Mar 7 2017 at 22:53 by Dylpyckle13 RESPONDENTS: MissMLee LAST POST: Mar 14 2017 at 23:48

So this all starts back about two years ago when I met this girl while we were both on a vacation, and we saw an interest in each other. That's when I first learned about how strict her mom is with other boys. Nothing happened during that week and we both went back to where we lived with nothing but a fun week, which was nice to have at that point. Over the next two years until maybe two mont...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryCant let go of her past
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Mar 3 2017 at 16:37 by Lostpoet RESPONDENTS: SilviaGirl LAST POST: Mar 6 2017 at 19:52

I am unable to let go of the fact that the girl am with (for a year) decided to cheat on her boyfriend to be with me. She told me the relationship was over between them only to find out she was still together with him. She only dumped him after we have been together for 3 months she says. To complicate matters more, more ex boyfriends are appearing. I feel like am always in a position to be the ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLDR trouble CREATED: Feb 14 2017 at 10:43 by Veroli LAST POST: Feb 26 2017 at 09:51

This is my first time reaching out for help, simply because I don't know what to do. Here's the situation: I have a grilfriend since 6 months now, we met online and it didn't take long at all for us to fall in love with each other. We have always been very open about our problems and can talk about anything. We love us so incredibly much, we spend hours every day writing, video...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryRelationship end?
[71 POSTS] CREATED: Jan 3 2017 at 15:18 by Woozy RESPONDENTS: Soulmate / nez / slowjoe83 / harry888 / Gto444 / Mingliao LAST POST: Aug 9 2017 at 12:59

Well, im 28 and my girlfriend is 22. We have been in a relationship for almost 2 years and started to live together after 2 months meeting. Everything was great till 2 weeks ago, when we had a horrible fight. I know i haven't been a perfect guy but we always have had a jelousy problem. She doesn't trust me most likely at all. But for her, i even stoped talking to other females long time ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryMy 1st cousin and 1st love
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Dec 27 2016 at 06:00 by Crazylad RESPONDENTS: another view LAST POST: Dec 29 2016 at 21:45

I know this is a very old stuff,but I just wanted to tell my story because Iam so depressed and alone by keeping it inside and I want someone to hear this and sort this out..Am just saying in short .It was before 5 years .now Iam 20.My 1st cousin.She is three younger than me.. Something happened then. we came very close to each other.We started doing things which I don't want to talk about.I...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryShould I blame myself for ruining everything by worrying?
[1 POST] CREATED: Dec 13 2016 at 15:33 by SaturdayThe12th RESPONDENTS: manalone LAST POST: Dec 14 2016 at 00:45

I had a thread last month about thinking my boyfriend was cheating on me: About two weeks after I posted that, he left me. His reasons were that we didn't know how we would feel about each other without meeting in person, and that unless we met, we couldn't move forward. He said he didn't...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryDistance on a new relationship
[1 POST] CREATED: Nov 18 2016 at 16:03 by LoveSap RESPONDENTS: manalone LAST POST: Nov 18 2016 at 23:35

My husband and I have been living in different states for about 9 months now. I am finishing up in grad school so I am not capable of move to be with him now, and he move because it was a really good job opportunity for him and will give him much needed experience. Recently, the stresses of school and living apart are really coming down on me. I'm often really lonely and just really missing m...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryWhere am I heading towards?
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Nov 8 2016 at 20:40 by ShawnR RESPONDENTS: Scopes / manalone / Soulmate LAST POST: Nov 10 2016 at 15:07

I am right now on verge of a break up, we had been together for more than 2 years. This is an long distance relationship, She is 42 yrs and has 2 kids who I regard as my own. She has been doing sexual role-plays, flirting with others online. I told her that is hurting be that she is doing all this. She tells me that they are just for fun and that she only wants me in real life. There has been tim...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI love him he loves me but the circumstances..
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Oct 28 2016 at 09:37 by Divya1309 RESPONDENTS: payitforward15 LAST POST: Oct 28 2016 at 21:59

I was in a relationship for last more than 2 years we were together in college . First we became friends in first year of btech and then this friendship grew stronger day by day .We fight alot but fights were normal to us and we came on track easily . Then after two years of btech we decided to be together forever . That was the most beautiful day of my life i don know when and how i started loved...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI'm having a serious problem in my marriage
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Oct 18 2016 at 09:06 by Cherish RESPONDENTS: harry888 LAST POST: Oct 18 2016 at 10:24

We are barely four months in marriage and I already feels my husband doesn't love me. He listens to his friends and family against what we both agreed on to do. Anytime I try to bring his attention to it, he will say I complain a lot and he will stop picking my calls nor reply my chats. Pls I need some advice as we both don't live together, he is in California and I'm in Nigeria ....

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryEx girlfriend
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Oct 17 2016 at 15:19 by Aman314 RESPONDENTS: skinnygirl LAST POST: Oct 18 2016 at 14:58

so here's the story. I had a best friend for 4 years. Her and I were really close and would discuss everything to each other. She shared things with me that she would never and hasn't shared with anyone else. We had almost became more than friends on several different occasions. Well, one night finally it happened we kissed and from there became boyfriend and girlfriend. After a pretty h...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLove or fake friendship can't figure it out
[1 POST] CREATED: Sep 29 2016 at 06:52 by Kammy RESPONDENTS: Altreal LAST POST: Sep 29 2016 at 09:47

I am a girl and I met with a guy at my college. He was my senior (2 years elder than me). We worked together on some projects and became friends. We were in a college together for 2 years but just as a friend. After that we did not talk for 1 year and we both moved in different countries. After that 1 year we started to chat and then he started to comments on my photos about how good looking I am....

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryHe asked for a break so I dumped him, did I do the right thing?
[7 POSTS] CREATED: Sep 7 2016 at 16:27 by AntiDelwa RESPONDENTS: Seen-thru. / manalone LAST POST: Sep 8 2016 at 12:11

I recently met and dated a guy I'd been friends with online who lived far away from Me and I decided to meet Him. When we met , we started having a relationship bearing in mind all the things we'd told each other about what we actually wanted.I took the plunge and it was pretty dreamy. We got along, we were great friends and despite the gross stuff like farting etc (we were living wi...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI just married my elementary school sweetheart without breaking up with my girlfriend
[1 POST] CREATED: Aug 30 2016 at 20:18 by webman RESPONDENTS: Altreal LAST POST: Aug 31 2016 at 04:08

I have dated my girlfriend for four years. She is very good to me. About a year ago i met my elementary school sweetheart when I went on a vacation. Her and I rekindled and started a long distance relationship. I went back to where she lives and got married to her last week. I don't know what to tell my girlfriend. I expect my new bride to come and join me for us to live as married couple. N...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLooking for a woman I can talk to
[1 POST] CREATED: Aug 29 2016 at 02:41 by BradyO RESPONDENTS: Amms LAST POST: Aug 30 2016 at 01:01

I'm looking for someone I can talk with about problems I have faced in my life, and problems she has gone through in her life. I want her to be there for me just as much as I will be there for her....

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryShould I continue?
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Aug 21 2016 at 15:29 by mama T RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Aug 22 2016 at 19:05

in a relationship whereby he doesn't appreciate me,been dating more than a year now but yet he hasn't bought a single thing for me,he keeps promising and failing,his attention has drastically reduced,sometimes when I call he says he is busy ,sometimes he doesn't call me at all,am d kind of person that wants to feel love even when am going through a lot(I av sickle cell anaemia) and ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI feel lost CREATED: Aug 21 2016 at 12:44 by MotorBourne LAST POST: Aug 21 2016 at 12:53

I've been talking to this girl for over a year now, we established a relationship only for it to crumble away slowly..It's tearing me apart, she said we are just friends now..then she asked me if it's okay for her to go on dates with other guys and I lost it, I just couldn't look at her or think about her without crying..I just don't know what to do anymore....

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryAm I overreacting? CREATED: Aug 20 2016 at 14:01 by meepers LAST POST: Aug 20 2016 at 14:51

So, I've been dating my very first boyfriend for nearly half a year. We've been long distance for nearly three months, and I would like to say our relationship in that regard is pretty good: We have no worries about the other person cheating. And in person, our relationship is excellent! We're polar opposite people, but for some reason it just works. However, the thing is, along ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryImpossible to get married CREATED: Aug 12 2016 at 06:20 by barba LAST POST: Aug 13 2016 at 13:42

My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 2 years. He decided to join the military which has made it really hard on us and our relationship. When I first met his mom she treated me good and seem not to have any problems with me. Once he left to training she started inviting me to eat and stuff, however as closer it got to the end of his training she started treated me badly. She would make ru...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryMy boyfriends having mood swings? CREATED: Aug 4 2016 at 03:18 by SadPanda LAST POST: Aug 6 2016 at 18:20

My boyfriend use to be extremely loving and caring. It is a long distance relationship so I understand sometimes it's too much. But we've known each other for about 8 or so years. Past few months he's been getting angry at little things, going to hang out until 1 in the morning without telling me what's going on. He doesn't reply to me like he use to or play games or Sky...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryIs my boyfriend losing interest in me?
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 2 2016 at 17:46 by riya RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Jul 2 2016 at 20:47

I am dating my boyfriend from last two years. we met through facebook in the initial stage of our relationship we were in long distance. we used to Skype everyday.. almost every day we used to do naughty stuff on video chat. i know the problem is little weird but please bear with me. Whenever we used to talk on phone we used to do sex chat. It lasted for 4 months. After 4 months we met for the ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryRelationship decisions...
[1 POST] CREATED: Jun 22 2016 at 19:36 by MJ RESPONDENTS: Raye LAST POST: Jun 23 2016 at 04:57

In my past I dated a horrible guy for a year and half and than I broke up with him and rebounded to an exboyfriend (Kyle). Kyle is a great guy that loves me but I couldn't reciprocate the same way. I tried to but ultimately I begun to be attracted to others guys. I then broke up with him because I realized my strong feelings for another guy (Dave). A week later I was dating that Dave. It was ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryAny advices for my friends with broken relationship to fix it? CREATED: Jun 16 2016 at 12:52 by Just a User Here

I'm 15 years old. and I have two friends Ronald (15 years old too) and Emily (13 years old) Ronald and Emily are couple actually. But in long distance relationship. Because Ronald is in Philippines, Emily is in United Kingdom. So they just chat using Skype. But they are in war actually which leads them to breakup to their relationship. This war is yet unfixed which is started at March 2016. A...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryWondering
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Jun 14 2016 at 09:41 by mercy RESPONDENTS: Confused 444 / skinnygirl LAST POST: Jun 15 2016 at 09:22

Hello, i dont know if i am the only one who ever tried online dating and actually meets some one you feel is 100 percent a match for you right from age, future desires, religion, physical appearance and attraction. i did meet this guy from another country but its 2 hours drive from his city to my city in another country where i live. so basically we are 2hours apart. we met some time in marc...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLove vs family vs studies
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Jun 4 2016 at 15:39 by HopelessRomantic03 RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Jun 5 2016 at 12:07

Do I choose love, family or studies? My boyfriend and I havent been dating for long, its been a year and a bit. He is everything I have ever wanted, and I am very happy! At the beginning of last year he moved to a different state, not very far, but still quite a distance. He moved because he had to for work, and I am okay with that because I know his career is important to him. I am still study...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryOld flame CREATED: May 17 2016 at 15:00 by Tiff318 LAST POST: May 17 2016 at 15:18

4 years ago I met this guy, we'll just call him Tom. He was 27 at the time and clearly not wanting to settle down. We would hang out from time to time, go to dinner, etc. He has always been a man of very few words. He works a lot and when hes not working he is usually outdoors hunting/fishing. We have always somehow made our way back to each other whether that just be talking or seeing each o...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryMy thoughts are keeping me from being happy in my relationship
[2 POSTS] CREATED: May 13 2016 at 21:01 by Tkak1998 RESPONDENTS: manalone LAST POST: May 14 2016 at 14:01

I've struggled in relationships before for being overly protective and controlling, and I am trying to improve myself. Currently, I am pushing negative thoughts as side but there are just some that I can't seem to get rid of. I have been cheated on in a previous relationship and it has caused me to panic over stupid things. My latest issue is that I've never really been OK with t...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryNew to falling in love - unsure after screwing it up CREATED: May 5 2016 at 08:48 by Skylor LAST POST: May 5 2016 at 14:24

Hai~ Apologies in advance, as this might be rather long for a very mundane problem, but I'm a little lost over it since I'm new to all these emotions. A bit of backstory; I'm nearing the age of 20 and the past 7 years has been a great struggle dealing with depression and anxiety after emotional/physical abuse from my mother, isolation and the death of my best friend. All this ha...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryMaking a difficult relationship decision
[3 POSTS] CREATED: May 3 2016 at 18:49 by DolphinCoconut RESPONDENTS: timeless LAST POST: May 13 2016 at 07:56

I have been separated for over two years and divorced for almost a year. I am in a relationship with a man whom I met on a dating site. He has been divorced for over four years. We have been together for almost a year. We get along really well and love each other deeply. I have a high functioning autistic son, age 20, in addition, to a daughter who will be going off to college this summer. H...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryHas my wife become to independent
[5 POSTS] CREATED: Apr 29 2016 at 07:57 by vasilies RESPONDENTS: MamaBear / PJVL9 / Soulmate LAST POST: Apr 30 2016 at 14:12

Well we have been married close to 17 years but in the last few years work has taken me a away from home long period of time, this has left my wife to look after most day to day things around the house as she works 2 days a week, What I have noticed latelly is that when I vist home she still likes to do her own thing as I want to spened as much time with her but she says that with her being alone ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryRed flags or mixed signals?
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Apr 29 2016 at 04:27 by molgengirl RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Apr 30 2016 at 14:49

Hello all, I have been in a relationship for 4.5 years and plan on getting engaged to this man next week. Throughout the entirety of the relationship, his family has treated me less than appropriately for a long term girlfriend. On top of this, they constantly ask him if he remembers his previous girlfriends and whether or not he misses them. As if I'm not even part of his life. Meanwh...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLost and confused CREATED: Apr 20 2016 at 16:41 by Emptysoul LAST POST: Apr 21 2016 at 07:00

I met this guy few month ago and we have been together like any other normal couple until one and half months ago he went back to his country. He has always told me he was not ready for any relationship but i don't understand why he treated me like his girlfriend. We talk about almost everything and he has also promise to try to work on this relationship but things have changed just kes than ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryIs deciding about marriage easy? CREATED: Apr 16 2016 at 15:47 by envelop23 LAST POST: Apr 16 2016 at 19:54

Hi everyone I am from subcontinent south Asia. I am 28 and met a girl last year on internet. But we only started talking regularly since November. By regularly I mean daily. There have been only few days when we couldn't talk. Our means of communication have been text messages only. We talked on phone twice and had video chat thrice in all this time. I told her everything about me and felt he...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryBreaks
[14 POSTS] CREATED: Apr 15 2016 at 06:36 by Betty1212 RESPONDENTS: skinnygirl / MamaBear LAST POST: Apr 22 2016 at 08:19

I was dating my boyfriend for a few months when he left to go travelling for 4 months. While he was away it was hard to communicate, and he eventually asked me two months later to go on a "break." We talked a week after he said that and he agreed not to hook up with anyone else and said he wanted to be together once he got home. A couple weeks later he called me to say he regrets the who...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryAm in a dilemma
[1 POST] CREATED: Apr 10 2016 at 18:08 by hendrix RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Apr 12 2016 at 13:48

i have guy who dropped out of university to take help me take care of our child i rly want to live with him but he doesnt have a job last month we were sent out of our house now my family wants to take me to school i realy love this guy and am afraid i might loose him but i also want to go so as i can help him better our future coz his parents have refused to take him he is also afraid ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryBad times need advice
[10 POSTS] CREATED: Apr 10 2016 at 14:09 by chaotix RESPONDENTS: hendrix / Soulmate LAST POST: Apr 23 2016 at 21:24

I began talking to a girl in a chat room a while ago and we really clicked together almost instantly, we would talk pretty much all day. After a few weeks we fell for each other and things were going great she made me forget about everything from past relationships, we did have a couple of ups and downs but we worked through them, we got together even before we met, then a few months ago we had an...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryHelp relationship problem
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Apr 7 2016 at 03:09 by lls2342 RESPONDENTS: Soulmate / Soccer15282 LAST POST: Apr 8 2016 at 22:32

my boyfriend and I have been together a little over 6 months now. he works away for work and is gone 2 weeks at a time. he had a month of recently and just went back to work. in the beginning I didn't mind as much but now that im more attached I absolutely hate him being gone and 6 hours away at that. I have some issues because of past not to do with him that make it worse. I want to get a jo...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryRelationship advice CREATED: Mar 27 2016 at 23:14 by slayer LAST POST: Mar 29 2016 at 17:39

Hi All, So this is my story. I know a girl who is my best friend may be atleast I think of her as best friend. We both are from India and I met her in India and we became friends. I moved to US a year later. So almost 3 years ago I asked her out and she said yes. I was so happy. But next day she told me that she doesnt want to go out with me and she wasnt sure. We had a fight about it and in th...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryHis first relationship / introversion
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Mar 11 2016 at 14:36 by NotAlwaysEasy RESPONDENTS: Xxx / afoolinlove / akoani LAST POST: Mar 13 2016 at 10:28

Hi, I'm 27 and currently live in Germany while he's 31 and lives in the UK. We met each other during my regularly holidays at my nans place who lives in Sussex. That's been last december and since then we chat via Skype each day after work and do video chats every sunday.  He's a bit of an introvert but after a few months we found a way to speak with each other without giv...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryJealousy
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Feb 15 2016 at 18:42 by MJ RESPONDENTS: manalone / Soulmate LAST POST: Feb 17 2016 at 03:39

I wrote this as though I was talking to him but I did include ()s to provide more information... Any advice on maybe how to go about it would be appreciated. Am I getting jealous for wrong reasons? What could it mean? Also this relationship is long-distance. "Ok, I will lay it all out and it’s just the addition of all these factors that has created my fear. Rebecca has been your friend...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLooking for opinions
[1 POST] CREATED: Feb 8 2016 at 19:29 by bbme01 RESPONDENTS: manalone LAST POST: Feb 9 2016 at 03:16

So I am interested in seeing what other's opinion are on this matter. Scenario: I have been in relationship for 6 years. We lived together but due to events this is now not possible. We live together every other week and we are both fine with this. - On FB, relationship status is "None". - just over a year ago I placed my status as in relationship with ....(her, she asked ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryIn love with a woman more than twice of my age
[1 POST] CREATED: Feb 5 2016 at 19:51 by edwardrun RESPONDENTS: TILES LAST POST: Feb 13 2016 at 21:22

I'm living in India. Around 8 months ago, while playing clash of clans, I found a player.. I got too friendly to her, shared numbers to plan strategy for clan wars. But now it has grown to a relationship. I'm 18 years old where as she is 41. I love her, she's single. No marriage before. I know I'm going the wrong way, but I can't live without chatting with her. Pleas...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance relationship
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Jan 27 2016 at 03:01 by "Wolf" RESPONDENTS: skinnygirl LAST POST: Feb 1 2016 at 01:53

I'm 15 and this is my first time going to a forum I've been dating my girlfriend for 4 years now but she was only with me for 1 of them and we've been working out a long distance relationship since then. She just turned 14 in December. I have multiple reasons to think she is cheating on me with my best friend now and the feeling is suffocating. She's been the only one to be abl...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryShould I continue the relationship?
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Jan 22 2016 at 16:04 by TommUI RESPONDENTS: HOPE 2725 LAST POST: Jan 23 2016 at 00:08

I wanna tell me story to let you judge if i should continue with this girl i have been chasing for one year now. We met online one year ago, she was travelling to my city in Australia, she told me she likes this country and wanna stay here, she wanna do a fake marriage to someone here to get the visa, when she added me, i felt in love to her immediately, i told her if we could marry together, ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryTelling him that he turns you on more than anyone
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Jan 12 2016 at 16:36 by PassionatelyLost RESPONDENTS: rohanshah LAST POST: Jan 13 2016 at 18:09

OK. I have been in relation ship since September We are together almost everyweekend. I didn't really hit me till early Nov that when I'm around him I feel more than anyone I have dated in the past. I haven't physically show this to him like I should have; independent career oriented person. I turned him down a few weekends because i needed to get stuff done. He has started to pull...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLove and best friend
[1 POST] CREATED: Jan 10 2016 at 18:46 by GABU RESPONDENTS: Revilode LAST POST: Jan 11 2016 at 11:00

I met her online in 2011 in online game. we used to play that game daily and like wise we started online daily in that game in time we exchanged number as friends. after sometime she needed some help so i helped her a lot and with time our bonding increased and i was very much attracted to her . i loved her voice and everything about her although i only saw her pics . she lives very far away from ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI'm 50 and he's 21, he is sensitive and I hurt him many times
[1 POST] CREATED: Jan 6 2016 at 23:55 by Buddy1Norton RESPONDENTS: writergirl LAST POST: Jan 7 2016 at 10:30

I am 50 and date a 21 year old. He is wise beyond his years. We have been together a year. When we are together everything is wonderful. The problem is when we are apart. We live in different states. I fly to see him twice a month. He is moving in with me this month. He is a very dependent person emotionally. He prefers to stay connected by being on the phone all the time, even when we sleep. I am...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryNot sure why my friend is acting this way
[1 POST] CREATED: Dec 29 2015 at 01:07 by Eric123 RESPONDENTS: Lelu LAST POST: Dec 30 2015 at 21:36

So I met this woman a year ago via a online game, she was married to a mentally abusive guy, I helped convince her to get to spereate from him and ultimately divorce him along the course of the year, as well as feeling did mature between me and her romantically, unfortunately recently however another guy has came in and swept her off her feet and wooed her which is fine cause she's now happy ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI've hurt my girlfriend
[1 POST] CREATED: Dec 20 2015 at 05:47 by Hafford1697 RESPONDENTS: thedynamicsofsoul LAST POST: Dec 20 2015 at 08:13

Recently, me and my girlfriend have been fighting a significant amount. It seems to be getting worse and worse. As with any fight, things are said that we regret, and it hurts the relationship. But over the course of the relationship, some very hurtful things have been said, and multiple times she has come close to attempting suicide. Today, we fought again, and the topic of her moving on to anoth...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryTechnical problem.. CREATED: Dec 18 2015 at 09:09 by sg30793 LAST POST: Dec 18 2015 at 09:13

Hello, how do you do? I am writing to you to discuss my love problem with you. Please, understand me and help me into this matter. About one year back, I met her in himanchal pradesh during my official tour. We talked a lot. And I fell into her love. The problem is, I'm from Uttar Pradesh and she is from Himanchal Pradesh. Her only brother do not live with his parents and visit occasion...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryAm I a bad person? CREATED: Dec 14 2015 at 17:21 by uphoria LAST POST: Dec 15 2015 at 03:12

Hi, I'm looking for an outside opinion to my problem. My husband and i have been married for seven and half months, but we've been together for 5 years. Two of those years were in New York, but the last three years have been long distance because he was in the military and they re-stationed him to Louisiana. Originally, he wanted me to come (he assumed i would come, but he never asked...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryHe is joining the military CREATED: Dec 14 2015 at 08:43 by barba LAST POST: Dec 14 2015 at 13:50

I been dating this guy for a year, it does not seem like much but we known each other longer. We were best friends for several years before actually going out and have a complicated history. I have never had a relationship like this one, he is my everything and I am emotionally dependent on him. When we started dating he had told me how much he wanted a career in the military. Before getting into ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryGirlfriends behaviour changed
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Dec 11 2015 at 15:46 by eccles60 RESPONDENTS: skinnygirl / keyhealth LAST POST: Dec 12 2015 at 23:04

I am 57 and my partner is 56. We have been together two and a half years. We live 40 miles apart. Until 3 months ago I was living with my elderly mother after my previous relationship of 30 years broke down so I have my own house now and my partner has her own house that she has had for about 9 years. She is separated but not divorced and shows no interest in getting divorced although she only ha...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryFriend is ignoring me
[1 POST] CREATED: Dec 9 2015 at 00:00 by Tyler323 RESPONDENTS: Communicator LAST POST: Dec 9 2015 at 05:12

My friend and I have been close for over two years, we talked everyday. We were really close, we always helped each other with our problems. The past two months she has been ignoring me. I tried to contact her to see why she has been ignoring me. I asked her many different times if something was bothering her or if I done something wrong to make her mad or upset with me. She still ignored me after...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categorySo... her mum found out about us
[9 POSTS] CREATED: Nov 30 2015 at 10:08 by Cossack RESPONDENTS: skinnygirl / Soulmate / thedynamicsofsoul LAST POST: Dec 5 2015 at 16:17

So... I tried the chatroom here first, but everyone was super hostile and I couldn't get in a sideways word. I hope that everyone here on the forum will be a little more productive....

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryConfused
[1 POST] CREATED: Nov 21 2015 at 04:28 by distance RESPONDENTS: LendingAnEar LAST POST: Nov 23 2015 at 21:18

I'm in a long distance relationship my boyfriend is a great person and we love each other very much. We have broken up about 6 times before because we live too from each other but every time we break up we always seem to find our selves back together but I really want to end the relationship because its really difficult being in a long distance relationship but I don't want to i'm s...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryHard situation
[1 POST] CREATED: Oct 31 2015 at 03:22 by JM RESPONDENTS: Missjoni LAST POST: Nov 2 2015 at 02:52

this is the 2nd reason why until now we didnt talk yet with my LDR boyfriend ,. i dont undertsand him his trust his dout . and i didnt do anythin bad to make him like this ., Im a Front desk Receptionist in my career my duty is Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm , then Saturday and Sunday my Rest day , every Friday my office and i wants to have a Dinner just to make some bonding and also to relieve t...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI don't know what to do pls give me some advice :(( CREATED: Oct 30 2015 at 15:58 by JM LAST POST: Nov 3 2015 at 13:45

hi my boyfriend and i have been 4years and 2months now , but we are in a Long Distance Relationship now for almost 6months his in Saudi Arabia and im in the Philippines .. The problem is i dont know what happen with our relationship status ., I appreciate his status because i know he felt alone and sad , First is his Ambition - He did this because his ambition is to help his family and also to ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryHow to get her back
[1 POST] CREATED: Oct 29 2015 at 21:02 by chaze RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Nov 3 2015 at 19:54

I have been in a long distance relationship for several months..We talked on the phone everyday for hours and or texted. We were in the direction of getting very serious but she had cold feet the last few months because of previous abusive relationships(metal abuse).. She would always walk away but come back.... This time she went away again and instead of giving her space I smothered her really b...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryNot sure what to do with my marriage
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Oct 25 2015 at 21:29 by smitz RESPONDENTS: Giamama / Soulmate LAST POST: Oct 27 2015 at 14:47

Hello, I have a problem and not sure what to do. I live in Illinois due to my job which pays me well and my wife refuses to move to Illinois to be with me because she doesn’t like it here. My wife moved to Pennsylvania about a year ago and been staying with my mother who is fine. She lived here with me for 2 years when I got notice from my job that they were going to move me back to Pa; they lat...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryNot sure what to do!!
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Oct 19 2015 at 04:28 by Miaka RESPONDENTS: Soulmate / rasperrr LAST POST: Oct 19 2015 at 19:38

Please help me...!! I am from an orthodox brahmin family. I got married an year ago. My husband lives in foreign country and i'm stuck up in my hometown waiting for my visa. He has come down twice to visit me in this duration. It was purely an arranged marriage i liked him a lot. An unfortunate incident turned my life down. It was like one day i was transferring the photos from his mo...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryWhat do I do? CREATED: Oct 15 2015 at 21:03 by flower1234 LAST POST: Oct 16 2015 at 22:13

I've been with my boyfriend just over a year and a half and I'm so happy I met him but I'm really struggling with the distance. I don't cope well with stress and lately we've been arguing a lot and I just don't know what to do. I don't think I could live without him however its becoming increasingly difficult to cope with the distance. Also when we are finished c...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryBf said he's not sure and doesn't know if we should stay together
[1 POST] CREATED: Oct 9 2015 at 16:40 by cheyenne17 RESPONDENTS: PJVL9 LAST POST: Oct 10 2015 at 00:09

Hi, i'm kind of new to this. I've been in bad shape the past few days. I have been with my boyfriend for more than a year. Sort of long distance relationship (1.5 hours away). Both full time graduate students. i'm 31 and he's 30. We had a wonderful one year and even went for an anniversary vacation. We did have arguments along the way - mostly about his close relationship with ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI messed up
[1 POST] CREATED: Sep 15 2015 at 06:35 by Carhoades18 RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Sep 15 2015 at 16:22

I said something really dumb that could cost me my relationship. I have been with this girl for a little more than a year, and I give her my all, but she is off at college now and it makes my stress levels very high, especially when she talks about other guys. It’s not that I don’t trust her, just that I got jealous. Either way one night she was texting her mother about her new friend, happens...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryGirlfriend from the Philippines
[5 POSTS] CREATED: Aug 30 2015 at 23:15 by Northern Guy123 RESPONDENTS: manalone / PJVL9 LAST POST: Sep 1 2015 at 20:08

I am sorry if my story gets very long, but I hope you will read it anyway and comment it :-) Almost 3 years ago, during a 3-week vacation in the Philippines, I met a Filipina girl and we fell deeply in love. I´m from Northern Europe myself. She had a job as an assistant chef in a restaurant, was a single mother, with 3 children from a previous relationship. I already knew at that time that this...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryAm I in love, or am I just used to him?
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Aug 29 2015 at 21:49 by adelaide RESPONDENTS: skinnygirl LAST POST: Aug 30 2015 at 15:30

Hi, my boyfriend and and have been in a relationship for over a course of around 4 years. We started in High school, stayed together for 1 and a half years, and we broke up when I decided to go to college in NY. We went a year without communication then got back together and he came to visit me up there. He lives in Florida. Everything was doing fine and at that point I still felt the way I did ab...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryIs it boredom or lost of interest?
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Aug 15 2015 at 15:59 by mistysketches99 RESPONDENTS: skinnygirl LAST POST: Aug 16 2015 at 23:53

My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost two years. He lives nearly 3,000 miles away due to where the army placed him. He only gets to visit 1 month a year. I would love to visit him but, I dont make enough money to even dream about getting a ticket. Lately he has been acting very distant towards me. Wont tell me any details of his life, wont call or Skype; we have been reduced to texting an...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryAm I just a rebound? Even after all this time?
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 30 2015 at 08:58 by Daniel4 RESPONDENTS: Lstar / aries323 LAST POST: Jul 30 2015 at 13:02

(Skip the first 2 paragraphs if You want to get to the root of the "problem") It's been a pretty long time since i've even thought about this site, but i'm hoping i can get some really good--preferably objective--advice. In order for You to be able to see things from my perspective a little more clearly, i'll give You a brief summary of my relationship experiences....

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance friendship
[1 POST] CREATED: Jul 22 2015 at 18:10 by Helios RESPONDENTS: Knot2loud LAST POST: Jul 22 2015 at 20:22

So I've been talking to this girl that I met through social media for about 16-17 months now and about 7 months after talking to her I told her that I really liked her but she didn't feel the same way and usually if I liked someone and they didn't like me back I wouldn't speak to after a few days/weeks it would just fizzle out and become awkward but this is different I'm n...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryGf I think
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 19 2015 at 07:08 by Aussieguy101 RESPONDENTS: manalone / skinnygirl LAST POST: Jul 25 2015 at 15:22

So about 2 weeks ago my gf started being distant with her feelings and the way she acted and all. she said to me she didnt want to be serious or anything. so i carried on like nothing happened. she started talking to another guy and said she didnt know how she felt about her feelings about me and everything. today i removed my facebook in a relationship thing off and she seen it and asked why did ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryHe cut me off with no explanation
[7 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 12 2015 at 20:18 by ebonyrockchic RESPONDENTS: Soulmate / Gaijin LAST POST: Jul 19 2015 at 19:11

i met this guy online. i live in the UK he lives in America, we got on well, he had his issues getting a job, i was there for him, i was a friend and encouraged him the best i could with helping with with his resumes and encouraging him to be the best he could be. he was kind to me. we prayed together and were good. he wanted us to be together and i was reluctant because of the distance but he ins...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryMom of my girlfriend forces us to break up and she blocks me on Facebook
[1 POST] CREATED: Jul 3 2015 at 23:57 by Jake661 RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Jul 4 2015 at 20:13

I have this girlfriend whom i meet online. We do skype, facebook and text. We are in are in a long distance relationship hence she lives a hundred miles away from my place. I am am an apprentice cadet and she is now in OJT as a flight stewardess. She stays at the house of her uncle and aunty hence both of her parents are overseas. At first she told her father about us and then her dad supported us...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryMy girlfriend's mother forces us to break up
[1 POST] CREATED: Jun 30 2015 at 23:41 by Jake661 RESPONDENTS: Blueskies LAST POST: Jul 1 2015 at 00:45

So i have this problem. I am an apprentice seaman, and my girlfriend is still in OJT. She is a flight stewardess. Her OJT is until DECEMBER. Our relationship is LDR and we didn't see in person since weve meet online. Then our communication is thru skype, facebook and txt. First week she tells her father that she has a boyfriend, then her father supported us. 2 months with our relationship she...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryHelp me
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Jun 29 2015 at 04:06 by Idontnowwhattodo RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Jun 30 2015 at 13:38

My boyfriend tells me the he fe Los love me it don't care a lot and it has gotten to the point where I don't really know if I care any more because is he always say he doesn't think I do even when I tell he I care a lot I have asked him to stop but he hasn't I don't know how to make him understand when I get he is trying to get a point across to me that saying that really ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryMy bestfriend is not talking to me
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Jun 14 2015 at 16:12 by LeeHSun RESPONDENTS: yash LAST POST: Jun 16 2015 at 11:11

I've got a friend, we're both gals. we started our friendship since our 2nd year in high school and now, we're already at our 2nd year in college. Actually it is too hard that we, best friends studies far away from each other, she'd studying an island away from ours. we supposed to study there together but i didn't continue and just study here at our place instead. For a ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categorySpanish and English relationship CREATED: Jun 9 2015 at 13:08 by saphire LAST POST: Jun 10 2015 at 14:51

I am currently living in Spain and have a good relationship with a wonderful Spanish man (I am english). We are of similar age and careers. We are both divorced and have grown children -mine is 27 his are 20 and 17. However, he still shares the family home with his ex wife, she lives there two weeks and he lives there two weeks. BUT, she moves in with her boyfriend for the two weeks she is no...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryOnline relationship
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Jun 8 2015 at 05:52 by icantthinkofaname RESPONDENTS: thedynamicsofsoul / Amms / skinnygirl LAST POST: Dec 4 2015 at 16:27

I've been in an online relationship with this guy for about a year and a half. We met thru Facebook (November 2013) and started messaging each other everyday. We fell in love.. We then met for the first time a year later. (February 2015). We've only seen each other 4 times ever since. I live in Puerto Rico and so did he, but he recently moved to Pennsylvania. I am 18 he is 20. He wants m...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI don't know what to do CREATED: Jun 5 2015 at 21:00 by Bluesfan63 LAST POST: Jun 14 2015 at 09:30

I Was in a long distance relationship(NC to IL) for about two years, over a year ago. We split up and haven't really spoken since, but I'm still crazy about her. I have tried getting over her but nothings really worked. I've dated other people, got a new job, met new friends, and other things to get my mind off of her but I still think about her everyday. When I have seen other peop...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI need advice please help me CREATED: Jun 2 2015 at 09:22 by Idontnowwhattodo LAST POST: Jun 2 2015 at 13:37

I am 19 years old and I have been with my boyfriend for three year. I live in north California and he lives in south California he is the only man I have ever been with and I love him so much. It hurt when we aren't tigether and we talk and text all day and give each other goodnight a every night. He has changed him self for me because of how much I worry. But when he asks me to do things for...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryTrying to convince her to try a long distance relationship
[2 POSTS] CREATED: May 27 2015 at 04:39 by jk15027 RESPONDENTS: SmilesUpsideDown LAST POST: May 27 2015 at 19:26

This girl and I started talking and hanging out a lot about 5 months ago. She told me back then that she wanted to be in a relationship but I wasn't sure about it at the time. I really liked her but I wasn't sure that a relationship was what I wanted. Time moved on and we continued hanging out. About a month later, she started saying she had stuff to do so we couldn't hang out, and ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryUnknown direction
[1 POST] CREATED: May 23 2015 at 19:09 by Rivera98 RESPONDENTS: bekka LAST POST: May 24 2015 at 00:48

My girlfriend is going away for college. I can't go with her since I wasn't accepted there but I want to keep our relationship going. I can visit her since it's only an hour and a half drive but she wants to end it. I told her it does have to end like this and that if she does go I'll wait for her but she doesn't want me to change my plans for her. Yet I still tell her I d...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryOnline close friend shut me out...
[3 POSTS] CREATED: May 19 2015 at 18:16 by HardToTrustAgain RESPONDENTS: Flynn / Soulmate / ebonyrockchic LAST POST: Jul 12 2015 at 19:42

I became friends with this guy online about a year ago, we bonded over things we had in common and he helped me through a really difficult time in my life. I am 25, and he is 4 years younger. We talked a lot through Skype, almost every day for a while. It seemed like we became close very quickly. We just clicked. The friendship was a bit onesided for a while, though, because I was very ill with de...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryEverything has gone wrong
[12 POSTS] CREATED: May 18 2015 at 01:23 by Moleygoldpaws RESPONDENTS: Soulmate / mackerelsky LAST POST: May 23 2015 at 15:17

I don't really know where to start with this. I met a woman online through a gay dating forum website. This was over 5 years ago and after some time, we became involved in a relationship. In my life I've had ups and downs and I guess I messed it up, I was beginning to fall for someone else and our relationship ended. She met someone else and moved on too. I suffered a disability towa...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryCan someone please snap me out of this mess?
[4 POSTS] CREATED: May 15 2015 at 19:14 by taylor911 RESPONDENTS: LatinaBlossom LAST POST: May 19 2015 at 22:18

Can someone please tell how stupid I am and what I should do...? Long distance relationship, she lives over 8 hours away. Still lives with an ex, won't move, she says she hasn't the money and yet buys materialistic bs all the time, accuses me of cyber stalking when all I did was try to add her on facebook because all her pics are private and she refused to let me see them so I know wha...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum category8 months in and fighting every few days
[2 POSTS] CREATED: May 10 2015 at 04:50 by PuppetSim RESPONDENTS: LeeLeeBee / Soulmate LAST POST: May 10 2015 at 14:43

I've not had to do this before, so bear with me. To start, me and my partner met and started dating online about 8months ago, we met via 4chan then started "dating" after 2-3 days. The reason we did this was at the time we both felt an instant connection with one another. I'd not met anyone I had been interested in like this in 8 years since breaking up with my ex-fiancee, ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryIs it worth it?
[6 POSTS] CREATED: Apr 24 2015 at 14:30 by Billybob RESPONDENTS: Soulmate / DeniedAll LAST POST: Apr 25 2015 at 05:03

Hi. I would appreciate some views on my problem. I met my boyfriend , Andrew, 2.5 yrs ago on an online dating site. At that time I had just finished a relationship with the father of my 2 boys (there was domestic violence towards me - he had alcohol issues). Andrew seemed kind, , practical and seemed a good role model for my boys. The only snag is we live 150 miles apart. Initially it ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryNeed advice CREATED: Apr 22 2015 at 20:58 by Zoeyy18x LAST POST: Apr 22 2015 at 23:26

Hey so im here hoping i could get some help with my relationship problem. Me and my boyfriend are in a long-distance relationship for a year now,although we never met,things had been going great between us. But then two days ago,we had a fight and although i didnt really mean it,i told him that he gives me so much pain,i was just angry i didnt mean to say that. Now its been two days he ha...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLost Love, Lost forever?
[57 POSTS] CREATED: Apr 20 2015 at 08:08 by Broktune RESPONDENTS: Didgibar / Soulmate LAST POST: Jun 21 2015 at 14:33

OK, hopefully someone can shine some light in a dark time for me. I recently in the last four months broke up with my girlfriend. She and I were living together sense we broke up, but she had to leave my town to take care of her very sick mother. She insisted that we break up and i agreed because long distance relationships are difficult to keep in my experience. We date for about 2 years and duri...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryIn love
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Apr 15 2015 at 00:17 by Candie RESPONDENTS: PinkDemi LAST POST: May 9 2015 at 04:14

Hi! Im from US, I am 16 years old. I have never had any relationships and I have even not get my first kiss yet. It makes me so sad. I moved from Spain to US 2 years ago. When I visited Spain 1 year ago, I fell in love with my best friend's ex. We had a party together. I think that my friends knew that I am in love because I was looking at that guy (his name is Carl) all the time, and so di...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryUnsure how to proceed after the relationship
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Apr 12 2015 at 21:51 by RK RESPONDENTS: Girl-in-love LAST POST: Apr 12 2015 at 23:52

So my girlfriend and I broke up recently. We met a few months ago through mutual friends and didn't really think we'd be anything more than friends. However, as we talked, we felt we really clicked and even though we didn't live in the same area (we were about 2-3 hours away from each other) we visited each other a few times and started going out eventually. From the very beginning ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance dilemma and new uni
[1 POST] CREATED: Apr 9 2015 at 23:58 by Keevaniamh RESPONDENTS: SilviaGirl LAST POST: Apr 10 2015 at 00:03

As a background quickly, I've been dating a guy who lives overseas for about a year now. I love him with my entire soul and I have never felt this way about anyone the way I feel about him. I started at a new university a little while back and I've met some incredible people. One being a guy that is very interested in me. My long distance guy and I decided that being in an open relatio...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLesbian relationship after 5 years being together Now were far apart
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Apr 5 2015 at 14:08 by denise25 RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Apr 5 2015 at 16:31

Me and my girlfriend have been together for 5years now just recently she went to another state to get some distance from us because of all our problems she is staying with family that she hasn't seen in 18years she has 2 daughters 1 that went with her and her little girl that lives over here with her father because they share custody the whole Idea was for her to get away for a Lil bit and th...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryAm I over reacting? What would you do
[7 POSTS] CREATED: Apr 4 2015 at 14:07 by Harriet86 RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Apr 6 2015 at 17:23

Ok so my bf of 10 years was ( we are engaged and due to get married next year) was on a stag weekend. He accidentally rang me yesterday in the middle of the night and he left me a voicemail I listened to it because I thought there was something wrong. Basically here's what I pverheard on the flight over to the place his friend hooked up with a girl on the plane ( he is always doing vile thin...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryShe just needs some time
[5 POSTS] CREATED: Mar 30 2015 at 21:27 by M_Hudson RESPONDENTS: Michael1 LAST POST: Mar 31 2015 at 16:29

Hi people, need some female advice on this one... I met a girl in December 2014, we saw each other twice in a foreign city I was visiting and where she currently lives. When my vocation was done, we continued to message everyday on Facebook. Things were clicking and the chat we had was amazing. We shared so many things in common and seemed to have the same outlook in life. We agreed that we...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryHow to get this guy love me. please help. CREATED: Mar 27 2015 at 17:00 by Diva17 LAST POST: Mar 27 2015 at 17:22

Hello all. I am a 24 yr old girl working. I have a guy ( say X ) in my life, who is 26 also working, and stays in another country. I know him from school, but actually started talking wuth each other regularly, after my college,about 4 yrs back. At that time we used to chat regularly. He was getting serious about me, but at that time i was coping with my break up with first bf and was busy set...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryFixable or hopeless, my long distance rollercoaster
[1 POST] CREATED: Mar 22 2015 at 01:18 by blueyedbandit676 RESPONDENTS: !!! LAST POST: Mar 23 2015 at 02:38

Ill make this as short and sweet as possible. Me and my gf have been on and off for almost 4 years. We met in 2012 at my work, shes 3 years younger and were in our 20s. We hit it off right away and started a relationship. Things were great, but I will note that I had a drug problem that I never said anything about and we also came from 2 different walks of life. Shes never done drugs, and shes alw...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryRelationship inquiry. I'd appreciate sound advice
[5 POSTS] CREATED: Mar 12 2015 at 07:33 by SilverEssence RESPONDENTS: manalone / Soulmate LAST POST: Mar 17 2015 at 02:37

Hello, all. I am kind of stumped on what to do or how to feel exactly. My long-distance man and I, that I've known for 5 months, were undergoing some relationship stress for some time, it was pretty consequential, one thing after the other, and one thing led to another and then one day he mildly disrespected me verbally (he assumed and concluded I cheated on him because I wasn't an...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance relationship help
[6 POSTS] CREATED: Mar 12 2015 at 05:26 by Patience_LA RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Mar 13 2015 at 09:49

Me and my bf been doing this ldr for about a year and a half. We call each other all the time but when he is with his friends i try not to bug him because i dont want to make him feel like im checking up on him so i hardly call him, but now he is really upset because i dont call him, not because i dont want to but because i dont want him to think of me as a paranoid gf. So confused dont know what ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryGirlfriend of 7 months thinks she is worthless, and is blocking my calls.
[89 POSTS] CREATED: Mar 4 2015 at 13:11 by Vildar RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Jan 22 2016 at 15:43

Sorry for the length. I have been in a long distance relationship with a great girl for just over 7 months now. I'm 26 and she is 21. We have met up a few times. Spent new years eve and day together. Things seemed great. But just recently she's been ignoring me, dodging my texts and calls. And keeps telling me she doest deserve me, that she's worthless and I can do better. I ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong Distance Relationship
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Feb 24 2015 at 01:03 by Essdee93 RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Feb 26 2015 at 14:34

I have been with my guy for 18 months. I met him in Canada when we both worked in the same office. He is American and later on got let go and moved back to the USA. It's a 7 hour drive from door to door and I can't legally work in the USA, although I have spent months there with him without being able to work. He works double jobs and has three children from a previous relationship (...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance relationships??
[1 POST] CREATED: Feb 22 2015 at 20:23 by Bailey1234 RESPONDENTS: Jocelyn707 LAST POST: Feb 22 2015 at 23:06

On January 24, I went to my friends birthday party. We're 16 years old, and her mom lives two counties over with her step dad and step brother. We went to her house, and some of her step brothers friends were there. So I had never met any of the guys that were going to be there. Her step brothers friend, Ethan, and I really hit it off, which isn't surprising because my friend Krista has...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryBreak from LDR relationship. He slept with 2 people
[1 POST] CREATED: Feb 22 2015 at 18:45 by Sam69 RESPONDENTS: Jocelyn707 LAST POST: Feb 22 2015 at 22:48

Moved to different Universities last September, he stayed at home and I decided it was a good idea to go to Scotland. We did't end the relationship though as we're both really in love and were convinced we could make LDR work. However, we decided to take a break in October until I was home for Christmas. Just found out he has slept with 2 people over the break and dont know how to get ov...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryCan teen long distance relationships work?
[1 POST] CREATED: Feb 16 2015 at 19:44 by Bailey1234 RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Feb 17 2015 at 02:34

On January 24, I went to my friends birthday party. We're 16 years old, and her mom lives two counties over with her step dad and step brother. We went to her house, and some of her step brothers friends were there. So I had never met any of the guys that were going to be there. Her step brothers friend, Ethan, and I really hit it off, which isn't surprising because my friend Krista has...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance relationship/ lying boyfriend (Gay)
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Feb 6 2015 at 14:42 by Lamitakors RESPONDENTS: Gwendo LAST POST: Mar 2 2015 at 08:56

so my boy and i have been together for 5 months .. its a long distance relationship but we visit each other every month or a month and a half.. i we have had our ups and downs. at the beginning of our relationship he kissed another guy and i found out by myself. but we werent so committed to each other and distance is hard.. and what makes it even more harder is that im not out of the closet...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong Distance Relationships CREATED: Dec 11 2014 at 05:26 by Rosie15 LAST POST: Dec 11 2014 at 14:10

This is a long story... but I have a friend I've known for a few months. We met online on Omegle and have connected ever since. He's told me I'm one of few people he can open up to, and he tells me everything. I can tell him everything as well, and I've never connected with a person more. One problem; he lives on the other side of the country from me. He knows I love him and wa...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance relationships
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Nov 2 2014 at 05:27 by Linda30 RESPONDENTS: mrnoodlesguy LAST POST: Nov 2 2014 at 05:45

I met my boyfriend in high school, and at the end of grade 12 we began dating. Now I went off to college and he stayed behind to try to pursue athletics so we've been doing the whole long distance thing for 2+ years now. Our relationship is amazing. He cares so much for me like I never thought anyone could and he's always there when I need him. Luckily its only a 2 hour drive, and we get...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance confusion
[5 POSTS] CREATED: Oct 30 2014 at 18:34 by imnotgoodatthis RESPONDENTS: manalone / sml_4765 / Soulmate LAST POST: Oct 31 2014 at 22:03

I met this guy on an app in July and we started talking and getting to know each other. We decided we wanted to meet each other so he drove 8 hours to come visit for the weekend. (We talked and skyped for 3 months before he visited) My problem now is that I really like him and I feel that he likes me too, but I'm not sure if I should ask him what are relationship is, if we're just talkin...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong-distance relationship
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Sep 28 2014 at 15:25 by sonita RESPONDENTS: Nautilus LAST POST: Sep 28 2014 at 23:44

My boyfriend and I are living in two different countries. The first time we met was a year and half ago when he was in my hometown as a tourist. We went out several times and I showed him around the city. Soon we fell for each other and decided to continue our relationship even after his departure, via the internet. After a few months he came back to my country to meet my parents. He rented an apa...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryIs this long distance relationship too hard?
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Sep 18 2014 at 01:21 by laxgirl96 RESPONDENTS: Lingling28 / John Alex Clark LAST POST: Sep 18 2014 at 16:33

So my boyfriend and I go to separate colleges, we're not too far about an hour and a half away from each other but we still don't get to see each other all that often. We agreed that we would try and see each other every two weeks, obviously we understand that not all plans are going to work out but for the most part we want to keep the dates we have. Also I am looking to transfer so wee...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryStarting a LDR CREATED: Sep 5 2014 at 15:03 by ineedhelp116 LAST POST: Sep 7 2014 at 11:47

I like this guy I met a couple of years ago, on an exchange trip to Germany (we both live in England and are 17). I told him I liked him, and we've met up a couple of times since then, once with mutual friends and once on our own (although it wasn't planned). So I spent a few days at his house, and he introduced me to his friends, and put his arm around me during a film, which I took to ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance relationship problems
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Sep 5 2014 at 07:51 by anon1234 RESPONDENTS: tantalus LAST POST: Sep 5 2014 at 13:23

I'll start off with a little background. I am 19, male. My girlfriend (same age) and I both attended the same high school however we were best friends at the time. More that I was ready for a relationship and she was not. We both went our separate ways for college, and it was then I finally couldn't take it anymore and told her how I felt. She said she was going to never feel the same wa...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance relationship
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 10 2014 at 17:14 by Eva21 RESPONDENTS: unnamed / ColdSnowBunny LAST POST: Jul 11 2014 at 14:04

Am a girl of 18 ive been in a long distance relationship with my bf for nearly four months.He is nice guy,he understands me, he never gets mad at me,he bears all my bitch fits,i feel there cant be any1 better for me than this perfectly wonderful guy but i fight to him alot cos of his job.He works alot.and we hardly have time to chat,when he is on night shifts am at school in the morning that makes...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryOnline LDR problems
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 6 2014 at 07:26 by jwf RESPONDENTS: stephie33 LAST POST: Jul 6 2014 at 10:21

Hi. I am in a LD online relationship with someone whom I have fallen very deeply in love with. We started talking online about a year and a half ago and he is the first man who I have ever had a relationship with that I could SEE a future with. Never thought I could picture myself a married woman until he came into my life. My past relationships have not been good. I chose the wrong people and I ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance relationship break-ups CREATED: Jul 1 2014 at 17:00 by danilin LAST POST: Jul 1 2014 at 22:01

My boyfriend and I broke up 2 weeks ago because we thought there is no clear future for us due to the long distance relationship. He and I met in my country when he studied in my college, then we broke up few months later because he had to go back home after study. Months after that, I was able to go in his country, he offered me to stay at his place. First few days, we behaved like friends and t...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryPotential long distance relationship CREATED: Jun 3 2014 at 19:27 by dantheman211 LAST POST: Jun 3 2014 at 19:34

Me and my girlfriend have been together for over a year now and she has decided that she wants to go work in Australia for half a year (we currently live in the UK). We went travelling in February around Australia for a month and from that I decided I did not want to live there and I was hoping that would satisfy her. She was thinking about going to Australia and working at the beginning of ou...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum category7 years & long distance love
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Apr 12 2014 at 09:04 by Blossom RESPONDENTS: Shivangi LAST POST: Apr 12 2014 at 14:36

I am 14 years old and my 'boyfriend' is 21 years old. We love eachother alot but age difference keeps getting to him badly. Other than that we dont have any other problems. Im always sending him paragraphs on what I think & he says they're really good but he doesnt respond to them. I would always tell him that its his choice to choose to keep this going or end it. But he does...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance dilema
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Apr 4 2014 at 04:07 by stoic23 RESPONDENTS: manalone / Shivangi LAST POST: Apr 4 2014 at 07:51

My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 months. I am 6 years older than him. We are currently in a long distance relationship while he finishes school. I trust him completely. Up until last week we had an amazing relationship great communication and everything. We are completely in love I know he is my soul mate weve talked about marriage and children..last week he got a call from a girl he ha...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance marriage
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Feb 21 2014 at 05:11 by Wondering1 RESPONDENTS: manalone LAST POST: Feb 22 2014 at 07:03

I've been married for 3 years, but my spouse and I have only been together for 2 years. We were separated for a year due to infidelity. I decided to try and forgive and salvage our marriage. We've been back together now for a year and it has not been easy. I don't know if I'm still in love or not. Our marriage is not what I expected out of a marriage. There's no commu...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryDepressed LDR
[1 POST] CREATED: Feb 12 2014 at 03:46 by ymike1003 RESPONDENTS: SeekingPeace LAST POST: Feb 13 2014 at 22:59

I've been dating my SO for a year and a half. I'm currently 14 and she is 15, we live about 2 hours apart so we rarely see each other, maybe once a month. We met on a website we started and had been best friends for 3 years before we admitted we liked each other. She has been diagnosed depressed and anxiety disorder for about 3 years, and I recently have become depressed, although it doe...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance husband CREATED: Feb 1 2014 at 23:43 by brokenhearted4life LAST POST: Feb 2 2014 at 16:00

we have had alot of prbs. He once helped me out and i felt very obliged to do everythign he said because i felt i owed him. Bt today i feel like i felt right after he helped me that he used my situation back then and even till today. I think whilst i was in bad condition and he took pics of me he took them because h wanted to show his other woman ( whom he married to get benefits from her and her ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance
[5 POSTS] CREATED: Jan 24 2014 at 09:08 by SadPanda RESPONDENTS: manalone / Rubiccon13 / newtochat LAST POST: Jan 24 2014 at 20:59

I've known this guy for over 3 years. We talked a lot off and on. I've liked him for so very long. We recently started a long distance relationship. I have issues due to past relationships just like everyone. Cheated on, lied to, never was enough. I have major jealousy issues, as does he. Anywho, he says he wants to be with me physically. Have a REAL relationship in person. But he's...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance girlfriend of 5 years wont reciprocate intimacy
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Jan 14 2014 at 23:16 by Tenchub RESPONDENTS: manalone LAST POST: Jan 18 2014 at 19:50

My long distance girlfriend and I have been together for nearly 5 years. She is 25, and I am 24. We are both full time students who live with our respective parents, and have gotten to spend 5 months out of the year physically together for the last couple years (month for Christmas, 3 for summer, a week or so at a time a couple times in between), with most of it being at her house. She is a virgin...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance relationship confusion
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Dec 2 2013 at 23:58 by Nataly118 RESPONDENTS: Peace / Bleeding160 LAST POST: Dec 9 2013 at 10:14

So, here it goes. I've been dating just a genuinely wonderful human being for around 7 years now and for most of that time we've been in a long distance relationship. At this point, I haven't seen him for a long time although we talk all the time. I'm starting to get really confused about my feelings for him, about us. And I don't know how to get rid of this anxiety, cause...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong Distance Relationship is HERE!
[1 POST] CREATED: Oct 8 2013 at 17:06 by ouchmybrain RESPONDENTS: Sufficated LAST POST: Oct 10 2013 at 07:00

I've never written on one of these message boards before, but I need advice and not sure where to turn. Here's my situation: I have been in an 18 month long distance relationship with a woman from another country. We met in the states and spent a total of 6 months together either in my city or hers. There were mixed reviews from our time together, but I wanted to continue to explore what...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance relationship (long story)
[1 POST] CREATED: Aug 19 2013 at 01:01 by prettyyGirl RESPONDENTS: Kaamini LAST POST: Aug 22 2013 at 08:58

i was in a relationship with a boy i met online back in 2008. we have been dating or "in a relationship" since then. but recently he dumped me. i have never seen him. in the beginning i would say i was being played because he still had a girlfriend, and was sleeping around with other females and with 1 of those females he tried 3 times to make a baby with but she miscarried each time. ba...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance relationship
[1 POST] CREATED: Jul 31 2013 at 01:53 by Tylertyler RESPONDENTS: Pazley LAST POST: Jul 31 2013 at 15:54

I am 16 years old and I met my 15 year old ex girlfriend on a game when I was 14 she was 12 years old at the time. Over the months and years we kept falling more in love but we broke up allot because it was hard not being able to touch each other. I live 5-6 hours away from her and I do not even have my permit yet. We are ( in my opinion ) the best couple out there because we can tell each othe...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance
[1 POST] CREATED: Jul 22 2013 at 06:28 by olivmhall RESPONDENTS: missmelonh LAST POST: Jul 22 2013 at 17:42

Me and my boyfriend have been going out for a year and 2 months. We live in separate states, but only 5 or 6 hours from each other. Even though he has told me many times he is coming to see me, I still have not met him. He doesn't have a job, so has no money for transportation and I can not drive. He used to live here, but we only started talking after he left with his family. I want more tha...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance relationship?
[1 POST] CREATED: Jul 17 2013 at 21:59 by Jcl23 RESPONDENTS: Babydog LAST POST: Jul 26 2013 at 13:03

Right so I have been with my partner for just over a year and half. When we first got together we were very happy although we spent a little time together. We get on well with each others families also. He has just started a new job about 4 months ago, and it literally means he works away Monday to Friday and comes home Friday evening. I only see him on the weekend. This has been going on for 4 mo...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum category2 single parents and long distance love
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Jun 2 2013 at 02:22 by Troubledcdn RESPONDENTS: violetblues / Kato LAST POST: Jun 5 2013 at 06:39

Gave online dating a go. I'm a single mother of a 14 y/o girl and we are from Canada. Within hours of my profile going up a man from the US messaged me. He is a single, divorced man in the US military with a 5 y/o son, stationed outside of the US until March. We hit it off from the first email. Everything in common: goals, likes, dislikes, interests, religion. Anything important for a relati...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryFamily disapproves of my boyfriend / long distance relationship
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Apr 17 2013 at 17:01 by Dani15 RESPONDENTS: Izzy 343 / anon / ReeJNeil LAST POST: May 21 2013 at 15:18

My boyfriend and I have been together for 10 months and have been in long distance relationship. Now I come from a strict Filipino family with high values. So I wasnt allowed to have a boyfriend so I kept it from them for 5 months. When they found out they were mad and so when they met him they automatically didnt like him simply because they don't "feel" him. They think I can do be...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance relationship communication problems
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Apr 11 2013 at 01:47 by staceymacy123 RESPONDENTS: dear stacy, LAST POST: Apr 12 2013 at 02:15

My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for about 2 1/2 years. Things were a little rocky last year but we worked things out and things are back to being really great. The only downfall, however, is that while I’m away at school, we’re about 2 hours away. On average, we see each other every other weekend, which is great. I have no complaints about that. My issue is the lack of communica...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI saw a picture of my long distance boyfriend proposing to another girl and he called her the bone of his bones but he says its all a joke
[1 POST] CREATED: Mar 3 2013 at 07:42 by Cynthia RESPONDENTS: LOK LAST POST: Mar 6 2013 at 02:03

Ive been with my long distance boyfriend for close to a year now and we are very close, we talk all day everyday but for the past couple of days, i had to focus on school and it made me talk to him much less, my phone was faulty so we couldnt even talk over the phone but it was just for about 3days but we talked through our email, when i got back on my phone, he started acting all funny nd suspici...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryAny hope for a long distance relationship?
[1 POST] CREATED: Nov 21 2012 at 15:13 by tuze1123 RESPONDENTS: Ice LAST POST: Dec 9 2012 at 04:02

I've been dating this guy for 22 days now. He is so so cute, and we talk almost everynight on the phone. We ooVoo every day and email when we can't since i dont have a phone. I love him so much, and he says that we are ment for eachother and are soul mates. He's 17. The thing is, he lives in Ohio, and I live 9 Hours away. Last night I was poking around on his facebook and saw a pict...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryHaving doubts about long distance relationship. Help?
[1 POST] CREATED: Sep 11 2012 at 23:13 by purple_lily266 RESPONDENTS: hello LAST POST: Sep 13 2012 at 04:09

I started dating this guy because my family members liked him, his parents liked me, he liked me, and they all thought we would make a cute couple. Things were okay in the beginning and I thought, yeah, okay, this could work, he's a great guy, he's cute, and he likes me. It turns out we are polar opposites, but opposites attract right? The problem started when I left, originally it was s...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance hell!!!!
[1 POST] CREATED: Dec 4 2011 at 02:26 by Jnd RESPONDENTS: Jess LAST POST: Feb 21 2012 at 05:25

My partner and I have been together for almost 3 and half years (on and off) Our relationship has had it's far share of ups and downs- a down where we did not speak for 3months. Usually when we have arguments I will hang up on him and not return his calls for days/weeks The longest was 3months, and he has always chased me, even when I have changed my number he will find a way to get in ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryLong distance friend with a long distance relationship
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Nov 2 2010 at 16:10 by Griffen RESPONDENTS: TILES LAST POST: Nov 5 2010 at 21:17

The problem here is that I have a friend who currently lives in a neighbouring country(I am male, she is female) she is in a long distance relationship with a man on a different continent(we are all in our 20's), and will be moving there in January. We have been extremely close friends for a couple of years now(never anything romantic), mostly over the net but she also came to visit me onc...