My boyfriend almost used a racial slur related to Chinese people while we were discussing its inappropriateness. He was recalling a past comment and reading a screenshot where the slur was used (not by himself). He went to use the word as a descriptor, i.e. “I absolutely did not hate ch-.” But cut himself short and seemed upset- he quickly realized he almost slipped and was very shaken. He exp...
My husband wrote me a little note. On it it said. To my babe. I do really love you and want you forever. I don’t want to lose you, be mine forever Love yourthen he put his name) xxx It’s a lovely note but should he have put, I really do love you instead of, I do really love you. To me I felt it was like he was like he had questioned himself if he does love me. He said it was ver...
I like to buy nice things for the home. I’m very materialistic and I like to buy orament, plants and little things to make it cosy. I recently bought a new plant and ok it’s just some plants but my husband did not even noticed them. I had to show him and he even thought one of the plants was one that was there before. I just wanted him to notice it and say it was nice. Ok I like these thi...
So a new neighbour has moved in next door. I’ve Only heard her voice not seen her face but I think she might be quite young. You can hear her when she’s in going up the stairs and shutting doors. The houses are terraced do all close together and you can hear if so robe is in next door. This house was empty for a year and it was nice not having anyone live there snd not have to worry who w...
I broke up with someone not too long ago and it wasn't even that big of a deal I feel. We dated for three weeks and we hadn't even kissed and he just one day sent me a text saying that we shouldn't talk for a while because something that happened in his personal life(I do not know what happened, he never told me) and he just ignored me the whole time. We had a few of the same classe...
Things are not going good and there have been many ups and downs which has left me feeling totally confused abt everything atp. This month tbh majorly revolved around a heart break but not so real tho I'll tell you why so its like this my first ever crush or love technically you can say cuz we've been in what they call a situationship and there were some muffled down feelings from both s...
TLDR – Over the past few years, in large part due to my own behaviour, I appear to have lost the trust of one of my oldest and dearest friends (and former love interest). I’m struggling to move on and am not even sure if there’s a future for our friendship. Please advise. About me – 40 year old male with a chronic history of physical, emotional and verbal abuse from my mom which st...
First of all, I apologize if this is in the wrong forum or if there are any grammatical errors X'DD. Life has never been easy; it always feels like I'm missing something, but I don't know what. Lately, talking with someone doesn't felt right. I just want to ignore everybody, but I hate loneliness (kinda funny X'DD). Some people say they care about me, but I know it...
I have been on here before So sorry if my posts seems a little like the last one. Should I be happy with little touches here and there from him and be grateful when I get it in return? I just don’t feel my husband wants much sex with me it gives me the affection I crave. I like a lot of touch and affection but don’t get much from him. Plus I also say to have sex most of the time. He will ho...
I'm currently feeling stuck in life and I'm not sure what to do. I think one of the main reasons is because I don't really have anyone to go and do things with. I quite a few friends but it's a struggle to organised things with them. They all have their own partners or they live a bit too far etc. I do have my best friend. Who I love to bits however I've realised we ne...
My boyfriend and I are of same age. My boyfriend is studying in a tier 1 engineering college and I am studying in a Tier-3 engineering college. He has already secured an internship. We were discussing about future plans and stuff. I told him I cannot live with his parents if it’s like a flat you know like 2/3 rooms, 1 kitchen , 1 bathroom type. I haven’t grown up in a joint family so I am used...
The girl who i am crushing on has just left a year and a half relationship where she was pretty badlyy hurt. whats worse is that this guy is an ex friend of mine. She wasnt on my radar before and i was just trying to help her feel better but i feel ive caught feelings and idk how to show them to her without it being weird. We'v eehung out 1:1 before and its been fine but i feel like she ...
So me (F19) and my boyfriend (M18) have been dating for a month now... All of this happened today at my house. I'm home alone for 2 weeks and I hadn't seen my boyfriend in a month, so we decided he would come and spend the night. he lives about 60 kilometers from here. he came all the way here this morning and we were upstairs in my bedroom chilling and watching a movie. We were fooli...
Hi all, I’m new here so I apologise if this is in the wrong section. I would love if someone can give me some advice or just help me understand if I’m in the wrong, sorry if this is long! Here’s some backstory: been with my fiance for 5 years, we got a lovely relationship and have been through a lot together. We’re in our early 20s so he’s just finished school and moved back with h...
A guy I knew 20 odd years ago has just got in touch with me on facebook. He is married now and probably just being in friendly I know it’s probably me that has the problem I was so in love with him back then i mean he doesn’t even look the same but I can feel all those feelings coming back and I don’t know what to do to stop myself. Any advice truly appreciated thank you ...
I'm so heartbroken, we've been together nearly 7years in October, he returned to his home country in Europe for his best friends wedding over the weekend past. I found out the bride and groom went on a trip yesterday a few hours drive away with also my partner with another woman. Thanks to the bride sharing a Facebook live that's how I found out. He didn't have the decency ...
I am a married woman for 4 years and a mother to a one year old kid. My idea of marriage or any relationship had always been of loyalty. Never in my life had I ever been unfaithful even in my thoughts, let alone in person. However,when my kid was 4 months old, I found out that my husband was cheating on me. I was shocked and sorrowful. He confessed his wrong doing and regretted profusely....
So I dress up now and then for my husband and give him sex regularly and oral now and then. Ok so I don’t have a porn stars body or do all the stuff they do. My husband has looked at this stuff and I think still does but says he isn’t. I don’t like it and I once years ago caught him on his laptop on it. His zip was down so I knew it was porn. He lied and said he was reading something. I wa...
I (29) and in a relationship with my partner (60) for nearly a year now. I knew him for a short summer before we started dating and was the one to initiate the relationship. With a bit of help from some friends to encourage him. The age gap has never been a problem for us, I was forced to grow up a little quicker than most as a teenager and having grown up with older parents (70's now) I am u...
So hey guys! I met a guy and we started talking and meeting more often he also was my first kiss and we got like a little close, we spent a lot of time together and had a few similar problems. When I met him he got kicked out and so did i so we spent the whole night together outside. We met a few more times and had fun and he told me about his problems and i comforted him and everytime we met h...
For context I’m 32 and never had a gf or a relationship before. I was part of a very conservative culture where dating wasn’t allowed, but I e become more independent recently and trying to date now I want to tell you about a situation I had. I feel like I learned from it and hopefully by the time you respond to this I will have had 1 or even multiple dates. So I went to this meetup for ...
My foreign partner returns home often on his own country. I don't mind him traveling without me as his family doesn't speak English and lives in the country where there's nothing to do. I found out recently his best friend was getting married and I felt a little saddened because I wasn't invited to the happy occasion, his best friend lived in my local town in the UK for a c...
Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this! My boyfriend (21) and I (20) have been in a loving relationship for about 3 years. We had many issues but we always worked through them together. Recently, around 3 months ago, his behavior shifted and he started acting really different towards me and because we are in a long distance relationship at the moment, i can‘t really tell if his ...
Stayed in a caravan five days. Said to my husband I would like to live in one. They are home from home and easy to keep. It’s a dream that’s all I have and if I won the lottery I would buy one. He said, How are you supposed to get one. We haven’t the money to buy one it was just a dream and I told him it was just a dream like if we could move away to live somewhere else I would. It’...
I had a person in my life who I had known since school, who has always been a bit of an issue. They always seem to test the limits of people, make jokes about them and take things too far. We had lost a few friends due to this. I'm not too sure why I stayed friends as long as i did. I guess because it came in waves, sometimes things were good, sometimes bad. In all truth I should of stop...
I am struggling to find loving way to talk to my wife about her hygiene. Over the past couple of years (really since our second kid was born about 3 years ago) I've noticed my wife has been neglecting her hygiene. In the beginning of our relationship when we were in high school, we were both very involved in athletics and so would need to shower daily just to keep up, but then once we got...
I have been with my bf for a year and a half and although we have a great relationship, it’s been turbulent. We both own our own homes and I moved in with him full time 6 months ago. I still own my own house and we have talked at length about me renting my house out. I have made arrangements for my home to be rented and now my bf is panicking. He says he is confused about how he feels abou...
My ex of 2 years recently asked if I wanted to have dinner. I agreed. This comes after I reached out to him a year or so ago ( he ended things) to see if we could meet. My intentions being to try again. He agreed to talk via text first and ultimately decided not to meet me and ended it with he will always have feelings for me, wished me the best etc. It was at that moment I finally decided to let ...
Stepfather Issue. Three weeks ago completely unprovoked he was name calling and mean spirited. Due to a domestic violence situation I needed somewhere to stay in a hurry. He refused me. I was hurt and distraught. Police got me a Hotel. I'm still in it. Out of the blue he calls me. As though nothing happened between us. Says where are you? I do not tell. Says he ca...
About 8-9 years ago I met this man online. I was stupid enough to fall for his lies and believed him when he told me he was separated even though they still lived together, he was making plans to leave. That never happened. Unfortunately by then I’d fallen for him and we would see each other now and then, he works full time and lives about 4-5 hours drive away. We hadn’t seen each other for a ...
Best Get Well Gift For A Man Sending a get well gift is the perfect way to show your support and love for a man in your life who is feeling under the weather. Whether it’s your father, brother, husband or friend, receiving a thoughtful get well gift can bring a smile to their face and help them on the road to recovery. However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose th...
Went to a family bar mitzvah. The first grandchild of my closest sister which I refer to as sister 2. I was told by my nephew who is giving the event that no cousins are invited when the invites went out since my kids didn't receive an invite. Then I found out when going to the event that my other sister (1), kids and grandkids were all invited. I refer to her sister one. I was invited wi...
Hey! I got diagnosed with a deformity which was causing me pain for years yesterday. I also recently got into a relationship with a guy(1.5 months ago). Since ill be in constant pain and drugged up most of he time and he has issues with his job and home I asked if he'd like to take the easy way out? And he agreed. Now I don't know how i feel about that. On one hand I want him back but th...
I really like my best friend's ex. I've known him for about a year now and we've become good friends through his relationship with my best friend, Ally (fake name). Ally and Jake (fake name) dated for about six months, and through that time I was caught in the middle of it as a kind of mediator for both of them. They had some big communication issues and everyone around them always ...
I'm a 25yo gay bottom but I don't think it would matter if I was straight or younger or older. I have never had a romantic relationship, that is objectively untrue as I did have a boyfriend for abit but he dumped me because we never had sex. In my entire life I have never had any comprehension of what a relationship is.. like I've never seen it anywhere. While my parents wer...
I recently got out of a 5-year abusive relationship. After the relationship was over I ran into one of my favorite people I've ever known so far my 44 years. Him and I hit it off pretty good. It was going really strong he spent the night with me every night for two straight weeks. Once I started talking about my feelings towards him and he talked about his towards me,he started pushing me...
Me and my partner have been together since 2020. We have 2 kids a house and a dog together. let me just give you some context into our relationship before I start When me and my partner got together I did everything for him I was and still am completely selfless. There were a few issues when we first got together such as I once squeezed his hand so he punched me in the arm. He also never walke...
(Typuing fast and js got my nails done so might not have great spelling lmao) So there's this guy I've liked on and off since November (Now May) but he's giving me MAJOR mixed signals and I'm not a very bold person so I'm so conflicted on what to do. Here's a rundown on the timeline of my relationships this year. NOTE: He's on my volleyball team cus I play ...
Hello! I have posted about my past relationship experience in great detail. @SoulMate I have missed you & I always remember you in my prayers. So, a month ago, I made a dating profile which is actually meant for marriage. The concept is that it is a religious app for singles to seek a partner. I got connected to some people but we our interests were different. 20 days ago, I matche...
So my boyfriend and i were not arguing he was outside doing yard work, but grabbed his phone when he went outside and left me inside to do whatever. I became hurt and irritated so i stormed off. Its been 8hrs and he asnt even called to see if im ok. Should i call him first, een though i would sound like a broken record?...
I’ve not had sex for four days. Been arguing with hubby and sleeping in separate beds. We Started talking again and I said, Get yourself ready for sex, He said whoo as if he wasn’t bothered. It really hurt me because I thought he would want it then he said, You can’t expect me to just go on as if nothing has happened. We did not have it and I know he was tired but I thought he would want...
Went to an outdoor pool with my husband. Four women were in there and about 30 years old and some mums and dads with there kids. I saw my husband look in the women’s direction a few times and over my shoulder at them which upset me as he was there to have fun with me. I asked if he knew them and he said he didn’t and said, Your not doing this again are you. He denies he looked at them and ...
Well, I'm in a relationship rut and I'm not sure how to go about anything anymore. Me and my boyfriend have been together for over 5 years The problems started early with insecurities from his side along with a porn addiction and hiding things from me. We fought and fought through this. This most hurtful part was him asking for a 3some. He was always bringing it up despite our issues. He...
My mum passed away just 2 months ago and I was very close to her, since then i've had 2 breakdowns and all I wanted to do is just kill myself. 2 weeks ago my wife left because she had her own mental health issues to sort and left me alone to deal with that and my grief. But when going through the breakdowns i've emotionally abused my wife, I know I'm wrong, I said I blame her for my...
I am involved with a married man. I am a 25y/o women who has been approached by one of the colleagues 35y/o. He is married and has 2 kids. I do not have any feelings for him bt he does. He was pretty clear about it as well. And he do not want to harm me or create any problem in his wife's life as well. He just want to talk and spend time. Sometime if I give permission then wants to touch me...
Hi everyone. I could really use some advice. So I have started a new relationship with someone. We have been together for almost a month now, so very early days. He's honestly very amazing. He's attentive, kind, makes me feel special, makes time for me, etc. He's pretty perfect and everything that I have been looking for in a partner but there is just one thing that I can't sto...
Hello, This is connected to thread: which I posted about 3 years back. In short: I was cheating on my husband with a younger man. I was doing it purely for the pleasure of sex. Things back then "fixed" themselves by having my secret lover go abroad for his master's degree. I went back to my husband and altho...
We’ve been together for 1.5 years, he’s great, and I enjoy our time together, unfortunately I don’t think I’m in love with him. But I don’t want to finish with him because I’ll miss him, and I will have no one to talk to at all. I don’t have any friends as such, certainly no one I can confide in. I know it’s selfish, but I don’t know what else to do. I feel we are more like best ...
So I've been in a wonderful relationship with a guy I've known since we were younger. After high school we got together and it's been this way for 6 months, like a said pretty great.Weve been on multiple trips together to see concerts and stayed in hotels for days with one another. We love eachother and he supports me in a lot of mental health related struggles and I try to reciproc...
Hi everyone, I really need help with my situationship cause all my friends don’t want me to talk about this anymore. In Sep 2021 I met this guy at the gym and we started hanging out. We didn’t really like each other and we both started dating other people. I moved abroad in Jan 2022 and right before moving, we both realised we were starting to like each orher. He started dating someone els...
I am in a pickel and I need help .so here is my story. I met my husband 2018 online and we got married in 2019 December but since we live in different continent's it's hard for use to see each other. When we started we are so much in love but still we didn't know each other that much but it wasn't a problem for me because I trust easy. So on 2022 he was arrested and he has bee...
My husband and I have been married 20 years and have 4 teenagers. He makes a very good living and I stay home and manage the house, kids, and everything in our lives. He works long hours and fields calls, emails, and work problems outside of his hours. He wants to spend the time he’s not at work decompressing by playing golf, sitting alone in his tv room, or hanging out with his nonmarried buddi...
Hello, So this past week I thought my Saturday night was going to be peaceful and full-on me replaying Final Fantasy 13, but nope. I got on the shared desktop and saw my husband Discord up. I don't snoop, I had a hovering mom and privacy has always been a big part of my MO, but tonight I did. I wish I hadn't, but it only worsened the things I felt. I felt bile in my throat and my eyes we...
I felt really appalled by a friends lack of emotionally maturity, her disrespect for people in general, her tantrum throwing when l tried to establish boundaries, unwillingness to view any perspective but her own, her unwanted and dodgy advice 'to never explain, never apologise' and rigid opinions that were decidedly right wing, completely uninformed and bordering on conspiracy theory. ...
Hey everyone, I’m a new member who could use some perspective on a situation that’s bothering me. In January this year I ghosted my two best friends, and I think I regret it but don’t really know how to proceed (I’ll call them Marcus and Angie).This isn’t the first time we’ve stopped talking; back around June of last year we got into a blowout fight when one of our 17 y/o friends go...
My life experience has been fraught with people who have hurt me to my core. I am at the moment trying to cope with my biggest hurdles - fear and trust. These are big stumbling blocks in my life. I am afraid, anxious, and insecure. I have never been more acutely aware of how much I need a savior. I don't want to need one and I would do anything to save myself. But I honestly do not know how ...
I had my first love when I was 14 years old. I don’t know if that's too young to like someone. He knew me through a mutual friend and found me cute. I didn’t really talk to him, but his mom passed away around that time, so I texted him to give him my condolences when I found out. We became good friends and talked all the time, about every topic under the sun. He confessed to me after 2 we...
My girlfriend of 7 years has made it obvious that she is dissapointed that I haven't bought an engagement ring and proposed. We bought a house last year and both work full time. A big part of my paycheck goes towards mortgage payments and she pays whatever she can/wants to every month to go towards the principal. (The house is only under my name and I don't ask her to help pay toward...
I’ve been dating this girl for 2 months now. She’s awesome and beautiful and shows me the upmost respect. As soon as I am separated from her my mind goes to awful thoughts. Is this something alot of men deal with ? Or should I go consider help. I’m not an insecure person. But more worried of what will happen in my past relationships....
I (28M) want to preface this by saying that I have recently come to terms with the fact that I may have drinking issues that have developed over the past few months. I’ve been struggling with some personal issues and have been binge drinking more than I’d probably care to admit, perhaps as an outlet. I think this precipitated the incident below meaningfully, but at the end of the day, I take ...
I have been alone for years now. But I would really like to share a bond with a lady. However I have so much distain and self-loathing I cannot imagine anyone wanting to be with me. I'll see a lady who I really like and all I can think is that it would be terrible for her and I would ruin her life. I find myself caught in these cycles and despiring. I have tried to destroy these elem...
My bf and I have been dating since we were in our early teens, however at one point we had broken up for a 1-2 years. Before we broke up, my bf used to touch my legs a bit. I was fine with it on and off I think (I don’t really remember) but I felt really ashamed doing it, so it made me feel a tiny bit anxious. He used to stop if I said no, but he would mope a bit. Flashforward now and we’re...
My wife and I have been together for 11 years, married for 6. A couple of weeks ago we were cleaning out her car to make room for some items she needed to move. On the floor in the back, behind the driver’s seat, I found an aluminum water bottle. It’s yellow with black lettering. It has an image of a snake and some stars and the words “Liberty Or Death” and “Don’t Tread On Me”. Obvio...
In September 2023, a neighbor and I started communicating and occasionally meeting up due to our busy schedules—he works 8-12 hours a day, while I'm unemployed due to disability and caring for my sickly 92-year-old mother. Despite occasional communication issues, he expressed a desire to marry and start a family, and we've both shared fond feelings. However, after two intimate encoun...
I recently discovered that my husband of 20 years modelled for erotic photographs with other women when he was a young man, which are on the web. This was a decade before we met. What bothers me is that he told my best friend (whom I have known for 30 years) and did not tell me (she is his friend as well, but they have only known each other since 2006). Further to this, she kept this a secret from...
I had a crush on a girl in my class, and though I was getting over it, we started chatting two weeks ago. For the first three days, we chatted for over four hours each night (from midnight to 4:00 AM). After the fifth day, I asked her out, and she agreed. On our first "date"(idk if we can call it a date) I bought her a rose, and she accepted it, hugged me, and we had a great time. She me...
I’m not sure if there is much else that I can do differently or that my boyfriend can do. The situation makes me so uncomfortable and I feel like this girl would do anything in her power to get me out of the picture so she could have a shot with my boyfriend (even though she still would not). I think she has delusional beliefs that she would. In her small defense he has a very gregarious and fun...
I had a group of friends from high school and we stayed friends through college and beyond. We are all almost thirty now. I would have thought that since we lasted so many years we would continue to last. Around age 27 people started really going in different directions. I was single and struggling with dating (now finally happily in a healthy relationship!) two of the girls where living with seri...
My boyfriend and I have been together for a couple of months. I come from a very religious environment where saving yourself for marriage is a big thing. When I first started dating him, he was okay with the idea of us not having sex. But after a while, we started having arguments that always led back to me not loving him enough because I wouldn't sleep with him. We even almost broke ...
Ok so I ended my relationship with my ex months back but I wanted to know people’s opinions on one particular issue. What does everyone think about this story I am about to tell you. My ex is an extrovert, confident, personable and sociable with everyone especially men. She’s also an alcoholic. During our time together she would often visit a pub in her local area. The pub is ran by an old ...
I've worked with the same guy for 6 years and we have always got on well. We have similar roles and responsibilities within a pressured workplace, I have a slight position of seniority over him and we are both governed by an overall boss that we are both accountable to. In the last 6 months our overall boss has started to become flirty with the guy and although it is not reciprocated and h...
Hi! im 17, im a lesbian, im fine with this, and i live in England i went to my friends party last night, got drunk, and kissed a girl. Im on good terms with her but i dont know her that well and there is nothing romantic between us. I was sober enough to know what was happening and i fully consented to it, but i probably wouldn't have done so if i had been fully sober. im usually very shy....
Hi, So I've been in a relationship for 3.5 years. Upa and downs of course. Though for a while now I've been feeling trapped/ stressed, so been doing research and I don't think I am respected and maybe with someone with a narcissistic tendencies. I feel I have been love bombed and then screamed at. My needs have not been met for the last few years, loads of little things that ...
Hello, this will mostly be a vent, but if you have any advice on how I can effectively explain to him that this is a boundary violation I would greatly appreciate it. Some important things to note about my partner and his ex's relationship: She severely mistreated him while they were together, and they have not been together for many years. Both their lives were hard so they decided to only ...
I don't really understand what happened nor why? Shouldn't you want to help me if I am indeed mental? I was starting to improve. With your help I was actually making progress. Happier than I'd been in years. That is the truth. ...
I got romantically involved with this guy from work. He told me he was moving to a new country from the beginning. Even though he treated our situation as temporary ( because it was) It still felt very intimate to me. He left without me knowing how he felt about me so I feel unsure about what we had. Not that there’s any point in it as he’s already moved. I can’t help but want to know ...
I took a private trip to LA with some of my friends and there are a few Naughty transactions in my Credit Card statement, which i do not want my girlfriend to look at. What should i do to hide those transactions from my bank statement? ...
I've been working with a guy for around 3 months. Didn't really know him initially, had our first proper conversation around 2 months ago, I was in a relationship until late November, but he seemed nice. My relationship ended and he found out one day, he was very supportive about it. Anyway found that he's a really cool guy who I get on well with. He didn't seem to come acros...
So I'm honestly really lost for what to do. To give some context this isn't about sex. It's about literally sleeping in the same bed. My girlfriend and I have been dating for 7 months now and we don't sleep in the same bed. Our circumstances are a little odd. We both live with her parents and we sleep in separate rooms and we have for the last 8 months. We were best f...
I'm currently dealing a person who doesn't make me feel good about myself. I've known them since school (over 10 years or more) and we were all part of the same social circle. We were all pretty good close friends. Now due to life circumstances and drifting apart I now only see this person and my bestie. Bestie and this person also have known each from a very young age, so they&...
I know that I shouldn't be going onto an online forum to this but I don't know if I'm crazy or if this is all just normal. I have been with my partner for a little over 2 years now and I don't know if I'm happy or not anymore. when we started dating it was great but after a while, it started feeling different, and not in a way like we were settling into each other. it star...
Hello! I'm hoping you can help. I was recently let go from my job. (Long story.) That's not why I'm here. A woman with whom I've become acquainted, and would frequent my former place of employment, I believe is interested in me. It started with the little things--smiling whenever she'd see me and laugh when I'd tell a joke. A few times, she rubbed my upper arm and...
I had a relationship with a married man. I always say to him that when the time comes that we need to separate, we should at least have a friendly break up. But I guess, karma slapped me hard on the face. One day, he told me that his wife found out about his other mobile, immediately I asked him do you want me to leave? But then his response was for me to wait until he resolved his family issues. ...
My ex kept ignoring me when I asked him for closure....
Hi. I've been with a someone for almost one year now. Things are pretty good with us, however Im just confused or concerned at some things he has said to me. Basically I would like a little bit of advice on if it's normal for me to feel weirded out or if I'm just overthinking silly things (I do have anxiety). So, the first time we talked about our past partner's and thing...
My guy best friend and I are very close and have a sibling bond. We are both in very happy and loving relationships. Recently his girlfriend who I am friends with seems to be a bit jealous. My guy friend had invited me to a trip with him and his family a year ago before he and his girlfriend started dating and we have talked about it ever since. Out of the blue he texted me saying I couldn’t com...
My mom has suspected BPD and I am her FP. When she moved out of the country, she would start calling all my friends and family when I didn't reply to her messages for a day or two. When she came back we fought a lot and I couldn't handle her obsession with me anymore. I eventually moved out and that was devastating for her. She was rushed to the ER many times during the last few years. S...
Hi, im a 26 year old male and am dealing with the post breakup with my girlfriend (19). I will try to keep it very brief but i want to try and give enough information to paint the picture. 10 weeks ago, my girlfriend broke up with me out of the blue. She was away at college and we had been dating for a couple months by then. Throughout the duration of our relationship, we had no hiccups and ever...
So i (F32) have been married to my husband (M36) for 10 years. About 3 years ago I caught him haven’t inappropriate conversation with a woman he went to high school with and when confronted he told me she was confiding in him about being abused as a kid. But that didn’t explain the lovey dovey texts. He would say things like “good morning beautiful” and would ask her how she stays so beaut...
Hello, I (31FTM) have been having some negative feelings surrounding my current relationship with my wife (32F). A bit of backstory, I guess. My wife is my first major, long term relationship. I had previously tried dating guys "like I was supposed to," but they never held my interest and only ever lasted a few months at most. I was never really too concerned with being in a relati...
Hello to the one who is reading & Happy Holidays! This forum has always been a safe place for me. Thanks to the people who thought of it & have made it an amazing space to share true feelings & receive valuable advise. I guess whatever sanity that is left in my case is because of the people who answered previously. For more context, here is the thread I posted a while ago: http...
I am just going to cut and paste an email I sent to my bf of 4 years. I am at my wits end with all his mind games. Anyway after my email I will cut and paste his response. Tell me if he is right. Maybe I am the narcissist. He makes me feel like I am losing my mind. My email: “ I am going to say something I will probably regret but I am going to be open and honest and put myself in a very vu...
I’m a 42 yr old female that’s been married for 15 years. My husband has bipolar disorder and mood disorders. I have severe anxiety and depression. Undiagnosed adhd or more. My so hasn’t worked since 2011. He is diabetic and got an infection in his foot and almost lost it and then couldn’t work for a few years. We have 2 kids that were just babies at the time and I had a steady job working ...
Me and my SO have been dating for 3 years now. About 5 months prior to this relationship, I had a month long relationship with his brother who is my age. That relationship ended due to him cheating with another girl at a party, and him breaking it off due to guilt. I didn't find out about the cheating until recently. In the 3 years that me and my SO have been dating, his brother and I hav...
So i met this girl about a year ago. She was originally someone I went to for spiritual support/guidance. Well, we started talking and honestly within four months (we moved in together.) It was long distance, and we closed the distance. Her daughter and her, and me all live together. I know the move was fast, in retrospect. I get that, but she disagrees, she says that we didnt go fast and for ...
Do the couples in similar situation feel this way? I am going to ask this question quite a number of times during the course of this conversation. Yes conversation. Let me tell u a bit about me and my spouse and then the various situations I have been facing. Me (A family) and my spouse (B Family) are from 2 countries who met in a third country. We fell in Love and gotten married against the...
I have been living abroad for more than 3 years, doing my PhD. I am financially independent, and have been on a stable relationship for almost 3 years. I'm 30 years old, female. For about a year now, me and my boyfriend have been discussing moving in together, which is something I want, as a next step in our relationship. The idea is that I will move in in his apartment, and we will be the...
My husband and I have been together for 15 years, and have been in and out of the swinger lifestyle for about 9 of them. This is a long one, so I appreciate anyone who makes it to the end. When we met, we fell in love fast, and we fell in love hard. A few months in, we picked up, left the state and moved across the country, and started to make a life together. A couple of years in, we had our ...
Hi I tried the chatroom but it seemed rather immature. Im a musician trying to learn to play a classical musical instrument. Im male aged 48, my teacher is female 38. Ive been taking lessons from her for about 4 years. We are both in long term relationships. we have a lot in common musically so have grown quite friendly. Ive developed a crush on her which is unwelcome and makes me very anxious a...
I am a student at a university, it is my last year here and I still feel like I have no good friends. I will admit, in the past, I have made some mistakes with choosing some not-so-nice things to say about my "friend" but we are all human and make mistakes. She really hurt me and in retaliation I said hurtful words to my other "friend". The second friend decided to go and tell ...
Before my husband and I got married and even for years after we both made it clear that we were only interested in a Monogamous union. We both agreed that we would never want to share what we have with with another party male nor female. I even asked him at one point if he ever had a threesome in his past and he said it was never something he ever wanted or was interested in trying. I know not al...
Hi all, and thanks in advance for any advice given. My boyfriend and I have only officially been together 3 months. In this time, I have been very happy with how things have progressed and really feel like he is a really good boyfriend. Prior to us getting together, we were friends who had conflicting feelings for one another - we both didn’t necessarily want a relationship but it just happe...
I am physically disabled, unemployed, often bedbound due to sickness, I can't cook, I can't clean in the manner I wish that I could, I'm fat, I'm very unattractive, some missing teeth, my hair has been steadily falling out, I'm an introvert, I'm a homebody, I don't have friends,I don't have family, i have very low to non existing libido, I'm late 40s,...
have been suspicious of wife recently and tried to find out what was going on. She speaks on phone, texting and mor than usual business meetings. I did follow her few times and could not find anything. I travel for work couple of times a months and tried to set a camera to record something. For around 8-9 months, i did not find anything unusual in the records and I was a bit relieved. Till recent...
I Have liked this girl for a long time. I got to know her more and like her a lot but she wasn't interested at the time. We agreed to stay friends and I think she believes that's all it is but I still like her a lot and don't know what to do. If I voice my feeling its just gonna cause more problems but if I just stay away from her completely its gonna hurt both of us. Her becaus...
Me and my boyfriend have been together for 8 years now. A year ago we got engaged. Some may think it’s strange that it took such a long time to take this step but we met and started dating when we were still in school. We had to go through 4 years of long distance relationship while I studied abroad. So we got engaged shortly after I graduated and came back home. Now about my boyfriend’s a...
Hi, I'm 66 and thought I had got to a stage in my life where I would not have another real romantic involvement again. I am divorced, though I see my ex regularly because we have a vulnerable adult son. In June 22, I received a call from my first boyfriend. We chatted happily for ages and arranged to meet in our hometown. I live in London and he lives 250 miles away. He said he had be...
Hi, all!I am female, and I and my fiance have been together for 4 years. We rarely had any difficulties or arguments and were very happy together. He would always compliment me on how loving and passionate I was, but for the last 2 years, I feel like I am just never good enough and he is showing me the part of him he wouldn't show before because he was showing his best to get me to like and l...
I am little confused. These past few weeks have been very confusing and mentally difficult. So, my husband and I have had issues because of his family and because of how he has acted towards me because of this. We have been together for a few years now, things have changed but only because I started to defend myself. We also did couples therapy after we had an argument because of his cousin. But r...
So about a year ago i started working at this new job where i have fallen head over heels for my boss. I've had many crushes in the past and they were all on girls though i always knew i was bi and the feelings i developed for this man make all my previous crushes seem like childish affections. Our friendship/work relationship started off great; he would randomly call me drunk late at night o...
I’m engaged to be married to someone who makes me miserable. Sounds crazy but he’s the best of a rotten bunch. I’ve online dated for years, been messed about so I said yes to the family friend who proposed. I just want to get married so I can have kids. We do have some good times but he has chronic mood swings. I believe he’s on the spectrum but he refuses to get tested. He has a probl...
From sixteen to eighteen I was in an awful “relationship” with what we call in my country a loverboy. Usually a loverboy manipulates you into falling in love with him first, then pushes you into prostituting yourself; you could call him a pimp, I guess. It was a really dark time I don’t want to go into too much detail about, but it scarred me. There was the prostitution obviously, there was...
Hi... I don't know how this works, but I am already at my wits end😔 I have no one to confide in and this is my last resort after thinking for a while. OK! Here goes. I have a friend who makes me feel as if we are dating. She prefers to only be in my room with me, watching movies and cuddle with the doors closed. Its up to the point where my parents think we're dating and they do...
So I'm losing feelings for my bf. Like bad. I don't want to hang out with him, I'm not attracted to him as much, and I just generally think I'm happier when he's not around. But like, I don't know if this is real or if my brains just doing its thing where it distances because I get bored or if I'm scared because of the commitment. And breaking up with him would b...
Hi I have been dating a guy for 7/8 months. At the begging I told him I want to develop a strong friendship and then we will see how it will go. He agreed. He never had interest to see me , I all the time had to beg him to meet me. He stated he doesn’t have anyone else his just meeting his friends on his free time. One day I had enough and said him if he wants smth with me we need to meet...
My boyfriend/fiancé and I have been together for 5 years and have a child together. We just recently decided to buy a home but it’s on the higher end of our budget. Only one of us, me, has the credit to qualify for a loan. I’m taking on the loan myself and then the title (ownership) will be split equally. I’m not sure about adding him to the title because of his financial history. However,...
I'm into a 2.5 year relationship and recently I started to question the "health" and future of the relationship. There were issues dealing with my partner's unawareness of his actions and how those actions made me feel (seemed like he is selfish). The part that has me most concerned is about my grown daughter. Since I'm a widow, she is very opinionated and protective ov...
So after a difficult few years and a bad marriage. I started my life again and thought I’d met some good friends. I try and be a good friend. Always there to listen, have an laugh and to help. Last week it was my birthday, 4 of us were going for a meal. One friend forgot and was out shopping with another friend when I asked her where she was. Another gave me a gift of a costume jewellery set...
I recently reconnected with a family friend awhile back. We've been texting back and things were going well. She seemed very kind, understanding and easy to share with. We both have anxiety and connected on that and seemed to click. One night she wanted to talk by phone, we hadn't talked for awhile and it turned to a few hour conversation. It started out good but turned into her just ...
ive been with my partner now for 5 years. his best friend is becoming a problem, lately he has been trying to encourage. my partner to cheat , my partner hasn't and im confident he wont, the issue is im really hurt his friend will do this . he is married himself with kids and he cheats on his wife. i distance myself from him. but my partner spends alot of time with his best friend and im so ...
My partner and I have 1 child together and I have a child from previous marriage. At first my relationship was nice, we had a child quite quickly into our relationship. My partner has OCD very bad, and it shows in everything he does down to cleaning, and routines and even daily activities. He hardly ever spends time with me, and says nasty things to me all the time quite rude about the way...
To start off, I'm a man in his late 20s. I have a perfectionism problem which is also related to anxiety (I have a generalized anxiety disorder but I can control my anxiety well in my daily life). I am very specific in terms of my preferences for women, especially in terms of physical appearance (I know, that's a little materialistic, but I can't seem to help it). It goes as far as ...
I've been with my husband for 12 years, about 20 years ago i had a one night stand with a friends cousin not an issue we would only see him occasionally if we were invited to friends house. but recently my husband has got friends with the cousin and invited him round for drinks. do i tell him about the one night stand. thanks...
I felt like my bf was becoming more possessive and controlling so I told him I need a break to think things through. Since then, he has promised to be more sensitive to my needs and give me as much breathing room as I want/need. He sent me a dozen red roses and lots of communications how about how much he loves me, etc. I just don't know if I can rely on his promises. Maybe he learned a l...
Recently watched a series about a Utah Polygamy Family. Have previously watched a series titled 'Empresses in the Palace'. Had a huge discussion with Adult Daughter about the concept of people who have open intimate or romantic relationships with more than one person at a time. It ended in a Massive Argument. I was shocked to discover how very different our view points are o...
My boyfriend's had quite a few one-night (to a few week) stands in his past. He's a great guy overall, but there's this one thing that bothers me (and we've talked about it, but it still persists).. I have access to his FB search history (he doesn't know) and what I see there is him looking up his exes, his one-timers and just random girls with big boobs, nearly every day....
Tl;Dr: My dad has been really difficult to maintain any sort of relationship with, especially in the past few months or so. He doesn't seem to respect me at all, as far as I can tell we don't have any common interests anymore and I'm feeling really conflicted and angry over something he said on social media. It's to the point where I don't even want to talk to him. Any ...
My boyfriend has a tendency to be "possessive" in the sense that he sometimes can get a bit insecure if I don't text him too much, etc. including when I spend some time with my grown kids. He now says if we live together he would not be that way because he would feel more secure. Should I believe him? I don't think he is lying to me but it seems weird that he cannot feel just...
My (53F) boyfriend (49M) came to me this weekend, angry, and said he feels like I am hiding things. When I inquired why, he said he "just felt that way". I asked him what he thinks I am hiding, but he did not have an answer, just repeated "It is a feeling". For reference, we both work from home all day. We take every break together and neither of us leaves for lunch. In t...
A guy and my self have known each other and our families for years. Literally since I was in dipers (he's a few years older than me). But a few years ago (both over 20years old) we started speaking to each other more and more and not just the basic "how's the family" thing, real deep conversations. When this all started we where living in different countries on different sides ...
I have a friend that I became super close with over the last two years. We were both there for each other when we needed someone. I consider her to be my best friend. But unfortunately, a couple of months ago she lost a family member suddenly. I tried my best to be there for her and always offered my support through messages. I felt that I did not want to be pushy and just show up when she has ...
I’m concerned my partner is narcissistic or has narcissistic traits. I’ve been with my partner for eight years and we’ve nearly broken up four times. It’s generally over how controlling he can be. There’s not much room for my own opinion and he crosses over boundaries and quite often shows no respect for me. He’s a very obsessive person. Everything has to be how he wants it. Nothing ca...
I am 36 years old, male and never had a relationship. I tried various dating apps never get any matches. I also have few friends who live miles away and I rarely see. I also have vitiligo that has affected my confidence. I really want to settle down and get married but feel it is too late for me....
I have never talked to her but have hangedout with her group 1 time. That time i think i herd she asked her friend who i was and i felt her looking at me until i left the place. Now 2-3 months later when i arrive to a event i see her glancing at me multiple times, she did the same when i was leaving the event aswell. It was at somewhat a distance so i couldnt see if she was smilling or not...
hi there i need some advice on what to do - last month, 21st of jul, i asked out my current gf. ive had a massive crush on her for a year, and we are eachothers bestfriend and everything, i talk to her everyday without fail, and we have had so many wonderful moments together. i had a lot of my friends hype up my crush on her, and i often flirted with her before our relationship started so it alway...
My husband doesn’t touch my vagina. He touches my breast and bum but not there. I feel it makes him sick that’s why he avoids it. He as looked at porn in the past and I don’t know if he still does and I feel he as seen all these women perfect all over and down there then he sees mine and it puts him off. I feel really ugly and my body isn’t perfect but neither is his. I’m 52 and I kn...
I cheated on my husband because I think he cheats on me. He went away for a few days, work thing. we had argued with me accusing him of cheating when away. He returned home and I stayed away in hotel I was fed up and wanted to get away. I had sex with a man I have been with in the past quite a few times. I used this man for sex as he dies with me. I returned home next day and he hadn’t slepted i...
I need to know the answer to some questions and they are to do with myself. The first one I want to know is, if your husband is with works on a night out and playing a game of skittles. If he as a woman he works with on his team and they do well, should he high five her if the game is going good. ? Should he not do this if he is married or is it ok and is it touching in a way or just a bit of b...
My husband had his prostrate removed six years ago. Sex as never been as it was but we had it regularly and I make the effort to please him. My husband as to use a pump device to get it working and I have to wait whilst he does this. I know he doesn’t like to use it and said he is not a real man anymore. He says he wished he didn’t have the operation and should of got a second opinion. He as...
My husband who is 56 is a sales rep and stays away many times over the years. He went abroad 9 years ago to do training for the job now he is going back again for two days. He usually stays away at least five times in the year. I’ve never liked his job because it takes him away and also because I think he’s cheating on me. There as been trust issues with me finding dating sites on his phone...
I used to be a very confident person with my life put together. I got good grades, looked fit, and had a social life. It all changed after a series of bad romantic experiences which led me to develop an anxious attachment style and a low sense of self-worth; something that my current partner is aware of. Despite my baggage, my partner still fell for me due to our chemistry, as we are able to ha...
I'm a 20yr old female, my brother is a photographer in his late 20's who has been living with his best friend on the other side of town for 2yrs. Let's call my brother John and his best friend, Steve. Steve has apparently had a crush on me since he found candid pictures of me on the new camera my brother had helped him buy. That was in the beginning of their friendship 3yrs ago. ...
Hey! Its my first time using this. I'm here because I'm desperate and need advice to sort out my life. F24 So, there's that guy who I've been meeting up for almost a year now. I know he's not serious about me and I'm just an option for him and in the starting it was all just for fun I was bored with my life and he was the cold hearted guy the shy one introverted wi...
Hey there,m I'm struggling today. Im a professional singer and have gigged for over 30 years. My Partner and I met over covid when I wasnt gigging at all but then a year later my gigs returned and I work most fridays and saturdays in a wedding band and I also gig solo. My partner has trust issues and has always found my job hard to handle and so I said he can come to my solo gigs any time he ...
“I’m 26 years old and stuck in a very enmeshed relationship with my toxic mother. I’m miserable but I am afraid it is largely my own fault. I’m struggling to make sense of everything and feel very conflicted and confused. I am a 26-year-old female, but I live with my mother as an adult, due to screwing up and being immature and lazy in the past. I’m trying to make up for my failure at...
Hi, I am in a long term toxic relationship with a women and I can't deal with the negative things she keeps throwing at me. What ever goes on with her I am the one who gets blamed. She accusses me of stuff that's not true and when she talks to me she repeats herself alot of times Constantly repeating. There is a load more too but I'll be writing this for hours if I put it down. We h...
Hello! This forum has been amazing. There was a time (last year), when I was ready to give up on life. But, after posting here and getting replies from so many wonderful people, I have managed to make it till here. I truly hope that those people get all the happiness in life. And, I really thank the people who have created this forum. I will reshare my story briefly and then explain the curren...
I have been casually seeing this guy for a year. We are friends with benefits I saw him a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes we go months without seeing each other. When I was there he was telling me about the things that were going on with him. We talked about what we both like in relationships. He spoke to me about what happened between him and his ex-wife which happened years ago. He told me tha...
I M21 have a girlfriend F23 long distance in China but met in the uk, I'm in the UK, for just over a year. I, 5 months ago met someone out of the blue and she is F16 which ik sounds concerning, but is both legal here and in the US where she resides, she is far more mature than her age, and we have her parents full approval. She is everything I've wanted in a relationship. I met her o...
I have been helping a man that works for my sister. he is a tree cutter, carpenter, electrician and plumber. He is very nice to me and it does not bother him that I am gay. He does not have a family anymore. He told me he is attached to me and loves me like a bother. I have told him I feel more than that for him. I never thought I would feel this way about him but yes I am in love with him. I hav...
Can someone please explain to me, because I am very confused at this point. Why would a guy who is in a relationship look at pictures of other girls to "get off"? We have a regular sex life, but there are times when we are not together during the day, so he does it himself. It's not even porn (though sometimes that too), just Facebook pictures of other girls. There's one in...
Over the last 3 years my BF has been caught flirting with a girl from the next town over, he went to school with her, on social media under an alias when I confronted him about it he says "so? I like to look at slutty girls on the internet" what bothered me is she is obtainable, her kid goes to the same school as his, he had scream shots of her dressed up in none revealing clothes, and h...
Me and my boyfriend split up almost 3 weeks ago he claims he is inlove with a girl he meet about 2 months ago.... Me and him were together for about a year and half.... He says he loves me but is inlove with this girl... She is married and left her husband by the way.... They (my ex and her) would hang out all day while I was at work and her husband was at work.... Me and him would argue everyday...
Found her dirty lingerie, which I’ve never seen before. Someone at another chat site suggested looking for more, and I found 50+ pieces of unfamiliar lingerie, most showed heavy use. She has lots of older lingerie she wore for me. But this stuff is newer. When I asked her about them, she states she bought it but didn’t wear most of them. And refused to discuss it further! Stating I forgot h...
Some background info on this situation. I live an hour outside of the city and my Girlfriend (43) lives in the city. My GF and I have been best friends for 12 years and started dating 6 years ago. After the first year of dating My GF and her kids moved out to the country to live with me. A year ago I felt it was best if she moved back into the city because of various relationship problems we had. ...
18M here. I have a complicated relationship with one of my friends, We are in that friend/crush area of a relationship. Its been 2 years since we met, and since then there hasn't been a day that we havn't talked to eachother. We would have 3 to 4 hour long converstions over text every day.In a sense she is my closest friend. In the beginning stages she did hint some interest towards me, ...
After 22 years of marriage my marriage with my ex broke sadly down. During lockdown my ex became a bit of an online chatroom addict discussing dance music and nite clubbing. When I discussed with her that she was ignoring the whole family and our relationship she stopped for a while but then slowly it all sneaked back in. She once asked me if it'd be OK for her to meet up with the group t...
So I’m due to get married in just little over a month. On Saturday I had a huge argument with my partner and told her the wedding was off. After a few hours we decided that I would take some time away to think things over. It’s been a few days now and I still don’t know what I should do. I guess I should start from the beginning. We have been together for a little over 3 & ...
Okay so I have been with my girlfriend for just about 7 years now, there have been many issues regarding trust on both sides of the relationship but none of them to my knowledge are involving cheating. I do not drive myself due to a few reasons so she will be the one who runs errands and what not in exchange I offer her more things and treat her to stuff to show her that I am appreciative of h...
My partner and I split up 6 months ago because I had some underlying issues that I wasn't aware of and for her she had to draw a line in the sand. The first 4 months were awful for both of us as neither of us had done something terrible but for her, she felt it was best that we went our own ways. We both clearly missed our best friend though. Over the last 6-8 weeks we have spoke almost da...
am so confused and hurt. I (F) 38 am married to (M) 43 for 16 years now. A few weeks ago he asked for a divorce because I was trying to have a discussion about how unhappy I am. I have been a stay at home mom for 16 years I have gotten part time jobs in the past but kids would get sick or needed Dr appointment and he talked me into quitting because it made more financial sense. However, I am compl...
Hi, I’m new to this site but I felt like I needed some advice from people with more life experience than me. I am/was in a friend group of six people. Unexpectedly, a member of the group left our shared group chat and unfollowed me on all social media. I am the least closest to this member for reasons I will disclose later on. I reached out to a member in our group and asked if I had done any...
Hello, I am newbie here. My situation is I have dated and , we lived together. Most of all he cared and love my child too. He was married before but the woman w/ out legal documents in the U.S. According to him she left and go back to her country due to family emergency but she cannot comeback to the US for so many reasons theirs a time period against U.SCIS towards her. That was the rea...
Okay, I know that guys (and girls) watch p**n from time to time, but why why would a guy who's in a relationship look up profiles of hot girls (including the ones he knows) to "get off" when he's alone? He keeps saying that doesn't impact our relationship, and yet I feel jealous, angry and helpless. The fact that those are profiles of local girls and even the ones he has m...
Hi guys! I’m so stuck with what to do right now. I ended our 2 year relationship, in the heat of the moment during a disagreement. Instantly regretted it and have tried to apologise in several ways - this happened 7 weeks ago. I’m 32 and he’s 31, so for us this was a serious relationship with plans of having children etc. I haven’t seen my ex in person since, and he has said he is heartbro...
I have recently been making an active effort to see an old group of friends from school a lot more, we're now in our 30s. When meeting up with this group, I have found myself drawn to one particular old friend who I have known since we were 5. When we were 16, we were both incredibly lonely and to some extent became each other's entire support network. I know now that I was horri...
Hi everybody, I'm a college student in my senior year, and I had a crush on a girl in my class last March. It all started when I saw her soaking wet on a rainy day—and so do I. I talked to her that day about some sort of experiment we had to do outside, and that's why we got wet. Anyway, I remember gazing at her eyes that day and her wet hair, and I liked the way she talked; she see...
Last week I met up at a club with my coworker/friend M, her friends and her boyfriend who I've never met. We all had quite a lot to drink but nobody was overly drunk. When I arrived the others were already there and M told me she was fighting with her bf and they might be breaking up. She was very upset by this. They have been together for 4 years and she told me she thinks he's the ...
My husband is a sales rep and stays away a few times a year. he stayed away two weeks ago for the night due to work and he did not tell me until 11pm at night that he had to stay away the next day. he said he didn't tell me because of how I am and because I accuse him of cheating. I have trust issues with him from awhile back after finding date sites on his phone, he denied he was on them. no...
My topic put forth is that how can we find the best kind of distraction that would be the most meaningful for us?...
I’m deeply in love with my best friend. The problem is, we’re both married, and to make it even more complicated, we’re both women. Sometimes I think she feels the same way, sometimes I think she doesn’t. She’s always on my mind. Our hugs are extra long, there sometimes is this awkwardness in the air, and she’s held my hand a couple of times. We have great chemistry. Lately I have ...
I have a long distance relationship and it’s very important to have contact with my boyfriend obviously, but I don’t feel like my boyfriend puts any effort in communicating and it’s just very hard for me, because I feel very lonely and it makes me think if it’s even worth it … He said we will not be able see each other for 4+ months because he will have to go to different country to...
I was accusing my husband of being onto someone on his phone. He told me he was playing games on it and I heard the sound on his phone from the game but then it would go quiet. He said that’s what it does. I was in the bathroom whilst he was on it. He denies he’s cheating and onto someone and we slepted apart. The next day he was saying I don’t give a shit about him and what I done. He went ...
This post is gonna be long but I really need a 3rd perspective. I (23F) and boyfriend (21M) have been dating on and off for 4/5 years now. We broke up for a year due to long distance but right now we are at the same place. We've known each other through mutual friends. He have had 2 relationship (when he was 14-15years old, longest being a year,nothing serious). We have the same ethnicity but...
Am I wrong for constantly being and feeling angry ?! I've been dealing with this guy for almost 4 years he has a daughter and so do I but I've had an ectopic pregnancy and he left me high and dry and I've also had a pregnancy after which he kept bothering me while I was high risk telling me having a baby wasn't a good idea so I got so tired of him complaining and telling me ho...
My name is Ron, im 27 years old. Me and my girlfriend just broke up after 8 years, we got together when we were 19. The road was always filled with love, honesty and carring, but it was also filled with confusion and few break ups. Every 1/2 years we would get in a rough patch, break up, and then get back after few weeks, but now its different. I moved away from our shared apartment to a new o...
If I haven't talked to my sister in almost 6 months because of a sexual text message she sent my boyfriend should it be okay for the 2 of them to still call, text he would lie to me about it or not tell me. He even stayed at her house 3 separate times for a week at a time not answer his phone or call me. All because he needed to finish installing her stereo system. He says he started it and h...
My sister ( I'll call her Sue), who is almost 19, has been causing some serious issues in both her life and my mom's for years now. She's been sleeping around since she was 12 with random dudes and she's been doing drugs for years. my mom only knows the bits and pieces that get slipped to her because Sue needs money, help, or gets in trouble with school/cops. She's a habit...
31- F 33 - M 6 Years together... I need advice. I am not sure what to do I need some advice please.... I am working to help my boyfriend with bills but.... I am in constant agony with my feet! I am depressed & not wanting to work cause I'm dreading being in pain I feel like I'm walking on pins & needles 4 hrs into my shift... I want to not work until I get my feet fixed but...
My husband had his prostrate removed six years ago. He as to use a pump or inject himself to get it going. It’s not like it used to be where he used to just come home and we could have it there and then and he would be turned on by being close to me. Now it’s all changed and I’ve accepted how it is and put up with it. The other night he was touching me all over but not once did he say he w...
So my partner for 3 yrs we share a baby and live together,I requested to follow him on Instagram and he ignores my request. Tells me he don't use Instagram anymore so I obviously see that he accepts other Instagram users including female coworkers you can see his number goes up but still denied using Instagram. Sounds stupid and childish but how would you handle this? I stopped requesting him...
Social media has become a ubiquitous part of our lives, and it has undoubtedly changed the way we interact with each other. While it can connect us to others and keep us informed about what's happening in the world, it can also have a negative impact on our relationships. In this forum topic, we invite you to share your thoughts and experiences about the impact of social media on relations...
This is going to be very long and very detailed.. I’m an Australian guy in my 30’s now and in the Australian summer of 2018 I met a Spanish girl, let’s call her Rachel (also in her 30’s now). Rachel and I spent a lot of time together, enjoyed each others company and after about 6 weeks, we officially became a couple. We fell in love fast, we travelled in a van in Australia together for ...
So I've been in a relationship with my partner for 3 years we have a one year old together and I have two other children of my own we live with his parents and support them I pay half the bills and he pays half. I need advice on how long I should wait to start getting my own home he keeps saying we will get a house but I don't think he wants to leave his parents. He treats all my kids go...
my boyfriend (23M) and i (21F) have been together for 4 years now. i am currently in my last year of my studies, he has graduated and is currently working for his father. for about a year now we have been living together in his apartment, which was a gift to him by his father. things are just OK between us–i won’t lie and say that our relationship is perfect, because it isn’t, and there have...
My husband says he should love me more. I wondered why he said this and worried he said it cos he takes me for granted and might of cheated on me. I’ve dressed up, suggest sex often and try to keep him happy even after his prostrate removal five years ago. He said he meant he loves me so much. I don’t know what to think. I know he loves me but I’ve had trust worries about him and trying to...
Went down stairs saw my husband on his laptop. He was supposedly be doing stuff to print off for our holiday. He turned his head my way when he saw me coming and I just felt like he was hiding something from me. I accused him of being onto someone and cheating on me. This accusation as come from finding dating sites and porn on his phone in the past. He said to check his laptop but I said he wo...
or at work that are interested in them but I never do. It frustrates me that it could be my looks because of this....
Once again I am at a crossroad, decades ago when I was dating I have met those one in a million who are able to take my hart and make it feel, but in chasing that love I have tumbled and fell. Got back up and did it all again. Yes, I take time to heal. I have done this a million times. I met someone who is amazing, for the last decade she has taken care of me like the lost puppy I am, cos that ...
I’ve known and liked this guy for over a year now, we both share the same feelings etc etc but I knew I’m not ready to go into that sort of thing. People I’ve known are now starting to pair us together, and I’m starting to get uncomfortable because of it. Because of that, now I feel like I might have lost feelings towards him. Should I just tell him I lost feelings or not?...
Visiting daughter and son in law out of state with boyfriend of 18 months and it hasn’t gone as smoothly as it should. My boyfriend feels slighted by my daughter and says she barely talks to him and monopolizes me. I don’t agree with this entirely and only see my daughter a few times a year. My son in law has spent time with my bf and all 4 of us have too. my daughter says she and my son in...
I met a man via a friend (his sister) about 27 years ago. After being friends and becoming very close, he and I began dating. After much time we decided to get married. The relationship & engagement were never a problem to anyone. As soon as we set a date, his sister became very hostile. Not only did she try and turn his family against me, she tried to convince her brother I was a serial cheat...
I feel like a teenager again but sometimes we just need a none biased opinion. I've been with my boyfriend for 2.5 years, we very rarely argue and things are good generally! There are just some things that are bothering me, we see each other every weekend I travel to his and stay with him and its 2 hours from where I live. His place is pretty dirty, we've spoken about it a couple of ...
Hi everyone, this is the first time I've put something on a site like this, so forgive me if I don't know how it works. For some context, I'm a 17 year old guy who is graduating from high school. I'm someone who struggles a lot with social interaction, partially because of the fact that I'm autistic. However, I really want to make friends and hopefully one day have someone...
but I don't. Like family. Co workers. Customers.Friends. My sisters friends. Their parents....
My wife and I have been together for a long time. Sex was always OK but over time has waned and now we don't really have sex at all (once in 2022 if I recall correctly, nothing so far this year. For a long time sex has felt like something my wife let's me do to her rather than a joint enterprise and this does not work for me. I'm someone who absolutely needs to feel wanted and de...
My boyfriend was upfront about his bisexuality from the start. He says he is only interested in a relationship with a woman and sex with men is due to his childhood abuse. He was so upfront and seemed to understand himself I was really impressed. He was in therapy for years and said he has not been with men for about 5 years now and doesn't "need" to have sex with men but still find...
A guy I had a date (one date) with 10 years ago got in touch with me, out of the blue, via social media 8 months ago. I was the one on our date 10 years ago that thanked him for our date (just drinks) and said I didn't want to date him, he was accepting of that and we went our separate ways. He was the first date I'd had after my break up from my partner of several years. I realised on m...
Hello all, I've been in a relationship with the love of my life for nearly 2 years. They have my heart, complete me and are just the perfect person for me. However, I have developed a bizarre crush on someone else. I would never pursue anything, but I do fantasise and find myself thinking about this crush more than I should. I have never been in a committed relationship for as long as I h...
So, let me begin by saying that generally, our relationship seems (on my end) quite solid, we live together and have been married for almost a year. we have known each other for nearly 10 years. I work full time to support us both, she mostly stays at home but sometimes works for an hour or so a day in a cleaning role, we share the responsibility for cleaning and cooking at home. We are both...
So I have a friend and now a roommate who gave birth to a girl a couple years ago. Now my roommate is an alcoholic and boy crazy. She dates guys for a few weeks and then she gets drunk then ends up getting broken up with. When she’s drinking, she becomes the absolute worst person saying a bunch of crap about how the other person did something or something happened. Whenever she goes on binges, s...
I need advice. I have been married for two years now (we got married for health insurance benefits). I have been with him for 5 1/2 years since I was 19 and we have both helped each other through hard stuff. We have a 3 year old together and he is literally my best friend. I stay at home and watch our kid while he works. But lately I have been feeling like he loves me more than I love him. An...
I'm 40yo male and am coming up on 1 year of sobriety. I'm realizing when I left the drug scene I left more then just drugs behind. I had been using drugs full time for my entire adult life since I was 15 really. I was thrown out of the house I grew up in at 16 and left to fend for myself. I don't blame my parents for doing it they were at there breaking point. I had put them thro...
I have a wonderful boyfriend of many years and a wonderful son whos 26 and has a 2 year old baby and a wife. My son was raised since the age of 5 with his dad on the other side of the country and the last few years he has been in the navy so he has now move d only about three hours from me. every other weekend I drive up to babysit my grandbaby while they are working. we have taken time off for...
so we have been together for over two months (roughly about two months and two weeks) and after the first month I started to notice strange things which didn't make any sense to me. since the relationship started (which i must point out she started it all off by asking for my number and also when i asked her "so what are we doing what are we" to her replying "i would like to th...
My husband had his prostrate removed 5 years ago. Sex as changed a lot as I no longer feel him in me. He as to use a pump device to get it ready for sex which can take about 10 minutes when he gets on me. I’m normally on top of him when he doesn’t use his device and I can only feel abit when he comes otherwise I feel nothing. I don’t get much pleasure at all. I can only get a orgasm when ...
I’m so unhappy in my relationship and have fell out of love, Iv felt this way for along time and I just can’t act on it. I hate confrontation Iv been close to speaking up but I always back down and think just keep trying it might come back but it’s really not what I want. Iv looked up advice online but I just can’t seem to follow through with it I’m so scared because I know it’s gon...
So like the title states , my husband and I have been married for 1.5 years and he is putting me thought it . He does rideshare for a living so he makes around 1000-1500 a week as a UBER driver . I work two jobs as a analyst and Help desk tech so I do make more money than him but I feel like I’m carrying on the financial burden of the marriage . I buy all the Groceries , toiletries , intern...
I am 30 m my wife 30 f had an affair 4 years a go we also have 3 kids together since 17. I have got over the thought of her cheating.My issue is now when we have sex I compare to the cheating was like. Examples Our sex life has always been rocky. She would complain it hurt or she was not into it for years. 4 years a go I read emails between my wife and her bf in the messages from my wife who told ...
Right now I am a single mom living on disability and working part time. I don't have my license and don't have help practicing to drive and I am not sure I can get my license on my own. I live in a small town in Saskatchewan with not many opportunities. I live in rent geared to income housing for now but when my daughter is older we will have to leave. My main fear is that I won'...
Hi. I have been dating the same lady for 5 years and before proposing to her but one little thing still exists in the back of my mind. A few years ago I had a colleague/friend who was a real womanizer and seemed to sleep with so many peoples wives. He had his own wife but openly cheated. He always managed to get everyone''s girlfriends/wives phone number and he was a total nigh...
Bit of a big story hopefully this will make sense Guy I’m talking about is my ex was with him for about a month originally went out with him as his mum and mine are good friends and met through them, I’m a shy person so can take a minute to warm up to someone, and having no friends and no social life I can be a bit awkward but once I get to know you I can be myself he expected me t...
Hi, I am a 47 year woman married for 27 years. My husband is a good man, but an extremely busy one. Im a reasonably good looking woman, people often mistake me for a woman in her thirties. I have a daughter who is abroad working. I am a professor myself but quit my job once I turned 45. Presently I teach kids for free from home. I stay in Chennia, India. My husband travels very frequently to J...
*PLEASE HELP ME* I’m halfway through high school and my main group of friends have become really different. They’ve started to gossip lots (which I end up getting roped into but I hate it) and they keep sharing all my secrets. Recently, I confided in one of my friends and told her that I liked this boy. I made it VERY clear that this was NOT to be shared. The next day at school, over ...
So lately all I've been thinking about in this 2 weeks is past issues especially involving my sister (twin). Years ago i regrettably was seeing this guy (only lasted 5 weeks). well my sister got involved she kept feeding this guy info about me sleeping with other guys,! which i really wasn't except once when we were taking a break, so my sister upon messaging him was suddenly making her ...
I used to talk to someone I used to work with over a year ago. I had actually matched with them through Facebook Dating. Ended up getting her number and we talked a bit more, to the point where we discovered at least some stuff we have in common. I stopped talking to her about a year ago out of fear of rejection (I have depression). I just felt like if things continued that something would go wron...
I have been with my partner 5 years we are expecting our first child together and we both have children from previous partners. At the moment we both are happy about the baby and we seem to be bonded because of that. But apart from that I sometimes wonder if he goes out of he actually seeing someone else We are hardly intimate anymore and worry he will do something. At the same time to escape...
Just been dumped by girlfriend, now she is saying I am irrational and never wants to see or speak to me again. She is the one who monkey branched back to her ex 3 days after we broke up yet it feels like I am in the wrong, is this just her way to make the break my fault ...
We were dating for 1 year and 4 months me (26M) my ex (23F), 1 month ago she broke up with me. I tried to find out why, she just stated that ist happy anymore and is uncertain of what shes feeling she said. I only regret the 4 mistakes that I’ve done in this time of relationship: 1. First mistake was I didnt introduce her to my friends. Which raised kinda a red flag for her. But there i...
I just need to let this out. So I've been hit the fourth time about a day ago. I really don't want to stay with him but I have to at the moment since we're both financially unstable and need a place to stay. I'm actively looking for something stable so I can be out ASAP. early this year I caught him sending his ex some cash so they could meet up. That didn't sit right...
Hello Everyone My boyfriend and I are together for 5 years. We had met through my mom, he was interested in me and approached my mom expressing his interest in me. At that time I was not interested in getting into a relationship due to college but I agreed to seeing him because my mom convinced me he is a good boy and serious. At the beginning he was very sweet, respectful and caring. Overtim...
Sorry for the wall of (con)text. A few years ago, I (25f) went to an overnight house party/campout with my best friend (27f) and her boyfriend (40m). We had been drinking heavily, and when I went to set up my own tent my best friend strongly insisted I just stay in theirs. She had me sleep between her and her boyfriend. I asked if she wanted to switch places, and she said no. So I'm trying ...
Before I begin,if you have read this, it's because I have posted this on another forum so I can get more feedback from it. Please be kind and think about the real people this is effecting. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Background, my friend Tulip F24 and I F19 met this year in cosmetology (cos) school. Became friends, met her family and her boyfriend (John M24). Eventually,...
It frustrates me that men never ask me out on dates?...
Hello, I have a great boyfriend. Kind , loving , patient , caring the list goes on! He loves me dearly and would do anything for me and we get on well. However, I still chat regularly to my ex boyfriends friend who I was and still am attracted to! He messages me still and charms and I just can’t resist him. I want the thrill and excitement and there is such sexual chemistry but I feel he jus...
i have a twin sister, which we were quite close (not anymore), we are with each other 24/7, we used to argue alot, now we barely do as we not in each other's space, but when we arguing she always calls me fake or tells me what i enjoy watching or focusing on is not me (me being fake) especially as it's things we've done together and she loves assigning things onto me (like what i &q...
I wish my father was dead. I'd rather have a dead one than a fucking toxic one that makes me the one who wants to die. He is evil in every aspect and I do not care if it was because of his childhood wherein he was given away to his aunt while his siblings stayed with their family. That is his fucking problem and trauma to deal with. And why the fuck make your own family only to trauma dump to...
I've met a very important person when I was in 10th grade, back in 2012. I was 15 years old. I fell really hard and quickly for her, she was probably my first real love. We started as very good friends and we very much enjoyed each other's company. It was awesome, the quemistry was great and I knew I was feeling something really special for her, since I not only found her physically at...
Hello, I am in a bit of a struggle since 3 weeks ago. I am married and have two kids. My husband’s family has always been a problem in our relationship. They have never liked me and well his mom has done and said hurtful things. It has really affected me and I have become very resentful. Especially towards my husband who never defended me. Now after 8 years together and two kids he has kinda...
I began this day very happy. Then my female partner got out of bed. Her demeanour same as every day. Sour & Dull. I decide to chat. Telling why I'm happy after my bad day yesterday. Somehow? I honestly can't say how. She got angry very quickly. Was it something I said? No it is everything I say. An argument escalated at lightening speed. I'm sitting...
Hi, my boyfriend and i are on a break. We started dating officially at the end of May but we started experiencing issues. I noticed he started pulling away from me, i was barely getting messages or calls from him. I would barely see him maybe twice a month. There was no other women involved. It felt like he was taking me for granted. After giving him a couple chances to fix it, i just got tired an...
I have been in a relationship for 15 years, not married and had a child together pretty early. This is not a relationship I would had normally went for, I was on drugs pretty bad back then and making a lot of bad decisions. Never the less I always loved him, Even with addictions he did well taking care of us, he is a hard working man. Over the years I have gone to treatment and completely changed ...
Hi, I'm 65. I'm divorced but still spend time with my ex regularly because we have a son with health issues. I don't really feel much for him but we get along and are sometimes intimate. Recently, my first boyfriend, 67, from my late teens/early twenties contacted me on Facebook. He rang me a few times and we spent ages talking, as if we'd never been apart. He had loved m...
I was homeschooled my whole life. So I never got the chance to make connections in high school and college like most do. I literally have 0 friends. I can’t think of one person I could call to talk to or hang out with. When I try to make connections, I’m always putting forth all the effort and getting no indication I’m actually wanted around by anyone. Just a really crappy feeling and it’s...
I work for a large company , a man in his late 50’s who has absolutely no obligation to do so or management responsibility towards me has been acting as a mentor for around a year started as a temporary thing but we have both agreed to continue it, to the point it just happens now. This started off innocently for me and over time I have developed some really deep feelings towards him. He ...
My Sister & I simply can't get along:( She is 57 & I'm 54 years & this will sound childish. Sorry. So much over the years I feel I've endured from her. Cheating on her husband with married men, promiscuity & flirting with strangers, AA, Lying/Exaggerating/Story telling. All men want her. Acting Holier than thou. Boho/Wild Spirit Woman/Love & Light/Retreats....
Myself and my fiance are getting married next year. We are paying for it all ourselves as my father passed away 20yrs ago and I don't speak to my mother. My partners family have already said they aren't putting any money towards it, they don't speak to me at all. We are doing it all on a very tight budget of less than £2000 but I know there are going to be members of hi...
Firstly please let me apologise for the length of this post. Sorry x.. I'm feeling really confused regarding a guy I'd been seeing.. We went on a date over several years ago and got on really well but we never went on a second date but friended one another on Facebook although never stayed in touch.. Fast forward to July this year and I received a message via Facebook from him sa...
On Monday, I'm going out with a girl I really like. We went out last year on a date, but nothing came of it because I was so smitten with her that I scared her off. Lesson learned. She has agreed to give me another chance. Any advice would be appreciated. And yes, I know I screwed up. What I'm looking for is encouragement....
I met here on FB. After 3 months I came to her to Kenya. We were dating for 3 months, she took me to the city where she raised, to introduce me to her family. Ive met her parents, grandma, siblinngs, cousins, aunts and uncles. We agreed to go to one place (mombasa) by a train and stay there for 5 days... So... We entered to train, I joined her little later, like 1-2 minutes coz Ive had bags. There...
Hi! My fiance and i broke up... Here comes the problem: We are have been engaged for a year and before that dated too and even before dating we are have been friends for 3 years. He always wanted to have kids and to build a family, so we are talked about having kids together, building our own little family. He is even bought baby shoes too. We are went abroad for a two week long work trip. S...
I've been married to my wife for 4 yours now. Things have always been near perfect before we got married, we never fought about anything, it was never necessary. After about 2 years we got married and things were still good. The problem started when we had our 1st child. My wife has asthma and hypertension so it was a high-risk pregnancy, but things went relatively smoothly. We were blesse...
When my friend from college met his wife, he became less available. I adapted, though it was difficult. I met a group of people from another town and got to know them well enough to stay over at theirs on nights out. I made individualised photo calendars for them over lockdown Christmas, they buy me birthday and Christmas presents and I buy them birthday and Christmas presents. Their Whatsapp grou...
My husband as been offered a sales job. The company is closer to home and he will still get paid the same amount of money. He as been looking for something that doesn’t involve long distance driving as he as done it for years. He is 56 years old. I’m worried he will meet someone new at his company and even thou we have been together 30 years married 26 and have 3 children together I feel i...
I'm married. Everything I do is wrong. Nothing I do for them is good enough. I have loved them beyond my personal self care or self love they can't see the sacrifices. I am always wrong. They never admit when they are wrong yet tell me they always admit when they are wrong. They say they are always blamed yet they are always blaming me. They go out of there way to make sure I go without ...
I've been with my partner for a year (F47 M50) I spend on average 3 nights a week at his. I'm spoilt rotten when I go there. When we're apart he messages and calls. Is constantly telling me he loves me, that I'm amazing, beautiful, sexy and clever, and that he's lucky to be with me. Sounds brilliant doesn't it? This is my problem. In the year we've been to...
My partner is the kindest man I've ever met, however, he shows all signs of having Autism and is on a waiting list. He is extrenely high functioning. He flips almost like he is bipolar from wanting a family and to grow together to not wanting anything at all. He gets upset and loses all feelings for me over the smallest thing as he said it causes him stress and he can't cope. He used to...
I haven’t cheated. I just flirt a lot. I’m trying to stop but should I tell him? I love him so much and I would never want to hurt him. Is telling him what I should do or should I just stop without telling him?...
So I've been friends with this man for a few years. We worked together, spent most of our time at work together, speak all day and night mostly everyday. The thing is he never invited me to spend time with him outside of work. He likes going out with his friends. He's not dating anyone but he won't offer to ever hang out and when I offer he has an excuse. I mentioned to a mu...
hi so umm, i want to preface this by saying i don't know much about relationships in general and absolutely nothing about age gap relationships. but essentially what has happened is that i met this guy (im too embarrassed to admit the means through which this occurred) and what started out as me asking for advice turned into staying up until 5am just talking. and he says things that he kn...